Manifestation Meditation: How To Manifest With Guided Meditation?

manifestation meditation

Manifestation Meditation is basically a manifestation method that combines meditation and visualization.

The general idea of this method is to raise your vibration through meditation, which promotes manifestation effectiveness when you visualize.

The first time I experienced the power of this practice was probably after I read the book “The Genie Within” more than a decade ago.

I used the method in the book to manifest the job I dreamed about and triple my income.

NGL, I didn’t expect it to work that well.

The fact is, I didn’t even expect it would work.

Years later, I found out that the method I used is actually a form manifestation meditation.

The best part?

There is a better version of it.

In this article, we will walk through everything you need to know about this practice and the best way to do a manifestation meditation.

Let’s get into it.

Table of Content:

  1. What is Manifestation Meditation?
  2. How to Do Manifestation Meditation?
  3. Guided Manifestation Meditation
  4. Tips for Beginners
  5. Frequencies for Meditation



What is Manifestation Meditation?

Manifestation meditation is a powerful practice of using the following techniques to manifest your desires into reality:

  1. Intention Setting
  2. Focused Visualization
  3. Energy Alignment

It is a series of processes that help you harness your thoughts, emotions, and energy to shape them into reality.

Here’s the thing:

When we are in a deep meditation state (Alpha or Theta states), we are deeply connected to our subconscious mind…

… or, aka, the Universe.

In this state, you are vibrating at a higher vibrational energy.

As you visualize your desires at this higher energy state, you have less resistance between you and your desires.

That helps the frequencies of your desires to be received by the Universe more effectively.

The coolest thing is…

And you can still get all the other benefits of meditation from this practice.

This is why this technique is so popular and loved by meditation practitioners.



How to Do Manifestation Meditation?

Here are the basic steps of manifestation meditation you can follow:

  1. Find a place where you can:
    1. Quiet yourself without disturbance.
    2. Dim the light. (So your eyes won’t be stimulated)
    3. Sit straight and comfortably, or lay down. (It’s better to keep your spine straight)
  2. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and relax.
  3. Focus on the present moment:
    1. Gradually move your focus from your thoughts to this moment.
    2. You can achieve this state of mind by:
      • Breathe softly, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest and belly.
      • Be aware of your body. Relax part by part, starting from your toes and moving up to your head.
      • Once you are totally relaxed, you can focus on your pulses and the flow of blood in your body.
        (I’m really not good at focusing on breathing. But feeling my pulses is my jam.)
  4. Visualization:
    1. Now visualize yourself having what you want, like it has already happened.
    2. Try to see, hear, smell, touch, and feel what it is like when you already have what you want.
    3. Put yourself in the 1st-person view and fully immerse your consciousness in it.
      (You can also imagine how you would have lived a day of the life of the person you have become.)
  5. Express your gratitude:
    • Express your gratitude to the universe, like you have fully received what you want.
    • You can simply say:
      • “Universe, thank you for lining up everything for me.”
      • “Universe, thank you for manifesting this or something even better for me.”

This is a basic manifestation meditation steps you can try right away.

It works for most people.


…it is not the most powerful meditation I have ever known…



The Best Guided Manifestation Meditation

“The 6 Phase Meditation” by Vishen Lakhiani – founder of Mindvalley, is by far the best manifestation meditation I have ever used.

It is a meditation method based on the Silva Mind Control Method, leveraging the power of gratitude and forgiveness to immerse you in a deep Alpha state.

Here’s the thing:

This method is perfectly structured in a way that you can follow it easily and use it to set intentions for your daily activities.

The difference between “The 6 Phase Meditation” and a basic manifestation meditation is that…

… it incorporates sessions of expanding consciousness, expressing gratitude, and forgiveness before visualizing what you want.

Meanwhile, the visualization part consists of 2 steps:

  1. Setting the intention of creating the best experience for your coming day.
  2. Visualizing what you want to have and become in the next 3 – 5 years.

The bottom line?

While you can focus your energy to create the best experience of your daily life, the energy you enchanted every single day is channelled to your bigger vision.

That’s what makes this method so powerful and so effective.

