Manifest Money Using The Law Of Attraction: 6 Law Of Attraction Exercises To Attract More Abundance

how to manifest money law of attraction

Using the Law of Attraction to manifest money is to use the theories of the Law of Attraction, such as positive thinking, frequency alignment of your goal, and inspired actions, so as to manifest money and financial success into your life.

To master the art of manifesting money by the Law of Attraction, you need to know how thinking and feeling prosperous can attract abundance, how beliefs and thinking patterns can affect the ability to attract prosperity, what exercises you can use with the Law of Attraction to attract your financial goals practically, and what you should think and feel while you are in certain financial circumstances.

In this article, we will explore all the fundamentals of using the Law of Attraction to manifest money and reveal every single detail you need to know.

Let’s dive in.




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What is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction (LoA) is a popular philosophy that suggests our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, including our financial circumstances. According to the Law of Attraction, by focusing on positive thoughts about money and abundance, you can attract financial success and prosperity into your life.

At its core, the Law of Attraction operates on the principle that like attracts like. This means that the energy you emit through your thoughts and feelings resonates with similar vibrational energies in the universe. If you hold positive beliefs about money, you are more likely to attract opportunities and experiences that align with those beliefs.

Conversely, negative thoughts about money can create a mindset of scarcity, leading to missed opportunities and financial struggle

Does The Law Of Attraction Work In Manifesting Money?

Yes, the Law of Attraction does work in manifesting money effectively by helping you remove your money blocks, maintain a positive mindset about money, and build up positive beliefs about money.

When applying the Law of Attraction, you must adopt a positive mindset about finances. This involves shifting limiting beliefs, practicing gratitude, and visualizing financial success. By focusing on abundance rather than scarcity, you create an energetic alignment that can attract opportunities and resources.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Money?

using the law of attraction for money

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest money, wealth, or any sort of financial abundance is to harness the power of prosperous thinking, visualization, and belief to attract financial abundance into your life.

It involves cultivating a mindset of abundance, replacing limiting beliefs about money with empowering affirmations. It involves the following steps.

  1. Be Clear on What You Want And Feel.
  2. Raise Your Vibration by Finding Good Feeling Thoughts.
  3. Take Inspired Action.

1. Be Clear on What You Want And Feel.

By clearly defining your financial goals and visualizing achieving them, you align your energy with those aspirations. Also, under the principle of like attracts like, you attract what you are vibrationally matched.

If you are able to visualize and possess the feeling of prosperity, you will attract prosperity inevitably.

2. Raise Your Vibration by Finding Good Feeling Thoughts.

Raising vibration plays an important role in the process of manifestation as it helps us to align ourselves with our inner being and the universe. The more we are in alignment, the faster and easier it is to manifest what we want.

In general, we can raise our vibration by thinking any good feeling thoughts. A common exercise that people usually use is to practice gratitude and appreciation. You can start by writing a list of things that you are grateful for on a daily basis. You will find yourself having an uplift of mood gradually, which means your overall vibration has been raised.

3. Take Inspired Action.

Importantly, manifesting money also requires taking inspired action toward your goals, ensuring that your mindset and behaviors work together to create the financial reality you desire.

However, sometimes an inspired action doesn’t necessarily have any correlation to what you want directly. It could be an internal nudge that urges you to go for a walk or call a friend that you haven’t been seeing for a while. You may find inspiration that can help you achieve your financial goals through these activities.

Apart from the steps we mentioned above, there are 2 keys of using the Law of Attraction to manifest money.

  1. Learn to feel rich, prosperous, and abundant as much as you can.
  2. Remove any money blocks that hinder your ability to attract money.



How to feel rich, prosperous, and abundant using the Law of Attraction?

To feel rich, prosperous, and abundant using the Law of Attraction, you can start by visualizing yourself having an excessive amount of money. You don’t need to know how you get that money, but you need to think about how you are going to spend that money. And that’s the feeling of prosperity.

Once you know how prosperous feels, the only thing you need to do is to hold this feeling as much as possible and build up a prosperous mindset continuously. Here are 2 practices to help you build up a prosperous mindset.

1. Act as If:
Embrace the feelings of being wealthy and abundant in your daily life. Make decisions and take actions that align with your prosperous self, even if they seem small.

2. Surround Yourself with a Prosperous Mindset:
Engage with positive influences, whether through books, podcasts, or uplifting conversations. Surrounding yourself with those who share an abundance mindset reinforces your own beliefs.

How Money Blocks Hinder The Law of Attraction From Working?

A money block is a mental or emotional barrier that prevents you from achieving financial abundance and success. These blocks often stem from negative beliefs, past experiences, or societal conditioning about money. Common examples include feelings of unworthiness, fear of success or failure, and limiting beliefs such as “money is the root of all evil” or “I’ll never be wealthy.”

Money blocks can manifest in various ways, such as self-sabotage, procrastination, or avoidance of financial responsibilities. For instance, someone might consistently undercharge for their services, avoid asking for promotions, or struggle to save money, even when they have the means to do so.

