What Does It Mean When Your Left Hand or Palm Itches? Does It Mean Money Is Coming?

left hand itching meaning in money

Have you ever experienced an itchy left hand and wondered:

“What does it mean when your left hand itches?”

“Does it mean money is coming?”

“Should I buy a lottery ticket?”

You’re not alone.

From the Saxons in England to modern-day cultures around the world…

… Many people associate an itchy left palm with various superstitions and beliefs related to money.

This article will delve into the depths of these intriguing interpretations and shed light on the spiritual meanings behind this commonly experienced phenomenon.

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Ancient Origins of the Itchy Left Hand Superstitions

The belief in an itchy left palm’s significance traces its roots back to the Saxons, a Germanic tribe that established the first United Kingdom in the fifth century.

The Saxons used to rub silver on their skin as a remedy for topical diseases.

This belief then became the superstition that an itchy hand is a sign that money is coming in your way, or as they termed it, “coming into some silver.”

But the thing is:

Saxons was not the only culture that carried similar superstitions for an itchy left hand.


Would it actually mean SOMETHING when our left hand itch?

Itchy Left Hand Superstitions Across Cultures

Over time, the itchy left hand superstition has permeated numerous cultures, each adding its unique interpretation.

Most western cultures generally associate an itchy left palm with financial fortune.

The person will soon experience a windfall or receive unexpected money.


… According to Chinese I Ching, an itchy left palm is often seen as a sign of good luck in money and career.

While right palm itching is generally associated with bad omen.

On the contrary

… In Indian and Hindu cultures, an itchy left palm in men symbolizes prospective material gains or wealth.

Conversely, women experiencing the same phenomenon are considered fortunate, signaling financial prosperity.

And last but not least

… according to the Hebrew Bible, an itchy left palm could mean you are about to spend some extra money or your income could drop.

So, if you try to predict your luck with your itchy hands, you need to consider if these superstitions from different cultures are relevant to your beliefs.

Afterall, you attract what you are, aka, what you believe.



Left Hand Itching: Differing Meanings for Males and Females

Like we mentioned above, the meaning of an itchy left hand can vary based on gender in certain cultures.

Left Hand Itching – Females Meaning

In the Hindu religion and astrology, an itchy left hand in women is seen as a harbinger of good fortune and financial gain.

This belief is also prevalent in some cultures, where it is thought that an itchy left palm could signify an imminent windfall or financial prosperity for women.

Left Hand Itching – Males Meaning

Conversely, if a male experiences an itchy left palm, certain cultural beliefs suggest potential financial loss in the future.

This could be due to unforeseen expenses or a decrease in income.

Therefore, men with an itchy left palm are often advised to be cautious with their finances.

Spiritual Meanings of an Itchy Left Hand

Apart from cultural interpretations, an itchy left hand or palm can also hold spiritual connotations.

In many spiritual beliefs, our hands represent how we interact with the world and the energies around us.

Here’s the thing:

Our palms are actually connected to our Heart Chakra.

(You can always sense energy/Qi tickling in your palms when you’re in a deep meditation.)

When your left hand itches, it can be an indication that you are tapping into your inner power.

This could mean that you are on the cusp of a spiritual journey, or you should open your heart to new possibilities.


If you’re feeling a persistent itch in your left hand, it is time to contemplate, meditate, or even journal.

This helps you understand and interpret the spiritual messages that the universe is sending your way.



Left Hand Itching Meaning In Money

Many people have this question in mind when it comes to money:

“Which hand itching is lucky for money?”

One of the most widespread beliefs associated with an itchy left palm involves the prospect of monetary gain.

When your left palm itches, it means financial prosperity is on the horizon.


… It’s essential to note that the amount of money you could receive is not specified in this superstition.

It could range from finding a coin on the street to winning a significant amount in a lottery.

But still, you can expect an ‘unexpected’ amount of money to come very soon.

If you want to manifest a specific amount of money, I’d recommend you to learn the ways of money manifestation properly.

Does Left Hand Itching Indicate a Lottery Win?

Since it represents an unexpected amount of money when your left hand itches…

… Some people believe it is worth a shot to buy a lottery ticket.

You never know if it is a home run.

