The 7 Healing Frequencies: How It Works And What Are Their Benefits

healing frequencies solfeggio frequencies

Healing Frequencies are frequencies that are vibrating in specific Hertz that can promote wellness and balance to human physically and mentally.

We all know that sound has a profound impact on our lives.

From the cheerful rhythm of your favorite song to the grating noise of an alarm clock…

… sounds in specific frequencies can even heal your mind, body and spirit.

Among these transformative tones are the Solfeggio frequencies.

These are ancient sounds that have been rediscovered and are now being used to foster healing, balance, and well-being.

In this article, we will explore the possibilities of Solfeggio Frequencies and how these healing frequencies can improve your life.

Let’s dive in.

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How Do Healing frequencies work?

Healing frequencies have the power to positively impact our well-being on many levels.

At a physical level, specific vibrations can target pain reduction, accelerate healing, boost cellular energy production, stimulate the release of feel-good hormones, strengthen the immune system and balance bodily functions.

On an emotional plane, the calming, harmonizing influence of healing sounds and lights can relieve anxiety, lift depression, induce relaxation and increase happiness.

This aids stress management.

When it comes to the mind, certain frequencies aid to induce meditative states, enhance creativity, improve focus and cognition.

The decreased mental tension produces greater mental clarity.

Even on a spiritual level, healing frequencies connect us to a higher states of consciousness, align chakras and life force energy, supporting self-realization.

By using a specific set of frequencies like the Solfeggio Frequencies, we can effectively tune into optimal wellness holistically while attuned to our needs.

What Are Solfeggio Frequencies?

Solfeggio frequencies are a collection of specific tones believed to possess unique transformative properties.

These frequencies are tied to numerology and have been utilized in music dating back to medieval times.

Studies have found these frequencies can positively affect human consciousness, reduce stress, improve sleep…

… and guess what?

It can even promote DNA repair.

Nowadays, they’re thought to induce positive shifts in those who listen to them, inducing states of relaxation and reducing stress.

How to Use Solfeggio Frequencies For Healing?

Incorporating solfeggio frequencies into your wellness routine can be as simple as finding a quiet space and playing a tone that aligns with your needs.

Simply listening to these frequencies during meditation, yoga, or in the background can “retune” your vibrations to their intended balanced and harmonious states.

The key is:

Listen to these frequencies regularly so you can harness each tone’s particular energetic power.

It can dissolve negativity, raise your vibration, and transform your human experience.

Whether you use headphones or play the frequency as ambient sound…

…what we need is to relax, breathe, and let the vibrational energy of the sound wash over you.

It would work even better along with some health affirmations.



Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras: How They Work Together

If you are a Chakras Healing Practitioner, here’s a good news:

Solfeggio Frequencies resonates with 7 Chakras.

Your body houses seven primary chakras, or energy centers, that contribute to your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

When the chakras are in balance, you feel harmonious and healthy.

Here’s the thing:

If these energy centers become blocked or imbalanced, you may experience physical or emotional distress.

Solfeggio frequencies can stimulate and balance each chakra, promoting healing and harmony.

Now, let’s explore the different frequencies and how they interact with each chakra.

The 7 Healing Frequeincies

396 Hz: The Frequency That Liberates Fear and Guilt

The 396 Hz frequency, according to the Solfeggio scale, is associated with the liberation of guilt and fear.

This frequency aids in cleansing the feeling of guilt, fear, and even subconscious negative beliefs…

…which often act as hurdles in achieving our goals and dreams.

So, if you find yourself stuck at a point in your life, listening to music with 396 Hz is a good start.

Benefits of 396 Hz

The 396 Hz frequency carries several benefits, which include:

  • Release of Fear and Guilt: This frequency aids in liberating the mind from feelings of guilt and fear, promoting a sense of security.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: It helps us overcome the obstacles and challenges that stand in the way of our dreams and goals.
  • Promotion of Liberation: This frequency promotes a sense of liberation and freedom, helping us to live a fulfilling life.

