What Is The Law Of Attraction And How To Use It To Attract What You Want?

The Law of Attraction is a spiritual and universal principle that states that whatever thoughts and feelings we put out into the Universe will be attracted right back to us.

This is a principle that is governed by our thoughts and emotions emitting an energetic vibrational frequency that resonates our reality.

It teaches that we will attract like energies based on what we focus on the most.

In this article, we will talk about what the law of attraction actually is, 5 fundamental principles of the law of attraction, how to use the law of attraction to attract what you want, exercises you can use to practice the law of attraction and tips that help you attract better.

Table of Content:

What Is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction, one of the 12 universal laws, is a philosophy and spiritual belief which promotes the idea that we can manifest anything by focusing our thoughts with emotions appropriately

The whole concept is really way more than just being positive and avoiding negativities, but it is also a thoughts and emotions processing mechanism to guide us to what we desire, e.g. our goals on Money, Relationships and Health. 

Simply put…

… it’s the ways of thinking and living to help the manifestation of things that we want.

Is the Law of Attraction Real?

The idea of the Law of Attraction has been getting more and more popular in the last decade since the movie “The Secret” was revealed.

However, this concept has actually been mentioned so many times in books from 100 years ago like ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ which was first published in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles.

What’s even crazier is that…

If we chase back further, you could find some law of attraction theories in Taoism teachings from Laozi more than 2000 years ago. Not to mention other philosophies and religious teachings.

That being said…

…the Law of Attraction teachings has been with us in our culture for so long as a universal law and this is also why it has been widely accepted so quickly in the past decade.

Yes, some people claim that the Law of Attraction is pseudoscience, but well, science can’t prove it (yet) doesn’t make it not real.



How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

how does the law of attraction work


To understand how the Law of Attraction works, first of all, we need to understand that a thought must come with a subject with feeling or emotion.

And every subject is really about two subjects: 

  1. You are feeling the presence of it. (Feeling good)
  2. You are not feeling the absence of it. (Feeling bad)

When you feel the presence of a subject, you usually feel positive emotions about it. Like optimism, anticipation, passion, appreciation…etc.

If you feel the absence of a subject, you usually feel negative emotions about it. E.g. pessimism, worry, anger, insecure or fear.

Here’s the thing…

…To be able to attract something into your life, you need to feel good about that subject so you can attract it into your presence consistently.

So consistent that you need to believe that you already have what you want even though you haven’t yet.

You have to expect it to happen even though sometimes there isn’t any evidence showing you so.

I know, it’s easier said than done.

Good news is…

… the main purpose of most LOA teachings is to help us enter this state of mind.

So that we are able to attract the abundance of finances, love, relationships, health and mental well-being effortlessly.

And you will find all the best law of attraction techniques and practices you can use in this article.



Understanding The Laws of Attraction

Before we go through all the LOA practices one by one, it’s very important to understand the fundamental concept of the Law of Attraction.

The fundamental of the Law of Attraction is based on 5 rules.

  1. Like attracts like.
  2. Nature abhors a vacuum.
  3. You attract what you are.
  4. You attract what you put out.
  5. The present is always perfect.

Knowing these core concepts will help you understand the Law of Attraction better, decode some of our inherent thoughts, and practice the Law of Attraction exercises easier. 

Treat it as a game, and these are the 5 rules you need to know about:

1. Like attracts like:

The original saying is: ‘That which is like unto itself, is drawn.’

It means that like energy tends to attract like energy.

Now think about this:

According to the Law of Vibration, everything is made by atoms which are basically held together by energy.

And our thoughts are also a form of energy which our nerve cells generate electrical signals that transmit information.

It makes so much sense that like-minded people tend to group together as they emit similar energy.

It makes so much sense that affectionate people tend to be loved by others as they emit love from their thinking and actions.

It makes so much sense that rich people tend to attract wealth so much more effortlessly as they emit abundance from their mindsets.



