150+ Powerful Daily Money Affirmations for More Wealth & Abundance (Fast Results)

money manifestation affirmationsMoney Affirmations are positive affirmations that change our beliefs about money and thus help us develop a prosperous mindset and behavior toward money.

By the law of attraction, we can vibrate more abundantly and attracts money more easily with a prosperous mindset and behavior.

In this article, we will talk about different types of money affirmations for different financial situations and how to use money affirmations CORRECTLY to attract more money and prosperity.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Content

Do Money Affirmations Work?

Money affirmations work really well in 2 parts:

  1. Use the right affirmation in the right emotional states so that you can increase positive feeling about money.
  2. Use it consistently so that you can build up a new belief about money during the process.

For example: When you are feeling lack right now, you have use some more generic affirmations instead of keep mumbling “I am rich!”. It just simply won’t resonate with your frequency. And when you are able to generate some good feeling about abundance and wealth with money affirmations 1 or 2 times, you don’t stop there. You would want to keep doing the process and memoizing the the good feeling until it became your norm or normal frequency.



1. Affirmations for Dissolving Financial Anxiety

Use these affirmations for dissolving financial anxiety when you are feeling worried about money and distrust yourself to be able to make the money you desired.

There are 3 objectives for doing this exercise:

  1. Relieve your anxiety about money.
  2. Alter your negative train of thoughts to stop focusing on your lack.
  3. Feel better.

Until you are able to put down your anxiety, which your Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra would feel absolutely relaxed… …then you can go back to the above money affirmations and start attracting money again.



Here you go:

  1. It is okay to be in this current situation.
  2. Some people have gone through financial situations even worse than this.
  3. I know everything is going to be fine at the end.
  4. The money I need will always come to me at the right time, from the right source.
  5. I know that for one moment, I can just put down my anxiety.
  6. I know that this situation is created by my own thoughts.
  7. From now on I’m going to put down the old thoughts & old beliefs.
  8. I am ready to embrace the new way of thinking.
  9. It is safe to be where I am right now.
  10. It’s great to be feeling a little bit relaxed right now.
  11. Nothing is more important than feeling good right now.
  12. Yes. Put it down. Let it go.

We can go on and on… But the general idea here is to focus on some general thoughts rather than going straight to the wealth affirmations. After this, you should feel a lot more relaxed and relieved and free from your worry about money. Though, don’t urge to get into Money Affirmations yet, repeat these abundance affirmations 2 – 3 times in a day or two. Until the negative emotions about money are cleared, then you can go for it.



2. Positive Money Affirmations for Better Personal Finance

Positive money affirmations for better personal finance can elevate you from negative emotions on your financial situation.

It’s also great if you want to release your resistance about money.

  1. I can find the positive in my money situation.
  2. I can look at my finances without fear.
  3. I give myself permission to prosper and grow.
  4. I let go of all my fears around money.
  5. I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.
  6. I release all blocks and allow wealth to flow in.
  7. I am capable of managing my debt.
  8. I have the power to be debt-free.
  9. I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.
  10. I am capable of tackling all money obstacles.
  11. My money situation is improving.
  12. My savings will continue to grow, and I will be financially secure.
  13. My income will exceed my expenses.
  14. I think about money positively.
  15. I choose to feel wealthy right now.
  16. I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease.
  17. I choose to live a rich and full life.
  18. I choose to spend my money wisely.
  19. I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.
  20. I choose to think only positive thoughts about money.
  21. Financial security brings me peace.
  22. It is safe for me to be financially secure.
  23. It is safe for me to be rich.
  24. It is safe for me to earn more money than I need.
  25. It is safe for me to enjoy money.
  26. It is safe for me to have savings.
  27. It is safe to be wealthy.
  28. I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.
  29. I always have enough money.
  30. I always have more than enough for everything I need.
  31. I believe there is enough money for everyone.
  32. I have more than enough money.
  33. The universe provides enough money for everyone.
  34. There is always more than enough money in my life.