Here are a few interesting stories that might interest you:

  1. $64 Million Jackpot:
    • A 73-yo Brooklyn grandmother, Mary Shammas, bought a lottery ticket after her left hand started itching on the bus, reminding her of the superstition that an itchy left hand means money is coming. A few days later, the itching happened again and she checked her ticket, realizing she had won the $64 million jackpot.
  2. $50,000 Scratch-off Ticket:
    • A Baltimore woman and her daughters all had itchy hands on the same day, which they believed signaled impending luck. The daughter gave the woman money to buy lottery tickets, and she ended up winning $50,000 from a scratch-off ticket.
  3. $60 Million Jackpot:
    • A Canadian woman named Mary Wernicke woke up with an itchy left hand the day she checked her lottery ticket numbers. Believing the itch signified money coming based on the superstition, she checked her ticket and discovered she had won a record $60 million jackpot.
  4. $2 Million Jackpot:
    • A Flint, Michigan woman’s hand had been itching for a month, which she believed meant she’d come into money based on the superstition. She started playing Mega Millions regularly and ended up winning a $2 million jackpot.
  5. €250,000 Lottery Price:
    • A Dublin man felt like something good would happen before he won a 250,000 euro lottery prize. He attributed the premonition to having an itchy hand earlier, which reminded him of the money superstition.
  6. $100,000 Scratch-off Ticket:
    • A North Carolina woman’s hand was itching, so she bought lottery tickets based on the money superstition. She ended up winning a $100,000 prize from a scratch-off ticket she bought because of her itchy hand.


While there’s no scientific evidence to back up this claim, these stories serve to reinforce the superstition in many people’s minds.

However, it’s crucial to approach such beliefs with a healthy dose of skepticism and not let them influence financial decisions unduly.



Exploring Itchy Left Palm Meanings in Different Areas

The sensation of an itchy left hand isn’t always the same.

Sometimes, the itch might be localized to a specific area of the hand.

Each of these localized itches carries a distinct spiritual meaning.

left palm itching meaning

1. Itchy Tip of the Left Thumb

An itch at the tip of your left thumb is a sign that you will have some small extra bits of income coming your way.

It could also signify that your spiritual energies are more active than usual.

This could be a signal that your angels are trying to contact you, or you might feel a desire to connect to your spiritual side.

2. Itchy Middle of the Left Thumb

Itching in the middle of your left thumb could mean you will have a notable increase in cash flow.

It’s a sign that you will have a new and unexpected source of income.

It also indicates a strong connection to your intuition.

This is a reminder that you need to pay closer attention to your gut feelings and instincts.



3. Itchy Bottom of the Left Thumb

No matter whether it is your debt or money that you have lended to someone…

… If you experience an itch at the bottom of your left thumb, it will all be settled soon.

On the other hand, it could also mean that you need to improve communication.

It suggests that someone is trying to reach out to you, and you need to be more receptive.

4. Itchy Middle Finger

An itch in the middle finger can be interpreted as having satisfaction with money management.

Things are in a good spot.

If you have put your money in work as an investment or business, you will soon see the positive result of it.

It will bring more financial stability and calmness into your life.

5. Itchy Left Palm Near the Pinky Finger

If the itch is located near your pinky finger, it could mean some of your regular expenses will be reduced.

That also means you will have more and a steady flow of net income.

Meanwhile, it also indicates heightened emotional energy related to relationships, intimacies, and creativity.

This signifies the blossoming of a new relationship or the emergence of new emotions in an existing one.

6. Itchy Center of the Left Hand

An itch in the center of your left hand suggests that you’re feeling stressed and stagnant.

In such cases, moving around or spending time outdoors will provide relief.



7. Itchy Left Wrist

An itch in your left wrist usually means you will receive monetary gifts from unexpected sources.

It could be an unexpected tax refund, winning a cash price from a draw you didn’t remember or just money gifted from a relative you have never met…

It’s just effortless.

All you need to do is to expect it to come.

8. Both Palms Itching

When both of your palms itch…


It indicates that there will be an overall increase in your wealth and prosperity.

And it is a good sign that you have a balance between your income and expenses.

Medical Conditions That Can Cause Itchy Palms

While an itchy left palm can hold various cultural and spiritual meanings, it could also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

Some common medical causes of itchy palms include dry skin, chemical irritation, allergic reactions, psoriasis, eczema, and diabetes.

If your left hand is persistently itchy, especially if accompanied by a rash, it’s advisable to consult a qualified medical professional to rule out any potential health issues.

Remedies for Itchy Left Palm

Apart from medical treatments for underlying conditions, there are some superstition-based remedies for an itchy left palm.

One popular remedy involves scratching the itch on wood, which is a way to preserve the good luck associated with an itchy left palm.



Final Thoughts

Ultimately, whether you associate an itchy left hand with impending fortune, an upcoming life change, or a simple skin irritation…

… it’s fascinating to explore the myriad interpretations that different cultures and belief systems have developed over centuries.

So, the next time your left hand itches, who knows?

Maybe good luck is just around the corner!

Spiritual Meaning of Other Symptoms:

Left Ear Ringing
Right Ear Ringing
Left / Right Ear Burning
Itchy Left/Right Ear
Thumb Itching