2. Nature abhors a vacuum:

What it really means is that, when you let go of something, new things must come to fill the void.

It’s also the nature of energy which always flows from higher potential to lower potential.

It also implies that when you lose something in your life, maybe your career, money, relationships… Don’t hold on to it. Let it go.

Put down your regrets, your angst, your grief. New experience must flow in to fill that gap.

By understanding this law, you know you will never lose anything. Every loss is a transition to a better version of you and your life.

3. You attract what you are: 

When we try to attract something into our life, no matter if it is money, relationships or health…

…We not only attract the things itself to come, most of the time, we also need to become that person who is able to acquire what we want.

  • Become the person who is capable to make that money
  • Become the person who is capable to love himself / herself
  • Become the person who is strong / flexible enough to have that body.

Thus, it is very crucial to understand you are what you attract so that when we practice the Law of Attraction, we know our focus is not only the thing outside of us…

… but a large part of it is that we are ‘Being’ the new version of us.

4. You attract what you put out:

It is also called the boomerang effect

This concept suggests that we would attract the ENERGY back to ourselves no matter what we put out to the Universe in terms of our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Say for example, if you do something kind to a person willingly, lovingly and gratefully. You will attract something back to you that makes you feel love and gratitude.

However, if you do something to a person unwillingly, angrily with resentment. You will further attract more things that make you feel angry and resentment.

So you know how the Law of Attraction affects the action part of our life.



5. The present is always perfect:

This law suggests that no matter what is happening right now, it is perfect.

Everything that is happening around you is an outcome of your own manifestation.

The coolest part?

Things always happen FOR you, not TO you.

The earth is spinning perfectly. Gravity is working perfectly. The Law of Attraction is working perfectly for you.

Once you understand this, you will know there are no problems, issues, challenges, adversities or crises…..

There are only events that show you the contrast so you can discern what you want and keep you evolving as a human and spiritual being.

This, is the most perfect part of the perfect present.

How to Use the Law of Attraction in 3 Steps?

How to use the law of attraction

To use the Law of Attraction is actually really simple. There is only 3 steps:

Step 1: Know What You Want 

Like I mentioned above, life is a series of events that show you the contrast so you can discern what you want and keep you evolving.

When we observe something that we don’t want in our life, it is actually a chance to know what we do want.

  • I don’t want to be poor <- what you don’t want
  • I want to be financially success <- what you do want
  • I don’t want to be single <- what you don’t want
  • I want to have someone to share my life with <- what you do want
  • I don’t want to be sick <- what you don’t want
  • I want to be healthy <- what you do want



Remember this:

Every subject in the Law of Attraction is really about two subjects: 

  1. The presence of it. 
  2. The absence of it. 

Feel the sensation of relief when you switch your focus from the absence to the presence of it.

And to attract what you want you need to focus on the presence of it, which is what you do want.

Step 2: Know Why You Want It

There is a magic of knowing why you want something.

It is always about how you want to feel when you keep asking why you want something until you reach the intention point.

We are such an emotional being as our primal desire is always emotional driven.

Keep asking yourself why you want something until you can’t find any logical rationale left.

After you get used to this step, you can simply ask yourself:

How do I want to feel when I get this?

There is always a good feeling like joy, empowerment, love or appreciation behind all of this and the Universe will always response to it.

This is how you ask the Universe for what you want by addressing how you feel about a subject.

Step 3: Let the Universe do the work. Feel Good and Expect it to Come

The last step is really not our part.

We just leave it for the Universe to do the manifestation work.

Yet, we need to trust the process and believe the Universe will attract what you want for your. 

If we can keep ourselves in a state of feeling good and expecting things to come most of the time in a day, that would be terrific.

Even if we can’t, we can just let go (and let god) and surrender the situation as much as possible, especially when you are in a seemingly slightly more urgent circumstance. 



Exercises for Practicing the Law of Attraction

The whole point of practicing the Law of Attraction is to practice how to feel good. 