3. Money Affirmations To Attract More Money

If you are already doing good and want to attract more money easily and effortlessly, this is for you:

  1. I love attracting money.
  2. I attract money easily and effortlessly.
  3. I attract money happily in my life.
  4. All the money I have brings me joy.
  5. Having money makes me feel calm and confident.
  6. I am thankful for the comfort that having money can bring to me.
  7. I like to have more than enough money.
  8. I believe in my ability to earn more money.
  9. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
  10. Every dollar that flows to me now works for me, to earn more money.
  11. I am at peace with having a lot of money.
  12. I have all the resources I need within me to make more money.
  13. I love money flowing to me from multiple sources.
  14. I constantly attract new sources of income.
  15. I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income.
  16. I can turn my skills into more income.
  17. I have fun earning money.
  18. I enjoy making more money by doing what I love.
  19. I attract more money by being who I am.
  20. I enjoy saving more money.
  21. I enjoy managing and investing my money.
  22. My income is constantly increasing.
  23. My bank account is constantly growing bigger.
  24. The more fun I have, the more money I make.
  25. The more I focus on joy, the more money I will make.
  26. The more I give, the wealthier I become.
  27. The more value I contribute, the more money I will make.
  28. There are countless opportunities to make more money in my life.
  29. There are no limits to the money I can make.
  30. I am worthy of making more money than ever before.
  31. I deserve to make more money.
  32. Money is a tool that facilitates my life for the better.
  33. Money is abundant, and I attract it naturally.
  34. Money is being drawn to me constantly.
  35. Money is energy, and it flows into my life constantly.
  36. Money is a great friend and a great servant.
  37. Money is openly flowing into my life.
  38. Money is the root of joy and comfort.
  39. I can use money to change the world for the better.
  40. I can use money to create a better life.
  41. I use money to improve my life.
  42. I use money to improve the lives of others.
  43. Money creates a positive impact on my life and the life of others.
  44. I am grateful for all that money brings me.



4. Wealth Affirmations for Financial Success & Prosperity

If you want to achieve a much greater success financially, this is for you:

  1. I accept financial success.
  2. I am worthy of financial success.
  3. I am successful in growing my wealth.
  4. I can handle massive wealth and financial success with ease.
  5. It’s easy and natural for me to be prosperous and successful financially.
  6. I naturally attract good fortune.
  7. I am on my way to becoming wealthy.
  8. My wealth and prosperity come from being who I really am.
  9. I attract wealth to me from all directions.
  10. I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life.
  11. I can become financially free.
  12. I have enough money to enjoy my day-to-day life freely.
  13. I love the freedom that comes with financial abundance.
  14. I love the freedom that money brings to me.
  15. I am worthy of financial security and freedom.
  16. I am a powerful money magnet that attracts massive wealth and prosperity.
  17. I am wealthy.
  18. I am the master of my wealth.
  19. I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
  20. I am grateful for all the money I have now.



5. Abundance Affirmations for Unlimited & Excessive Amount of Money

The true nature of money is infinite, unlimited. Fully embrace the truth with this set of affirmations will help you to tap on the unlimited source of abundance.

  1. Abundance is all around me.
  2. I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
  3. I am connected to the universal supply of money.
  4. I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.
  5. I bless all rich, wealthy, and abundant people.
  6. I breathe in abundance.
  7. I can see examples of abundance all around.
  8. If others can be wealthy, so can I.
  9. I love money and money loves me.
  10. Every financial decision I made will turn out to be the right decision.
  11. I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.
  12. I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, worthy.
  13. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
  14. It’s easy for me to change my money story.
  15. My income has unlimited potential.
  16. People love giving me money.
  17. The money I contribute always comes back to me multiplied.
  18. There is money all around me to claim.
  19. Money always flows to me easily and abundantly.
  20. Wealth and abundance constantly flow into my life.
  21. I deserve and expect financial abundance.
  22. I am able to handle large sums of money.
  23. I allow large sums of money to flow into my life.
  24. I attract an excessive & massive amount of money to me.
  25. Everything I touch turns into gold.
  26. I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance on its way.



Try to see if you feel a sense of relief in your Solar Plexus Chakra all the way up to your Crown Chakra. It’s best to use this manifestation method when you feel optimistic or a higher emotional state. And if you don’t find the sense of relief during repeating the above affirmation, I would recommend you to use another set of affirmations that I am going to walk you through.

