What Is The Meaning Of “You Attract What You Are”? A Complete Guide To Mastering The Principle Of “You Are What You Attract” For Love, Finance, And Health

you attract what you are

Have you ever wonder why you keep attracting things you don’t like?

People, relationships, events, unfavorable situations…

It’s almost like Déjà vu, but with all the bad unwanted experiences.

If it happens to you, you need to understand more about what “You Attract What You Are” really means.

Let’s jump in!

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What Does “You Attract What You Are” Mean?

You attract what you are means that everything that is happening around you is a direct reflection of who you are.

According to one of the fundamental rules in the Law of Attraction – Like Attracts Like.

You tend to attract things and people that are matching with your beliefs and thinking.

In a nutshell…

If you are not a loving person, it’s uneasy for you to attract love and people around you would have the similar problem.

If you don’t have an abundant mindset, it’s hard for you to attract wealth and people around you probably ain’t rich.

If you don’t believe you can have a healthy body, it is very likely that it’s easy for you to get sick.


What do we do?

Now take a moment to review things that happen around you…

If you find there are any struggles in relationships, finance or unhappy things that happened to you…

… you can get a glimpse of what kinds of limiting beliefs are hidden within you.

And if you don’t do anything about it, you will keep attracting what you are but not what you want.

3 Signs That You Are Still Attracting What You Are, Not What You Want

To examine whether you are attracting what you are instead of what you want, there are basically 3 aspects you can look into:

1. You Keep Attracting People & Relationships That You Don’t Appreciate

The landscape of your friends and relationships is the most direct reflection of the degree of your self-love and self-esteem.

For example:

If you are not loving yourself enough, it is easier to attract an abusive relationship.

If you have a low self-esteem, you might often feel being left out or unaccepted by others.

What’s even worse is…

You might blame yourself for not being good enough.

It’s just a reflection of the lack of love and appreciation to yourself which attracts you to relationships like that.

(*We will cover more about how to deal with these situations in the coming section.)



2. You Keep Attracting Unwanted Situations / Events

If you find yourself keep looping in unwanted situations and events, very likely, you are getting trapped by your own limiting beliefs.

And if you have ever got any emotional traumas in your childhood, it would affect your behavior subconsciously without you noticing it.

For example:

If you have ever hurt by your family members or someone you loved in the past, it might turn out that you are not that easy to trust people when you are a grown up.

These limiting beliefs can be hidden in different aspects of our life and affect us in different areas mentally, physically and financially.

If you have one of these beliefs in your mind:

  • “I will never be good enough.”
  • “No one would love me unless I behave.”

Very likely you would have a lot of self-doubt when it comes to relationships or you might try very hard to prove yourself all the time.

While you find those who never tried to please anyone are usually the most peaceful, calmest and surrounded by their own group of circles.

Under the influence of these beliefs, a person might also found he/she could not achieve any goals they want.

As they subconsciously believe that they are not “good enough” to achieve what they want.

Limiting beliefs about money is also one of the biggest reasons that keep us in non-stop financial misfortunes.

Beliefs like:

  • “Money is the root of all evil”
  • “Money can’t buy happiness.”
  • “It’s bad to be greedy.”
  • “You don’t deserve to be rich.”

If you have any of these beliefs hidden in your mind, very likely it is hard for you to save up money…

… or there is always something that happens that you need to spend your hard earned money on.

The only way you can get through these unwanted situations is to figure out what limiting beliefs you have and remove them.



3. You Keep Attracting What You Fear And Anxious About

The unwanted situations or events we mentioned earlier, when it happened for the 1st or 2nd time, you might think you were just unlucky or it was just an unfortunate event.

But when life beats you up on and on, very often, you would build up fear on certain subjects even if the bad things haven’t really happened yet.

It’s like you were expecting it.

And guess what?

Like attracts like, fear attracts fear.

You would just keep attracting things that scare you continuously.