Or more accurately, it’s to learn how to raise your vibration to a higher level.

Like we mentioned in the last section, Step 1 and Step 2 of using the Law of Attraction is actually easy.

But to learn how to feel good…

… I know it sounds absurd but sadly, the truth is, the majority of us were being trained and educated that we are not allowed to feel good as we wished.

I know I sound like an extremist, but think about this:

“Keep Quiet! Don’t laugh during class.”

And think about why people are so used to going for a ‘Happy Hour’ after work? Isn’t Happy Hour anytime? (By Johnny Depp lol)

Sorry for digressed a little bit too far but the truth of the matter is, most of us doesn’t know how to feel good by our own will.

So, here are a few really good Law of Attraction techniques you can use on a daily basis to train yourself to feel better and make this way of thinking your habit.

1. Visualization

Visualization is a very effective manifestation technique to bring your mind and your emotion forward to a point that you have acquired what you desired.

Remember the Universe will respond to no matter what emotion you put out and attract it for you.

The bottle line?

Visualize yourself vividly being the person who already has what you want and feel the satisfaction, happiness, ease, gratitude and appreciation to be that person.



2. Gratitude List

Journal 5 – 10 things everyday that you are grateful for in the last 24 hours.

If you can’t think of anything or you just had a bad day, try to expand it to the last 7 days or the last month.

It is okay even if it is something you have journaled before.

As long as you can feel the gratitude rising in your heart, you can still write it down.

Like attracts like.

Gratitude attracts more gratitude. 

This technique guarantees you to have a really good circulation of good things to happen in your life.

3. Gratitude & Appreciation in Action

If you can get yourself to be feeling fairly good all day, you may try to use this technique to push it forward.

Remember we mentioned about the law that you attract what you put out?

What if you keep putting gratitude and appreciation in your every single action?

How about paying your Starbuck with gratitude?

Feeling grateful for the money you exchange for your coffee.

Feeling appreciation for the staff who took your order for her smile and professional service.

Feeling grateful for the aroma in the shop that makes you feel so good when you take each of your breath.

In this way, you can put something good out there in almost everything you do.

4. General Thought

We talked a lot about how to feel good earlier. It is easy to feel good when you are in a good mood.

But in reality, there could be hundreds of things to trigger your bad feeling – aka Negativity.

When you are in a slightly bad mood, like feeling pessimism, frustration, irritation or impatience, you are still able to twist it to a slightly positive emotion like contentment or optimism.

But guess what?

If you are in a fairly strong negative mood – feeling disappointed, worried, angry, discouraged, insecure, depression…

… it is so so so much harder to twist your feeling to a positive emotion.

So, whenever you find yourself dwelling in these deep negative emotions, don’t try to ‘Be Positive’.

Instead, you can focus on something general which would not trigger your negative feeling.

What is general thought?

What’s the weather today? What’s the temperature today? Look around your surroundings. 

Anything that is happening in the present moment but not triggering any negative emotions to you.



5. Meditation

Meditation works quite similar to General Thought. 

By putting your focus on your breath and your body, you not only can isolate yourself from thoughts that make you feel bad, but also bring yourself to peace temporarily.

And the best part is…

… This 15 – 30 mins of peace can help you to set the tune for your whole day.

It will help you to feel better so much easier during the day and give you a shield to any negativities.

6. Take It Easy

Always remember the whole point of practicing the Law of Attraction is to help yourself feel good.

It’s not an exam or you need a license to be able to use and master the Law of Attraction.

Don’t try to evaluate your progress. Don’t try so hard. Don’t beat yourself up.

In fact, I have quite a few times that once I stopped trying so hard and even decided to leave it behind, things just flow in.

The present is perfect. 

Take it easy, relax, no rush, feel good, have fun.

Tips for Using the Law of Attraction on Specific Subjects 

1. Love and Relationships

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest love or any relationship, you have to be able to love yourself first.

