What Is The 369 Manifestation Method & How To Use It To Manifest Money, Love or Anything You Want?

The 369 Manifestation Method

If you are interested in the Law of Attraction and looking for extremely simple ways of manifestation, you must learn about the 369 Manifestation Method.

This method is a combination of Positive Affirmations and Numerology.

Even if you are not familiar with the sophisticated theories of manifestation… 

Guess what? 

You are still able to manifest the money, love and health you want by simply following the instructions.

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What Is The 369 Method?

The 369 Method were first seen on TikTok and it went viral because of its simplicity and effectiveness.

You can easily find hundreds of millions of video views under the hashtag ‘#369’ or ‘#369method’ on that platform. 

This videos are showing how people use this method to manifest large amount of money, the love relationship they want, their crushes to text them, reaching their weight loss goals, getting their dream jobs, or even manifesting their dream houses… and so much more.

Who invented 369?

Back in the 19 centuries, the great Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla first suggested that the number 3, 6, and 9 could hold the key to the universe.

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” By Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla 369

The Tesla 369 theory was then being developed as part of the crucial steps of manifestation by writing down your affirmations 3, 6, and 9 times subsequently.

And this becomes the 369 Manifestation Method.



Spiritual Meaning of 369

  • 3 is considered as the Perfect Number. It is the direct link to Divine / Source / Universe and it also represents harmony, wisdom and understanding.
  • 6 represents the strength within ourselves and it also represents that you are receiving assistance from the source or the universe.
  • 9 represents the release of negativity. It also represents completion and the fulfilment of one cycle. And, the universe is compelling you to put your talents to good use. It is also a hint that a transformation of your life is happening.
  • 369 combine together represents the energies of abundance, creativity, and joy. It also signifies positive change and progress where you need to trust your intuition. It also represents hope and the Universe is supporting you.

As 6 and 9 are highly correlated to abundance and prosperity in Angel Number, this is probably the reason why so many people can use this method to manifest more money and wealth successfully.

the 369 Method

How To Do The 369 Manifestation Method?

The 369 method involves journaling your desires or your goals.

You can write them down on a piece of paper, a notebook or even the Note App on your iPhone.

  1. Have a crystal clear idea on what you want exactly. (As specific as possible)
    For example, you want to manifest an extra $1,000 monthly income.
  2. Write down your goal 3 times in the morning right after you wake up or at least within 20 mins after you woke up.
    For example, ‘Extra $1,000 per month’ x3
  3. Write down your goals 6 times in the afternoon in future tense.
    For example, ‘I will receive an extra $1,000 monthly income.’ x6
  4. Write down your goals 9 times before you go to bed in a way that you have already achieved. Plus, a ‘Thank You’ to the Universe.
    For example, ‘I have my extra $1,000 monthly income now. Thank you Universe!’ x9

Just like that. 🙂



Why does it work?

  1. Despite the power of 369, in the theory of the Law of Attraction, It is always crucial to know exactly what you do want but not what you don’t want.
  2. Scientifically, writing down your goals right after you wake up can take advantage of our Alpha brain wave as you are very receptive to any idea in this stage. Not to mention we are extremely close to our inner being after sleep.
  3. Using future tense in your afternoon affirmation is also creating a sense of positive expectation, which is very important for us to be in the receptive mode.
  4. Writing down your affirmation as if you have already achieved it. It helps you to match the frequency of who you are when you have what you want.
  5. And, do this before bed is the perfect time you will soon enter Alpha state and back to the source during your sleep.
  6. Plus, the ‘Thank You Universe’ statement can help you to conjure the energy of gratitude and appreciation which is the best energy for manifestation.

In a nutshell, the 369 method is a combination of psychological effects and multiple manifestation methods.



Examples of Using 369 Manifestation Method

To help you understand more how you can write your affirmations, I would like to use a few examples here to elaborate.

1. For Love

Let’s be real, if you just want to use this method to manifest your crush to like you or text you, it would work perfectly fine. 

But the truth is, it doesn’t mean that you will be in a relationship that you truly want.

If you are looking for a real relationship, you might want to be very specific on how you would want it to be like or feel in this relationship.

For example, ‘I want to be with a respectful, caring and mature partner in my relationship.’

Or, ‘I want to be with a person who loves me and my family and I love her/him back equally.’

Does that make sense?



2. For Healing, Weight Loss or Body Fitness

369 method is definitely a great tool for you to put affirmations for healing and body fitness.

If you want to use this method to lose weight, make sure you are writing your targeted weight in your affirmation, instead of the number of pounds you need to lose.

For example:

If you weigh 200 lbs right now and you want to lose 20 lbs, you should write your affirmation as ‘I want to weigh 180 lbs’. Instead of, ‘I want to lose 20 lbs.’

The reason is that manifestation and the Law of Attraction(and your subconscious mind) are inclusive.

If you say you want to lose 20 lbs, they will only hear you say 20 lbs.

And guess what…

Very likely you will gain 20 lbs more. 🙁

How Long Does It Take for 369 Method to Manifest?

It really depends. Some might set 33 days as a cycle of one manifestation.

However, there are people who could manifest what they want in days or within weeks.

So, my personal opinion is that, try not to speculate when the Universe will bring you what you want.

At times, the Universe would give you signs that you are on the right path.

But the thing is…

Every time you are asking when it will come, you are actually telling yourself it is not here yet.

Instead, try your best to expect it is coming.

Trust the process and of course, do everything you can do to make it happen.