How 396 Hz helps in Balancing The Root Chakra

The 396 Hz frequency is also known for its profound effects on the root chakra, or the Muladhara.

The root chakra is our body’s first energy center, located at the base of the spine.

It is associated with feelings of safety, security, and being grounded.

By playing the 396 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the root chakra, promoting a sense of stability, safety, and a healthy survival instinct.



417 Hz: The Frequency That Promotes Change

The 417 Hz frequency is associated with facilitating change and undoing situations.

It helps in clearing negative energy from the body and the environment, thus paving the way for positive changes.

Benefits of 417 Hz

The benefits of the 417 Hz frequency include:

  • Facilitation of Change: This frequency aids in facilitating change and helps us move forward in life.
  • Clearing Negative Energy: It helps in clearing negative energy from our body and our surroundings.
  • Promotion of Positivity: It promotes positivity and helps in creating a positive environment.

How 417 Hz helps in Balancing The Sacral Chakra

The 417 Hz frequency also aids in balancing the sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, which is associated with creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.

By playing the 417 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the sacral chakra, promoting creativity and a healthy sexual life.


528 Hz: The Frequency of Transformation and Miracles

Known as the “Love Frequency,” the 528 Hz frequency has a deep-rooted relationship with nature and is present in everything from DNA to the pattern of growth in shells.

This frequency is known for its transformative capability, which brings about miracles and manifestations.

It also aids in creating harmony and deep healing.

Benefits of 528 Hz

The 528 Hz frequency offers several benefits, including:

  • Promotion of Balance and Harmony: This frequency promotes balance and harmony in our body and our surroundings.
  • Aid in Manifestation: It aids in the process of manifestation, helping us achieve our dreams and goals.
  • Promotion of Love and Peace: It promotes a sense of love, peace, and happiness in our lives.

How 528 Hz helps in Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra

On the chakra scale, the 528 Hz frequency resonates with the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura.

Located in the upper part of the belly, this chakra is associated with self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal power.

By playing the 528 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the solar plexus chakra, promoting a strong sense of self-confidence and personal power.



639 Hz: The Frequency That Fosters Connection

The 639 Hz frequency is associated with fostering connections and improving interpersonal relationships.

It is known to enhance communication, understanding, and tolerance among individuals, thereby improving their relationships.

Benefits of 639 Hz

The benefits of the 639 Hz frequency include:

  • Enhancement of Relationships: It aids in improving relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Improvement in Communication: It helps in enhancing communication and understanding among people.
  • Promotion of Tolerance: It promotes a sense of tolerance and acceptance among individuals.

How 639 Hz helps in Balancing The Heart Chakra

The 639 Hz frequency resonates with the heart chakra, or Anahata.

This chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance.

By playing the 639 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the heart chakra, promoting emotional balance, forgiveness, and a healthy relationship with others.


741 Hz: The Frequency That Purifies Toxins & Negativities

The 741 Hz frequency is associated with stimulating intuition and promoting the purification of the body.

It helps in cleansing the cells and removing toxins from the body.

This frequency is also known to stimulate problem-solving and intuitive thinking.

Benefits of 741 Hz

The benefits of the 741 Hz frequency include:

  • Stimulating Intuition: It aids in stimulating intuition and problem-solving abilities.
  • Promoting Purification: It helps in the purification of the body, cleansing the cells, and removing toxins.
  • Enhancing Creativity: It enhances creativity and helps us express ourselves more authentically.

How 741 Hz helps in Balancing The Throat Chakra

The 741 Hz frequency resonates with the throat chakra, or Vishuddha.

This chakra is associated with self-expression, communication, and truth.

By playing the 741 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the throat chakra, promoting healthy communication and self-expression.



852 Hz: The Frequency That Awakens Your Intuition

The 852 Hz frequency is associated with returning to spiritual order.

It is known to open up the mind to receive messages from the universe.