Identifying and addressing money blocks is essential for personal and financial growth. This process often involves self-reflection and awareness of one’s beliefs about money. By confronting and transforming money blocks, you can create a healthier relationship with money, paving the way for increased financial abundance and success.

Here are 4 common money blocks that most people have.

  1. Money is the root of evil.
  2. You must work hard to make a fortune.
  3. Money doesn’t buy you happiness.
  4. Rich People Are Greedy, Selfish, and Dishonest.

money mental blocks law of attraction

Money is the root of evil.

The phrase “money is the root of all evil” suggests that the pursuit of wealth leads to immoral behavior and negative consequences. This saying, often misquoted from the Bible, reflects societal concerns about greed, corruption, and the unethical actions people may take to acquire money.

People who think money is evil tend to repel money and any financial opportunities, have a strong tendency to remain in their status quo, and lose it all subconsciously even if they have received a substantial fortune.

To deal with this money block, we need to understand that while money itself is neutral—a tool for exchange—it can amplify existing behaviors. It can facilitate positive actions, such as charity and investment in communities, or negative ones, like exploitation and deceit.

At the end of the day, the impact of money depends on how you choose to use it, highlighting the importance of intent and values over the mere possession of wealth.

Making money requires hard work.

The idea that “you must work hard to make a fortune” emphasizes the importance of effort, dedication, and perseverance in achieving financial success.
Some may find this a false premise, as it overlooks the diverse pathways to wealth. This mindset can also lead to burnout and stress, as it implies that relentless labor is the only route to financial success.

While hard work can contribute to success, factors like innovation, strategic decision-making, and networking often play more crucial roles.
In reality, many wealthy people achieve their fortunes through smart investments, entrepreneurship, or leveraging technology rather than sheer effort.

Money doesn’t buy you happiness

The saying “money doesn’t buy you happiness” is misleading, as it oversimplifies the complex relationship between wealth and well-being. People who possess this belief usually repel money and despise a materialistic lifestyle.

While it’s true that money alone cannot guarantee happiness, financial resources can significantly enhance life quality by providing security, health care, and access to opportunities.

Moreover, money enables experiences, such as travel and hobbies, that contribute to joy and fulfillment. It can also alleviate stress relating to financial instability, allowing you to focus on personal growth and relationships.

At the end of the day, even though money isn’t the sole source of happiness, it plays a vital role in creating conditions conducive to a fulfilling life.

Rich People Are Greed, Selfish, And Dishonest.

The assumption that “rich people are greedy, selfish, and dishonest” is a flawed stereotype that overlooks the diversity of persons within any socioeconomic group.

In reality, many wealthy people engage in philanthropy, support community initiatives, and contribute positively to society. They use their resources to create jobs and drive innovation.

Success does not inherently correlate with negative traits; rather, people’s character is shaped by their values and choices, regardless of their financial status.

Other than generalizing about the rich, we should remember the complexity of human behavior and the potential for generosity and integrity among those with financial means.



How Beliefs About Money Work WIth The Law Of Attraction?

Positive beliefs about money align seamlessly with the Law of Attraction, which emphasizes that like attracts like.

When you hold empowering beliefs about wealth—such as “I deserve abundance” or “Money comes easily to me”—they emit positive energy that attracts similar financial experiences. This mindset brings in more gratitude, openness, and proactive behaviors, enhancing opportunities for prosperity.

By visualizing financial success and maintaining optimism, you reinforce your beliefs, creating a cycle of attraction. The Law of Attraction amplifies these positive beliefs, enabling you to manifest your financial goals and create a reality filled with abundance and opportunity, ultimately leading to greater financial fulfillment.

Additionally, the universe sees money or financial abundance differently than most of us. If we can possess the same beliefs about money under the eyes of the source, it would greatly enhance the effectiveness of manifestation.

Here are 3 beliefs about money to align with the Law of Attraction and the universe.

  1. Money is energy.
  2. This world is abundant.
  3. Money is a result of you feeling prosperous.

Money is Energy.

In the perspective of the Law of Attraction, money is the flow of energy, and when we maintain a positive mindset about it, we attract more of it into our lives.

By visualizing wealth, feeling prosperous, and expressing gratitude for what we have, we align our vibrations with abundance.

This belief encourages us to view money not as a limited resource but as a tool for creating opportunities and experiences.

Ultimately, embracing money as energy liberates our limiting beliefs to manifest our financial dreams and freedom.

The World is Abundant.

In the Law of Attraction, the belief that “the world is abundant” is central to manifesting financial success.

The universe offers infinite resources and opportunities for those open to receiving them.

By cultivating this belief, you can shift your focus from scarcity to possibilities, enhancing your ability to attract what you seek.

And when we recognize the world’s inherent wealth, we become magnetic to positive experiences, relationships, and financial success.

Money is a Result of You Feeling Prosperous.

According to the Law of Attraction, the flow of money is a result of you feeling prosperous instead of your actions.

When you cultivate feelings of prosperity through visualization, gratitude, and appreciation, you align yourself with the energy of abundance. This belief attracts opportunities and resources, transforming thoughts into tangible wealth.