Examples: Daily Affirmations for Manifesting Money

This examples give you a sense of what a set of daily affirmations looks like. It generally reminds you of the Effortlessness of receiving money and your Worthiness of money. It’s a great choice to use it in your daily routine to manifest money consistently.

  1. I am open to receiving money.
  2. I accept and receive unexpected money.
  3. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
  4. The more I give, the more I receive.
  5. I am so excited about receiving more money.
  6. I allow money to flow to me easily and effortlessly.
  7. I am a money magnet and money is drawn to me inevitably.
  8. I am worthy of a solid financial foundation.
  9. I am worthy of a wealthy life.
  10. I am worthy of all the richness I desire.
  11. I am worthy of financial abundance.
  12. I am worthy of having money.
  13. I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
  14. I deserve a prosperous life.
  15. I deserve money in my life.
  16. I deserve the opportunity to earn more than I make today.
  17. I deserve to be financially rewarded.
  18. I deserve to be paid for my skills, time and knowledge.
  19. I deserve to be rich.
  20. I am happy when I spend my money responsibly.
  21. I can easily afford anything I want.
  22. I have a positive relationship to money and know how to spend it wisely.
  23. I have more money than I could ever spend.
  24. I love to spend money on the things that matter to me most.
  25. I love spending money with ease, joy and gratitude.
  26. My income is always higher than my expenses.
  27. The money I spend and earn makes me happy.
  28. Every dollar I spend or give comes back to me multiplied.



What is a Good Affirmation for Money?

A good affirmation for money is an affirmation that is matching with your current vibration and frequency (or emotion) so that it can elevate your feeling.

In general, if a money affirmations can keep you feel good about your financial situation or improve your feeling about money, you can keep using them.

But in time, you will find the same set of affirmations would give you less and less improvement to attract more money.

Then you will need to make some adjustment and maybe use another set of affirmations.

Draft Your Own Money Mantras

Money Affirmation is absolutely powerful, but don’t stop here. I highly recommend evolving this game to another level and creating your own money mantras.

The best part?

You can put all the money or abundance affirmations which bring you the strongest positive feeling together into a short but powerful list.

The purpose is to have this list of money mantras to elevate your vibration about money, anytime, anywhere and really quick.

It can be as simple as an “I AM affirmation” like this:

  • I am abundant.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I am attracting all the wealth and abundance to me.
  • I appreciate money.
  • I am manifesting the money more than I wanted faster and easier.

As long as you have a strong positive feeling about any statements on money or financial abundance, that will work great as your money mantra.

Remember: It’s recommended to keep it a short list so that you can memorize it easily and can repeat it in your mind all day long.

And of course, there is no “the best” mantra you can draft. Keep polishing the list and feel free to replace with a better feeling statement.



Here’s my own money mantras, nothing remarkable but it works really great for me at my current status:

  • I love money.
  • I know money loves me too.
  • Money is coming to me easier and easier.
  • I love making money.
  • I love spending money.
  • I love saving money.
  • I am so grateful for all that money brings me.

Simple and short.

Always bring up the feeling of gratitude and appreciation for money, which is really good for attracting more money to you.

And you may also want to combine your mantras with some money attracting symbols.



Bonus: Money Affirmations and The Law of Attraction

Alright, I have mentioned the Law of Attraction a few times from the above paragraphs and I do think most of you should be familiar with LOA.

But just in case, I would like to elaborate a little bit more for those who don’t know the correlation between money affirmations and the law of attraction.

So the basic idea of the law of attraction is that:

  1. If you can feel exactly how you would feel when you are having what you desired, you are attracting this desire into your reality. (=Frequency)
  2. At the same time, the better you feel(not necessarily related to your desire), the easier and faster for you to attract what you want. (=Vibration/Energy)

Thus, these are the reasons why affirmation is so powerful and widely used as it could help you to tune in your frequency and raise your vibration at the same time.

In my own experience, merely doing part 1 could always bring me the desired results or close to it eventually no matter what.

However, if I were able to put myself into a higher level of vibration consistently, good things would happen to me, right people would show up in my life to bring me the results I wanted almost effortlessly.

So, I would highly recommend you to focus more on part 2 (70 – 80% of your effort) to make yourself feel as good as possible.

I am not saying visualization is not important, but you just can’t visualize 24/7. And this is a brief idea to manifest money by the Law of Attraction. 