This frequency helps in opening up our third eye (aka. Pineal Gland) and helps us to see beyond the physical realm.

Benefits of 852 Hz

The benefits of the 852 Hz frequency include:

  • Promotion of Spiritual Order: This frequency aids in returning to spiritual order and connecting with the divine.
  • Awakening of Intuition: It helps in awakening intuition and inner strength.
  • Promotion of Clarity: It promotes clarity of mind and helps in opening up to new experiences.

How 852 Hz helps in Balancing The Third Eye Chakra

The 852 Hz frequency resonates with the third eye chakra, or Ajna.

This chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and inner peace.

By playing the 852 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought, inner wisdom, and a deeper understanding of life.


963 Hz: The Frequency Of The Universe

The highest frequency in the Solfeggio scale, 963 Hz, is associated with divine consciousness or enlightenment.

It is also known as “The God Frequency”.

This frequency helps us to connect with the divine and our higher selves.

It is also known to promote feelings of peace and bliss.

Benefits of 963 Hz

The benefits of the 963 Hz frequency include:

  • Promotion of Enlightenment: This frequency aids in promoting enlightenment and awakening our divine consciousness.
  • Connection with the Divine: It helps in connecting with the divine and our higher selves.
  • Promotion of Peace and Bliss: It promotes feelings of peace, bliss, and spiritual well-being.

How 963 Hz helps in Balancing The Crown Chakra

The 963 Hz frequency resonates with the crown chakra, or Sahasrara.

This chakra is associated with spiritual growth, connection to the divine, and enlightenment.

By playing the 963 Hz frequency, you can stimulate the crown chakra, promoting spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine.

(I just love the sound it plays with Tibetan singing bowl :))




174 Hz: The Frequency That Relieves Pain, Tension, And Stress

One of the lowest vibrational frequencies in the Solfeggio scale, 174 Hz, is often referred to as the frequency of pain relief.

This frequency is believed to create a soothing effect on our bodies when we are vibrating at a lower frequency, helping to relieve pain, stress, and tension.

It creates a deep healing vibration in our body, which resonates with our energy and helps to restore balance in our system.

It is also said to be efficient to relieve back pain, knee pain and migraines.

I don’t know about others, but it does help soothe my knee pain when I am listening to it.

Benefits of 174 Hz

The 174 Hz frequency is associated with a myriad of benefits, some of which include:

  • Pain Relief: This frequency has been known to help alleviate physical pain in various parts of the body.
  • Stress Reduction: It aids in reducing stress by creating peaceful vibrations that soothe the mind and body.
  • Enhanced Concentration: 174 Hz can also enhance your concentration levels, enabling you to focus better.
  • Security and Safety: This frequency instills a sense of security and safety, helping you to overcome anxiety and fear.

**If you have tears in your eyes while listening, this represents the discharge of your tension and fear.



285 Hz: The Frequency That Heals And Restores Tissues

This frequency is known for its healing and restorative properties.

It is particularly effective in healing minor injuries, cuts, burns, or any other form of damage to the skin or tissues.

It helps in rejuvenating the body and promoting the growth of cells.

Benefits of 285 Hz

The 285 Hz frequency carries several benefits, including:

  • Wound Healing: This frequency accelerates the healing of physical wounds and injuries.
  • Cellular Regeneration: It aids in rejuvenating the body’s cells, restoring them to their optimal state.
  • Energy Enhancement: 285 Hz also helps in boosting your energy levels, making you feel more vibrant and alive.
  • Strengthening Immune System: It’s known to positively impact the immune system, increasing its efficiency.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Healing frequencies are a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

They provide a powerful means to balance our chakras and enhance our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, alleviate pain, improve your relationships, or connect with the divine, these frequencies can help.

So why not incorporate them into your daily routine and experience their healing power for yourself?

Remember, healing is a journey that begins with a single step.

By embracing the power of healing frequencies, you’re taking a significant step towards overall wellness and a more balanced, harmonious life.