And this will eventually become chronic anxiety if you don’t deal with it at an early stage.

you are what you attract

5 Steps To Start Attracting What You Want

1. Check Your Limiting Beliefs

First of all, you need to identify what kinds of limiting beliefs we have that are influencing you adversely.

Use limiting beliefs about money as an example:

  • “We need to work hard to make a fortune…“
  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees…”
  • “Money is the root of all evil…”

If you believe in any of these, I bet making and keeping money is hard for you.

Financial Crisis in the past could also create traumas in your mind which are rooted in your subconscious mind as a sticky limiting belief.

When I was a little kid, my brother and I witnessed our parents lose almost every single dimes on gambling and bad investment decisions a few times.

Guess what?

Similar situation happened to both of us around our early 30s.

But we are lucky.

We are able to learn the correct concept of money from different people and sources.

So we are able to get rid of our limiting beliefs about money.


My point is…

Whenever you find there is a certain aspect in your life that is not going the way you want, go check your inside to see if there are any blockages hindering you.

And question yourself whether these beliefs are helping you or not.

If they don’t serve, then you might want to change it, remove it and replace it with something constructive.



2. Visualize Yourself To Be The Person You Want To Be

As you attract WHAT you are, you also attract WHO you are.

The best way to get what you want is to become the person who has already achieved what you desire.

It’s almost like, giving yourself a new identity.

Now, for a moment, visualize yourself becoming the person you want to become.

Imagine you have already acquired all the knowledge, experience, beliefs that you need to become that person.

And feel the positive emotions like joy, appreciation, gratitude, ease, peace and freedom rise within you.

The key of this practice is to create good feelings in our mind.

By the law of attraction, like attracts like.

If you can feel it, you can have it.

Remember this:

You are what you are ready for.

If you want to attract anything you never have in your life, you need to first “Be” that person and “Be” ready to receive it.

3. Use Affirmation To Improve Your Self-Esteem

Positive Affirmations is a powerful tool we can use to motivate ourselves by saying them regularly or writing them down in a journal.

According to study, positive affirmations work as they can stimulate neural activities which activate changes internally and mentally.

Research also indicates that affirmations are very efficient in improving a person’s self-esteem.

With that being said…

If you find yourself attracted to what you don’t want because of low self-esteem, you can simply use affirmation to improve it.

For example, if you have self-worthiness or self-love issues, you can use the following affirmations:

  • I deserve love.
  • I am lovable.
  • I love myself.
  • I love who I am.
  • I am adorable.
  • I am enough to be loved.

Repeat them(or write them down) once you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed.

These are the best times to input these messages into your subconscious mind.

This practice will help you to manifest more love into your life too.



4. Take 100% Responsibility Of Your Own Life

You are what you think about.

By the Law of Correspondence, whatever happens around us, is a direct reflection of what is happening within us.

That said, our internal world creates our own reality.

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

― Hermes Trismegistus

And this is why you are always what you attract.

Our reality is a mirror of what’s happening inside of us.

To fully aware what we are attracting, we must bear in mind a fundamental Ho’oponopono teaching:

Take 100% responsibility for your own life.“

And remember:

If anything ‘bad’ happened, it happened FOR us, not TO us. 

Every challenge we face in our life is a chance for us to clean up our negative beliefs, so we can receive more love, more happiness and more wealth.

5. Be Grateful Of Who You Are And What You Have

If you want to have more or become a better person, you need to be grateful for what you already have and appreciate who you are.

I know it sounds contradictory…

I have been stuck in this concept for a very long time tbh.

But the truth of the matter is…

You can only elevate yourself (or anything) from where you are.

Being grateful for who you are is giving yourself the energy to jump to another level.

If you have been struggling in life, be grateful for all the struggles that bring you a clearer vision of what you want.

Make it a daily habit to journal down things that you are thankful for, no matter how subtle it is.

You will find there are more and more you can write about as you become more attractive to good things.