More About Money Affirmations
The best thing about money affirmation is, it can help you to remember the nature of money and how money flows to you. 

“Money is free.” “Money is neutral.”  “Money is like air, water, sands or any other substance in the world.” “Money is everywhere.”

As long as you can feel the real nature of money, money starts flowing towards you. 

It literally flows towards you and sometimes you don’t even need to do any work to earn it. 

What you really need to do is to receive it. 

When I think back those times that I receive the most, all of those situations were smooth, easy and effortless. 

This is also why for those who work the hardest, gain the least. 

Abundance always feels like ease, relaxation, effortlessness. 

How can you expect yourself to attract abundance if you are always trying to “work hard”?

It’s not gonna work right? And abundance doesn’t depend on how much work you have done. 

So, never ever think thoughts like: “Okay, I’m going to do this to make that amount of money.” “I’m gonna get into that business/job to make that money.”

Or, “I’m going to work really really hard to achieve that.”

It doesn’t work that way. 

Instead, it works in reverse. 

When you think: “It would be nice to make that amount of money.” “It feels so good to have that amount of money flowing in.”

Guess what…

The perfect job or business opportunity that fits your personality, situation or hundred other things in your life will show up to you. 

Or a certain amount of money would show up to you as a gift, some kind of heritage from relatives you never met…

But don’t speculate how the money will come. 

Most of the time when you try to speculate how the money will come…

… it kinda reminds yourself you don’t have that money yet.

It doesn’t feel free, it doesn’t feel easy, it doesn’t feel good. 

Then it stops the flow. 

So try your best to only focus on the feeling of you already have the money.

What are General Thoughts?
General thoughts actually are a kind of soft positive affirmations to some extent.

But it is way more general, and not relevant to any subject in most cases.

These thoughts help you soothe your feelings no matter what emotions you are encountering right now. 

When you are getting used to it, you can help yourself feel good in seconds, and then start your Money Affirmations Process.

Here are some examples of general thought: 

“I believe in the law of attraction.” “I like ease.” “I like feeling good.” “Everything is going to be fine.” “Things are always working out for me.” I believe that you might have different feelings to these general thoughts. 

So your goal is to find out a list of general thoughts that work best for you. (Don’t worry, I’ll give you more examples later in this article.)

Input the list in your phone and use it whenever you need. 

Until you can remember all the list, you can tune your feeling place whenever you want in just a second. 

And let me reveal my own version of general thoughts:

  1. Everything is gonna be ok.
  2. Everything is always ok.
  3. Things are not only going to be ok, they’ll be great.
  4. Things always work out for me.
  5. The Universe is always taking care of me.
  6. The Universe always delivers things that I want. Always!
  7. And the better I feel, the faster it comes.
  8. Nothing is more important than feeling good right now.
  9. I like to feel good. I like to feel ease. I like to feel peace. I like fun. I like feeling really relaxed.

Can you feel the relief while reading this? I hope you can. If not, try to grasp some in the list below. 

  1. I like knowing
  2. I like clarity
  3. I like the idea of Law of attraction
  4. I like the idea that I don’t need to figure it out
  5. I like awareness
  6. I like ease
  7. I like feeling release
  8. I like passion
  9. I like eagerness
  10. I like the idea that I don’t need to think and solve my problems
  11. I like the concept that it is as simple as being my grid vibration from where I stand right now to the vortex
  12. I like knowing that everything is in the vortex
  13. I like knowing that all I need to do is to get myself in the vortex and things will flow to me from the vortex
  14. I like peace
  15. I like harmony
  16. I like silence
  17. I like easy simple life
  18. I like not being in hurry
  19. I like take things easy
  20. I like not judging anyone or anything
  21. I like knowing that everything that is happening right now is all for the good for me
  22. I like being in the alignment
  23. I like the flow of thought
  24. I like the flow of momentum
  25. I like the feeling that good feeling thoughts is flowing to me easier and easier
  26. I like feeling good
  27. I like this process
  28. I like raising my vibration
  29. I like all of this unconditional alignment
  30. I like the idea of going downstream rather than going upstream
  31. I like knowing that all my desires is actually the calling of my being
  32. I like knowing that everything is always fine
  33. I like know that the universe is always taking care of me


