21 Positive Affirmations for Good Health and Healing

affirmations for good health and healing

Before I learned about the power of health affirmations, I would always get sick really heavily at least one time a year.

The worst thing was…

I would always have a persistent cough after the sickness for at least a month.

This situation has been happening for more than 10 years since I started working.

Those moments were devastating…

… especially as I was working as a salesperson. LOL (I needed to talk to make money)

Long story short…

The last time I had that kind of persistent cough, I tried to talk to myself.

I was literally saying:

“If the cough is some kind of signal or protection from my body, I don’t think I need it anymore.”

“Body, I am safe now.”

“I don’t even need the cough ever again.”

“It is fine for me to breathe smoothly.”

So, this time, also the last time I had this kind of cough, only lasted for 2 weeks.

And since then, I barely got any sickness in the past 10 years.

But don’t get me wrong…

I am not saying you can heal any diseases or illnesses just by using self-affirmation for health…

You should always consult a doctor or healthcare professional for advice if you are unwell.

The thing is…

To better use affirmations for health, you must always first accept “what is” instead of the denial of it.

Know where you are so you can know where you want to be next.

Now, let’s dive into it.



Do Health Affirmations Work for Everyone

There are quite a lot of studies that have found that Self-Affirmation shows a positive impact on health and healing.

It is an effective way to increase a person’s receptivity toward health information and thus fosters positive changes in their health.

Even In psychological perspective…

Health affirmations affect us on a subconscious level and help us to make better choices for our wellness.

But how does it really work when it comes to spirituality?

In nowadays media or all sorts of platforms, we seemingly focus on the causes and the symptoms if we got infected with some sort of disease.

And it’s not difficult to drag our focus on the dreadfulness and hardship of it.

Guest what?

Just like what the Law of Attraction addresses, you attract what you think about.

This is why Health Affirmation is such a great tool to redirect our focus from dis-ease to ease.

How To Use Affirmation for Improving Health Effectively?

Like any other manifestation affirmations, it is suggested to use health affirmations daily in the morning right after you wake up and use it right before you go to bed.

These are the 2 most effective moments if you want to insert new beliefs or ideas into your subconscious mind.

Of course, there is no limitation that you can only do your affirmation in the morning or before sleep.

You can also use it by saying it out loud during the day.

Or you can use it with your manifestation journal or 369 manifestation method.

As long as you can feel the realness of it when you use it, you’re good.

If you have a habit or routine of mediation every day, it is also recommended to insert a few health affirmations in it.

It would work even better with specific healing frequencies according to your needs.



Daily Positive Affirmations for Good Health and Healing:

  1. My illness does not define me.
  2. My symptom is not my weakness, it is the evidence of my healing.
    affirmations for healing body
  3. I accept whatever it is happening to my body and I believe it can be healed.
  4. I am safe and nothing could threaten my health without my permission.
  5. I am responsible for my health, my vitality and my strength.
  6. I trust my body.
  7. I believe my body can tell me what it needs to obtain good health.
  8. My body has the ability to heal itself.
    affirmations for health and healing
  9. I have faith in my own healing.
  10. Everything is working out for me and my body.
    positive affirmations for health
  11. I am confident with my body and my health, physically and mentally.
  12. I appreciate my body and I deserve perfect health.
  13. The more I appreciate my body, the healthier I get.
  14. I prioritize rest and recovery for my mind and my body.
    mental health affirmations
  15. I choose healthy food for my body. I choose positive thoughts for my mind.
  16. I prioritize my peace of mind as it brings great benefit to my health.
    affirmations for good health perfect health
  17. I wake up feeling healthier, better and more energetic everyday.
  18. I focus on positivity in life because my body resonates with it.
    affirmations for strength
  19. I can develop the strength and the wellness I want whenever I want no matter what condition I’m in.
  20. I am healthy, powerful and in good shape!
  21. From now on, wellness is my normal state of being.



Express Your Gratitude & Appreciation

To make your self-affirmations even more powerful, you should express your gratitude and appreciation for it.

You can go with something like:

  • “Thank you body for performing the best as always.”
  • “Thank you for letting me know what you need.”
  • “You are in really good shape!”
  • “Thanks for letting me eat, walk, breathe and sleep freely.”
  • “Thank you for showing me your magnificent healing ability.”

The more you appreciate your body, the better it gets.

And the easier to let your health affirmations sink in to your mind and your body.