Here’s why:

To be able to attract love, you need to feel loved.

One of the best sources of love is, not from others, but from yourself, which we generally call it – self love.

And, to be able to love yourself, you need to learn how to appreciate yourself, forgive yourself and do things that make yourself happy.

When you love yourself enough so you can be your true self, you are infinitely more attractive to those who appreciate your quality as a partner.



2. Money

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest money, there usually involve in two situations:

  1. You don’t have enough money and you want to have enough to deal with overhead costs, bills and debt.
  2. You already have some money but you want to achieve a higher financial goal.

If you are in the 1st situation, you need to do anything you could do to make yourself feel enough

If you don’t have any income or very little income, try to find a job with a higher salary. If you could, try to get 2 or 3 part-time jobs. 

Take whatever it takes to make yourself feel secure constantly.

When the sense of security becomes your basic tune of vibration, sources of income will show up to offer you financial stability.

If you are in the 2nd situation, you want to achieve a higher financial success.

The easiest way is to visualize yourself having already achieved your goal and you can feel gratitude and satisfaction.

Or do something you are passionate about and try to build an income with it.

3. Health and Fitness

The process of practicing the Law of Attraction itself is already bringing tons of benefits to your health while you are feeling good.

Releasing your anxiety, anger, depression or all kinds of negative emotions can also keep you away from chronic stress which is scientifically proven that it increases the risk of many health problems.

For body fitness, it is really that simple to keep visualizing you already have the ideal body shape and feel the ease of moving your body.

If you want to lose weight, make sure to check with yourself if you have a low self-esteem issue. You may probably need to appreciate and forgive yourself more as a part of your Law of Attraction exercises.

4. Career and Work

Besides using the Law of Attraction to manifest the career or ideal job position you want, you can also use it at work to resolve any kind of challenges.

Better communication with colleagues, smooth negotiation with clients, resolving critical incidents and crises…You name it.

Guess what?

Using the Law of Attraction at work not only can help you to do your job better and be able to achieve more, but it is also a great channel for you to keep practicing it.

5. Success

First of all, you need to be very clear about what Success means to you.

It can be the amount of money you want to make, the perfect house you want to live in, the family you want to have, the career goal you want to achieve, the business you want to establish.

But the point is…

… You need to have a more substantial idea on what your success means to you.

Write down all of these goals as specific as possible in a notebook or you can create a vision board so you can keep track of.

And every time, or ideally, everyday look at your list or vision board and imagine yourself having already achieved all of these goals and find the feeling of satisfaction, joy and gratitude.



Why is the Law of Attraction Not Working?

Even after 10+ years of practicing the Law of Attraction, I would still ask this question sometimes.

The truth of the matter is…

Just like Gravity, the Law of Attraction is working for everyone all the time.

It is not attracting what you want / it is attracting something that you don’t want, doesn’t mean that it is not working.

So, whenever you find yourself doubting it is not working, here’s what you can do: 

  1. How do you feel on that subject at the moment? Feeling frustrated? Feeling worried? Feeling hopeless?
  2. Use the Exercises we mentioned earlier to help yourself feel better on that subject.
  3. Let it go and trust the Universe is manifesting it for you. Say ‘Thank You’ to the Universe like you have already received it.

Law of Attraction Books Recommendations

Last but not least, here are the Top 10 Law of Attraction Books I love and also loved by millions of LOA followers.

  1. All the Law of Attraction books by Esther Hicks
  2. ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ by Wallace D. Wattles
  3. ‘The Science of Being Well’ by Wallace D. Wattles
  4. ‘The Mastery of Love’ by Don Miguel Ruiz
  5. ‘Becoming Supernatural’ by Joe Dispenza
  6. ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill
  7. ‘Change Your Paradigm’ by Bob Proctor
  8. ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne
  9. ‘Happy Money’ by Ken Honda
  10. ‘Zero Limits’ By Joe Vitale


