11 Best Manifestation Methods To Manifest Anything You Want (With Examples)

manifestation methods

Manifestation Methods are specific techniques and practices that can be used to help manifest our desires using the Law of Attraction.

It is usually the very first thing we concern about when we look into Manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

It makes total sense.

Everyone wants results.

In this article, we have selected these 11 best manifestation methods with examples that are the most effective with the fastest results.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Content:



What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is a process in which you use your thoughts and emotions to make something happen in your life.

The truth is…

What is happening around you, your relationship, your financial situation or your life situation….

… all are the outcomes of your own manifestation.

This is why so many people are looking for ways and methods to alter their reality and manifest what they truly want.

The bottom line?

If you know how to use manifestation methods to manifest what you want deliberately, you have full control of your life.

What is the Role of the Law of Attraction in the Manifestation Process?

The Law of Attraction, one of the 12 universal laws, promotes the idea that we can manifest what we desire by focusing our thoughts and emotions deliberately.

It is a mechanism between thoughts and emotions which guide us to manifest things that we desire, e.g. Money, Love, Health…etc

Simply put…

It’s a philosophy of thinking and living which helps the manifestation of things that we want in our life.

And when it comes to manifestation, the Law of Attraction is not the only thing that facilitates the process.

Other Universal Laws like the Law of Vibration also play an important role in manifestation.



How to Use Different Manifestation Methods to Start Manifesting?

Manifestation methods are ways that we use based on the Universal Laws to aid the process of making things happen in your life.

The general idea is to align your thoughts and emotions with what you want.

Once you are aligned, you will be inspired to take the most effective action (aka. inspired action) in the easiest path to achieve your goals and desires faster.


For those who are not familiar with the Law of Attraction(or don’t believe in it), you can consider it as your subconscious mind.

Since our conscious mind only uses less than 5% of our brain, you can reach your full potential by learning how to harness your subconscious mind. 

And you can consider these methods are ways we use to nurture our subconscious mind to manifest what we want.

Fair enough?

11 Powerful Manifestation Methods & Examples for the Fastest Result

1. Manifestation Journal

A manifestation journal is a notebook where you write down your dreams, goals, and desires.

It is a method that uses the Law of Attraction to attract things into reality by focusing your desires, nurturing positive thoughts and inspiring you to take effective actions.

And, you can also incorporate different manifestation techniques to better help you to manifest anything you want in the way that suits you most. (I personally combine Affirmations and Gratitude Journaling with it.)

Here are the steps to start a manifestation journal.

  1. Know what you really want.
  2. Be clear on what you want to feel.
  3. Writing it in present tense.
  4. Visualize it happening when you write.
  5. Express your Gratitude to the Universe.



2. The 369 Method

The 369 method is an easy manifestation technique combining manifestation journaling and numerology.

You can simply write your goals, dreams or desires on a piece of paper or your journal 3, 6 and 9 times in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime respectively.

Here are the tips while you are using this method: 

  1. Write down your goal 3 times in the morning right after you wake up.
  2. Write down your goals 6 times in the afternoon in future tense.
  3. Write down your goals 9 times before you go to bed in a way that you have already achieved. Plus, a ‘Thank You’ to the Universe.

The 369 method is especially powerful when trying to manifesting abundance as number 6 and 9 are highly related to it.

3. Visualization

Visualization is a very well-known technique being used for manifestations and the Law of Attraction.

You can use it and practice it in your mind to imagine something you want to experience as if it is happening.

This technique has been widely used by top athletes, top-performers in sales, business owners, public speakers… and more!

In a nutshell…

… you visualize yourself to have what you want or to become the person you want to become.

In order to make the most out of your visualization process, here are the 5 steps I personally recommend to follow:

  1. Be clear on exactly what you want
  2. Write down your vision in detail
  3. Feel the good feeling while you are visualizing
  4. Take inspired actions
  5. Withdraw yourself from reality



4. Vision Board

A vision board is a visual collage of images and words that represent your goals and dreams.

It is very useful especially when you have multiple goals in every aspect of your life where you don’t have the resources or means to achieve them.

Generally a vision board involves collages of cut-out pictures from magazines, words, symbols, quotes, or affirmations that help inspire you to manifest your dreams and keep you on track on your life goals.

  1. Goals & Dreams to Achieve or Things You Want to Acquire
  2. Gather Your Pictures
  3. Make a Collage
  4. Use Affirmation or Inspirational Quotes to Strengthen the Feeling
  5. Put Your Vision Board at Where You Can See Everyday

5. Manifestation Affirmation

Manifestation Affirmations is a very effective manifestation method we can use to manifest what we want by saying them or writing them down in a journal regularly.

You can draft your own affirmations with what you desire, it can be a very simple yet powerful manifestation method. 

It also helps you to tune your frequency to what you want and raise your vibration at the same time which makes it a very fast manifestation technique.



6. Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation is a combine of meditation and visualization to make your manifestation process more effective.

Meditation itself is a very powerful tool to remove negative thoughts, raise your vibration, and put you in a state of allowing.

When you visualize your goals and desires in that meditative state, you can focus and vibrate purely at the frequency of your goals and desires.

You can also utilize tools like hand mudras, manifestation crystals, and manifestation frequencies during your mediation to further empower your vibration.

Here are the steps of a manifestation meditation.