Here’s a really good guided manifestation meditation video you can follow:

You can find more of Vishen’s programs in

(Disclaimer: I have no affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with Mindvalley, Inc)



Meanwhile, if you prefer to run the drill in your own mind…

Here’s the full script:

  1. Now close your eyes and take three deep, cleansing breaths.
  2. Start breathing naturally, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest and belly.
  3. Be aware of your body and relax:
    1. Starting from your toes, your calves, your knees, your thighs and your bottom.
    2. Relax your abdomen, your stomach, your chest, your lower back, and your upper back.
    3. Now relax your fingertips, your palms, your forearms, your arms, your shoulders, your throat, and your neck.
    4. Now relax your jaw, your tongue, your nose, your eyes, your forehead, and your scalp.
    5. Now your whole body is totally relaxed.
  4. Expand your Consciousness:
    1. Imagine there is a sphere of warm and white light appearing at your heart chakra.
    2. Every time you breathe in, this sphere expands a little bigger.
    3. Imagine this sphere gradually covering your room, the house you live in, your neighborhood, your city, your country, the whole continent, and it grows bigger than the earth.
    4. This sphere of light represents your consciousness.
    5. And now you are connected to every single thing in the world.
  5. Forgiveness:
    1. If you found yourself resenting someone recently or something you couldn’t let go of for a long time.
    2. Try to forgive that person or that matter in your mind.
    3. It will bring you to the alpha state more easily.
  6. Gratitude:
    1. When we are genuinely grateful about something, we basically enter the alpha state.
    2. Find 3 – 5 things that you are truly grateful for.
    3. It doesn’t matter how subtle it is.
    4. It doesn’t matter whether it happened yesterday, last week, last year, or over a decade ago.
    5. The key is your intention to feel grateful.
  7. Visualization:
    1. Now project yourself to live a perfect day today or the coming day.
      1. You have so much joy and fun in each of the sessions and moments of your day.
      2. You have achieved so much in your work today that you feel so satisfied about it.
      3. You were thrilled to have all the conversations with your family, friends, or co-workers today.
      4. Now you are in bed and nearly falling asleep.
      5. And you feel absolutely satisfied with what you have accomplished and all the great experiences you have had today.
    2. Now project yourself in the coming 3 – 5 years.
      1. You have become who you wanted to be.
      2. Imagine what you have already achieved.
      3. The dream house you are living in.
      4. The dream car you are driving.
      5. The dream lifestyle you are living.
      6. And more importantly, the people you love are with you.
  8. Express your gratitude:
    • Express your gratitude to the universe, like you have fully received what you want.
    • You can simply say:
      • “Universe, thank you for lining up everything for me.”
      • “Universe, thank you for manifesting this or something even better for me.”



Manifestation Meditation Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to meditation and manifestation, here are a few tips:

  • Start with short sessions:
    Begin with just 5 – 10 minutes a day and gradually increase.
  • Set your intention:
    Set an intention that your next 10–30 minutes will be dedicated to this meditation. This helps you focus a little bit more.
  • Do your best is good enough:
    Do your best to focus and engage your emotions in the session. But don’t beat up on yourself even if you don’t.
  • Use guided meditations:
    They can help you understand the process better.
  • Practice at the same location:
    Energy would stay in the same spot for some time. Practice at the same location could help you reach good energy
  • Meditation at the right time:
    Do your meditation right after you wake up Or right before you go to bed. It’s easier to drift to Alpha state.
  • Use Hand Mudras:
    Hand mudra like Kubera mudra can aid your focus and confidence level which helps the manifestation process.
  • Be consistent.

The Best Frequencies for Manifestation Meditation

In general, certain frequencies, like 432Hz and 528Hz, are believed to enhance the manifestation process.

Try incorporating these frequencies into your meditation for better results.

If you want to further boost your manifestation process, you may try to incorporate the following frequencies for more specific results:

  • 963 Hz – The Frequency of Gods. It helps to activate your pineal gland which generally helps you to manifest anything you want.
  • 852 Hz – It awakens your intuition which helps your manifestation.
  • 639 Hz – It is useful for manifesting love and relationships.
  • 528 Hz – The best frequency to reduce stress and relieve anxiety, which is good for manifesting wealth.
  • 432 Hz – The same frequency as the Universe. Which is also good for manifesting health.
  • 417 Hz – Frequency to clear negative beliefs and energy.

You can easily find tons of meditation music with specific frequencies on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music on different instruments.

Personally, I prefer those with the sound of Tibetan Singing Bowl which can really help me quiet my mind and focus more easily.

And of course, you can pick any instruments that really suit you and soothe you.



Start Your Meditation Today

Manifestation Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you turn your thoughts into reality.

It does have the power to manifest what you want instantly


It takes practice to master this manifestation technique.

Start with small steps, be patient, and trust the process.

What you desire will sneak into your reality without your noticing. 😉


