How to start a Manifestation Journal | Manifest by Writing & Scripting Manifestation

How To Start A Manifestation Journal

A manifestation journal is a popular tool for manifestation where you can manifest things you want by writing them down in a journal or notebook.

It is a simple manifestation method that you can manifest by writing your goals, desires, and intentions in your journal, or using scripting manifestation to write your dream life vividly in the same notebook.

In this article, we will explore what a manifestation journal is, how to start a manifestation journal, 5 templates that you can use for your journal, some ideas and prompts that you can modify your manifestation journal.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Content:

What is a Manifestation Journal?

A manifestation journal is a notebook where you write down your dreams, goals, and desires. 

It is a manifestation technique that uses the law of attraction to attract things into reality by focusing your desires, nurturing positive thoughts and inspiring you to take effective actions. 

And, you can also incorporate different manifestation writing techniques in this journal to better help you to manifest anything you want in the way that suits you most.



How to manifest by writing

How to Start a Manifestation Journal and Manifest Something by Writing it Down?

  1. Pick your journal:
    Choosing a journal makes you feel good when you write in it.
    Besides the design on the cover, you might also want to consider the quality or texture of paper it uses.
    And, whether it is a plain paper or with lines.
  1. Know what you really want:
    Remember, like all the other manifestation methods, you need to avoid using negative words.
    E.g. You want more money because you want to be more capable financially, but not because you want to get out of poverty.
    If you focus on the negative side of a subject, you will only attract a negative outcome.
  1. Be Clear on what you want to feel:
    Only if you know what you want to feel when you fulfill your desire, you can truly trigger the manifestation process.
    A desire without an aligned emotion is just a fantasy.
  1. Write it in present tense:
    When we write our manifestation journal, we always want to write it in the present tense.
    This is because the Universe(or our Subconscious Mind) will always perceive what we write(or think) literally.
    If we write it in future tense, what you want will always be in the future but never came to your present moment.
  1. Visualize it happening when you write:
    Similar to the reason we write it in the present tense, when you visualize it is happening when you write, you can see, hear, sense and even touch it like it is already happening.
  1. Express your Gratitude to the Universe:
    Always end your journaling by showing your gratitude to the Universe (or God or Divine).
    Gratitude is one of the emotions with the highest vibrational energy.
    You can simply say “Thank you for bringing this to me, Universe!” Just like the Universe has already manifested it for you.



Manifestation Journal Template to Start With

Except the above manifesting writing method you can use, there are other manifestation templates you can start with. And the works really fine too.

1. Scripting Manifestation Method:

Scripting Manifestation

What is scripting manifestation?

Scripting is a Law of Attraction technique in which you can freely write down your desires or in most of the cases, a description of the life you want.

It is powerful because when you are writing your desires down on a piece of paper, you are bringing your thoughts into existence. 

How to do scripting manifestation? 

  1. When you do scripting manifestation, make sure what you write is really what you want and achieving these desires could truly make you feel good. 
  2. Write as vividly as possible like it is already happening and you are seeing it, hearing it and feeling it. 
  3. Don’t forget to write the good feeling you are feeling and try to hold that feeling as long as possible. 

2. 369 Manifestation Method:

What is the 369 Method?

The 369 method is a combination of Positive Affirmations and Numerology by writing your goals, dreams or desires in a piece of paper or your journal 3, 6 and 9 times in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime respectively.

How to do the 369 Manifestation in your journal?

  1. Write down your goal 3 times in the morning right after you wake up.
    For example, ‘Extra $1,000 per month’ x3
  2. Write down your goals 6 times in the afternoon in future tense.
    For example, ‘I will receive an extra $1,000 monthly income.’ x6
  3. Write down your goals 9 times before you go to bed in a way that you have already achieved. Plus, a ‘Thank You’ to the Universe.
    For example, ‘I have my extra $1,000 monthly income now. Thank you Universe!’ x9

In Numerology, number 6 and 9 symbolize abundance and prosperity, thus this method is highly effective if you want to manifest more money.



3. 5X55 Manifestation Method:

The 5*55 / 55*5 / 555 Manifestation Method simply requires you to write down what you want 55 times for 5 days. 555 also represents Change in Numerology or in Angel Number. 

When you write it, you can simply write like you have achieved what you want in a sentence with the good feeling you want to feel.

Here are some examples:

  • I am so happy that I have met the girl/guy in my dream!
  • I am so grateful that I have attracted $10,000 into my life.

4. Wouldn’t It Be Nice Method:

Sometimes it might not feel right when you think or write down what you want especially when you have some kind of disbelief on that subject.

You know you want it, but it just doesn’t align with your heart. In this situation, you might want to address your desire softly

For example, if you want to get a role in your dream company that you might think it is slightly out of your league, then you can write: 

  • Wouldn’t it be nice if I can get that role in my dream company?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice if I can make an extra $1,000 per month?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice if I can work with lots of talented people?

5. Gratitude Journal:

A gratitude journal is to write down a list of things that you are grateful for. 

No matter which method or template you prefer to use, you can always incorporate a section for writing down things that you are thankful for on a daily basis. Here’s the thing…

In the theory of the Law of Attraction, like attracts like.

And thus, by doing this exercise, you will be able to attract the things you are grateful for and at the same time, you will attract more other things that you would want to put into your Gratitude Journal.

How to Write a Gratitude Journal?

You can simply recall something that you are grateful for in the past 24 hours, no matter how small or big it is.

Maybe you have received a gift from someone. Maybe someone did a small but nice gesture to you. Maybe a crisis in work was resolved. 

If you can’t think of anything to be thankful for, you can definitely go further to the past 7 days, or a month, or a year. You can simply write, for example:

  • I am so grateful that the work problem has been solved.
  • I am so grateful that the negotiation when so smooth.
  • I am so grateful that the guy in the mall held the door for me.
  • I am so grateful for the good weather today.

As the list grow bigger, you will find it easier and easier to write your gratitude journal.



​More Manifestation Journaling Ideas:

Here are some questions to think about if you ran out of ideas.

  1. What are your financial, body and relationship goals you want to achieve in 1 year from now?
  2. What are your financial, body and relationship goals you want to achieve in 3 years from now?
  3. What kind of skills and personality qualities will you need to achieve your goals?
  4. If you can live a perfect day for the rest of your life, what does your perfect day look like?
  5. What are the 10 things in your bucket list you want to accomplish?
  6. What are the limiting beliefs you have to get rid of?
  7. What are the new beliefs you want to acquire?
  8. What is the state of mind you want to be in to live in your perfect day?
  9. If you are facing a challenge right now, but there is nothing you can do or control, what would be the best outcome you could expect? And how would you feel about it? Relief? Satisfied? Ease?
  10. What would be the nicest thing to happen to you if you are offered 1 day of good luck?

Some Good Manifestation Journaling Prompts to help you get started

Some people find prompts are helpful to inspire what they truly want. Here are some good manifestation journaling prompts to help you get started:

  1. I feel powerful when I…
  2. I feel relaxed when I…
  3. I feel happy when I…
  4. I feel loved when I…
  5. I feel peace when I…
  6. I feel abundant when I…
  7. I feel confident when I…
  8. I believe in my dreams because…
  9. I believe I can achieve XYZ because…
  10. I deserve to have XYZ because…

They are simple, but truly powerful and effective.



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