  1. Find a place where you can quiet yourself without disturbance.
  2. Focus on the present moment by breathing softly.
  3. Relax your body.
  4. Visualize yourself having what you want, like it has already happened.
  5. Try to see, hear, smell, touch, and feel what it is like when you already have what you want.
  6. Express your gratitude

7. Manifestation Symbols

Manifestation symbols are tools that can help you focus your intentions and harness the energy of the universe to manifest your desires into reality.

They are powerful because they are able to bring positive results to multiple aspects of your life.

Love, Health, Financial success…

You name it.

When you use these manifestation symbols, you can use them with affirmations, visualization, and other manifestation techniques to amplify their effectiveness.

You can check this out if you looking for symbols that attract money.



8. Find a Better Feeling Thought

Sometimes when you have a very strong negative emotion about our goals and dreams…

…it feels like there is no way you can make it happen.

In this emotional state, almost no manifestation method can be useful.

The only thing you can do is to soothe your feelings.

To do this…

You can either take a nap or find a better feeling thought.

For most of the methods we mentioned, we put most of our focus on how to think and feel about the goals and dreams that we want.

Better feeling thought is a process to elevate your emotion from a lower level to raise your vibration.

The good thing is…

…this process is that you can turn your negative emotions into positive in just a few minutes!

You can literally go from feeling really depressed to feeling appreciation in 15 minutes when you get the hang of it.

All you need to do is to focus on what you are thinking and how your thought makes you feel at the moment. 

Then reach to another thought that makes you feel slightly better.

Here’s how:

The first thing you need to know is the emotional guidance scale.

If you look at the emotional guidance scale, you can see that positive emotions have higher vibrational frequencies while negative emotions have lower frequencies.

In general, if you want to move ‘up’ your emotion from a lower level, it is easier to up a level at one time.

For example:

If you are feeling frustrated, it is easier for you to reach pessimism than to reach passion.

It is because it requires less energy from you to jump one level up than to perform a few levels of vibrational quantum jump.

If you are feeling “Frustrated” about your financial situation, and you might think “It’s frustrating that my income can barely pay my bills”

You next better feeling thought could be:

  • “I probably will have nothing left in my bank account this month.” – Pessimism.
  • “It doesn’t seem there’s much I can do to get rid of this situation.” – Boredom
  • “At least I can afford most of my expenses” – Contentment.
  • “I really hope I can make more money.” – Hopefulness.
  • “I hope I can save more money.” – Hopefulness.
  • “Maybe I can ask for a raise.” – Optimistic.
  • “Maybe I can start a side hustle.” – Optimistic.
  • “I know I can do something.” – Positive Expectation.
  • “I am going to figure it out.” – Eagerness.
  • “I love every time I decide to make something happen.” – Passion.
  • “It just feels so good to have a clear goal.” – Joy.

And you can keep playing this game all day long.

I guarantee it will bring you to an ecstatic level if you keep practicing.

Remember, the key for fast manifestation is to feel good all the time.



9. The O Method

The O Method, with the ‘O’ denoting orgasm, is a manifestation technique that leverages sexual energy to draw your desires into your life.

It anchors on the premise that sexual energy is potent and can help you tap into the co-creative power of the Universe.

At the climax of sexual arousal, if you visualize your goals, you can align your desires with the high-frequency energy of the orgasm.

When you are at a higher vibrational frequency, you have lower resistance between you and your desires.

And by leveraging this state of high energy, things that you want will manifest faster and easier.

Given the nature of the O Method, it serves as an effective means of manifesting love.

10. The Whisper Method

The Whisper Method involves visualizing a specific person, setting an intention, and imagining yourself whispering that intention into the person’s ear.

The theory behind the Whisper Method is that this process creates a subconscious connection to a particular vibrational frequency…

… which might potentially influence the person’s thoughts or actions to ‘co-create’ your desired outcome.

However, it is not a means for you to manipulate others or control their behavior.

It is all about co-creation.

And thus, when you set your intention, it is best to have an intent to benefit the person who would be involved.

This method works especially well for those who had been struggling to make their dreams come true.

11. The Pillow Method

The Pillow Method is a simple practice that involves positive affirmation, scripting, visualization and your SLEEP to manifest your desires.

Scientifically, the moment before we almost fall asleep, we generally fall into a state of Alpha brainwave.

When we are in this state, our subconscious mind can be very acceptive to whatever idea we try to input to ourselves.

This method simply takes advantage of this sweet spot so we can manifest what we want.

All you need to do is to write down your desires on a paper, visualize it and put it under your pillow before you drift off to sleep.

Take Inspired Actions

To achieve your goals and dreams, you can and you should take as many actions as you can.

The thing is…

You must not ignore and avoid taking inspired actions which usually feels like a gut feeling and internal nudge to urge you to do something.

And to get inspired, you need to surrender to the guidance of the Universe, let go of control and listen to the call of your inner knowing.


When you focus on the “doing” and “being” while you take action but not be anxious about the result.

Very often there are moments that unexpected ingenious actions would come out of nowhere.

These are what we called the inspired actions.

And these inspired actions always create the biggest impact and could be the most effective move to achieve what you want.

What Is The Most Powerful Manifestation Method?

For me, meditation and visualization are really powerful and I feel really good after doing it.

That’s why I do it at least once a day.

But don’t take my word for it.

Try it for yourself.

I also do a manifestation journal and positive affirmation probably twice a week whenever I feel like to do so.

I would also do the Find a Better Feeling Thought process whenever I feel a bit off during the day.

So, anything that makes you feel good is the best method for you.