Feeling prosperous also creates a ripple effect, influencing actions and decisions that further enhance financial well-being. By feeling prosperous deliberately, you attract more and more financial success and abundance into your lives.

Evaluate Your Thinking Pattern Around Money

Thinking patterns and beliefs shape our perceptions and behaviors. Thinking patterns around money significantly influence financial behaviors and outcomes.

Positive beliefs, such as ‘this world is abundant,’ attract abundance and opportunities. Conversely, negative beliefs, like seeing money as scarce, can lead to anxiety and missed opportunities.

By the Law of Attraction, the way you think and feel about money can largely affect whether you are attracting or repelling abundance. This is why it is crucial to maintain positive beliefs and thinking patterns around money.

Here are a few questions to evaluate your thinking patterns around money.

  1. How do you feel about your current financial status?
  2. How do you feel about your spending pattern?
  3. How do you feel about achieving your financial goals?

If you find negative emotion in any area, try to replace it with a positive belief.



Law of Attraction Practices to Manifest Money

Law of Attraction practices are exercises to help you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with desired outcomes. These practices, such as visualization, affirmations, and meditation, help you focus on your goals and cultivate a prosperous mindset.

Consistently engaging in these Law of Attraction exercises can tune your frequency and raise your vibrational energy, attracting experiences and opportunities that resonate with your aspirations.

Some Law of Attraction practices are more effective for manifesting money, as they can help you to create a vivid mental image of financial abundance, align your emotions with the desired outcome, and replace limiting thoughts with empowering beliefs.

  1. Visualization For Money
  2. Vision Board For Money
  3. Money Meditation For Law of Attraction
  4. Money Affirmations For Law of Attraction
  5. Blank Check Method
  6. Money Wallet Method

law of attraction practices to manifest money

Visualization For Money

Visualization for money is a powerful technique that you use to attract money by creating a mental image of financial abundance and success.

By vividly imagining the desired financial situation—such as receiving a specific amount of money or achieving a financial goal—you can align your emotions and energy with that vision.

To maximize effectiveness, you should engage all senses during visualization, imagining the feelings and experiences associated with financial success. Visualizing how you spend that money can make this process even more effective as you can evoke the feeling of prosperity.

Practicing visualization consistently also helps reprogram your subconscious mind, strengthening a positive attitude toward wealth and attracting opportunities that align with your desired financial reality.

Vision Board For Money

A vision board for money is a creative tool that visually represents financial goals and aspirations with clear images, words, or symbols.

By collecting images, words, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your desired financial outcomes, you can create a collage that inspires and motivates yourself consistently.

Displaying the board in a prominent place reinforces positive beliefs about wealth, helping you to maintain focus on financial objectives.

The best part about a vision board is that it enhances your visualization and manifests abundance by aligning your thoughts and emotions with financial success.

Money Meditation For Law of Attraction

Money meditation for the Law of Attraction is a practice that combines the benefits of meditation and visualization. In this practice, you calm your mind into receptive mode (or alpha brainwave) and visualize your financial goals while you are in this state.

By cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude during money meditation, you align your energy with wealth, attracting opportunities and resources that resonate with your financial aspirations.

This practice can enhance self-awareness and shift your limiting beliefs about money. Consistent practice can lead to transformative results.

Money Affirmations For Law of Attraction

Money affirmations for the Law of Attraction are positive statements that reinforce beliefs about wealth and abundance.

By regularly repeating phrases like “I am worthy of financial success” or “Money flows to me effortlessly,” you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

These affirmations help reprogram the subconscious, build up confidence, and attract financial opportunities.

Practice money affirmations consistently cultivates a prosperous mindset with money, empowering you to manifest your financial goals and dreams.

Blank Check Method

The blank check method is a Law of Attraction game in which you write a check to yourself for a specific amount, leaving the “Pay to the order of” section blank.

As you fill in the details on the check, focus on the feelings of receiving that money. Keep the check in your wallet and pretend you have already received the money.

This practice really reinforces a mindset of abundance and prosperity, helping to align your energy with your financial goals.

In order to raise your vibrational frequency, you might also want to routinely pull out the check and picture yourself getting the money.

Money Wallet Method

The money wallet method is a money manifestation technique in which you deliberately put excessive cash in your wallet, like $500 or $1000. And you cultivate the feeling of abundance by imagining buying things that you want with the money in your wallet.

During the day, whenever you see something you want, you hold your wallet in your hand and say, “I can buy that now,” and focus on feelings of wealth and gratitude. The more you participate in this exercise, the more you can spend that money vibrationally, and the more you can feel prosperous, helping to attract more money and financial opportunities.

Tips On Practicing the Law of Attraction for Money

When it comes to manifesting money using the Law of Attraction, it is all about finding good thoughts about money, feeling prosperous, and taking inspired actions.

Most of the time, we try not to figure out how the money would come. This is because when we try to figure out the ‘how,’ it often creates a sense of frustration and impatience, which are negative emotions.

Instead, take inspired actions, things that make you feel fun and joyful to do. The path will always reveal itself when you do what you truly enjoy.



How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Money In Different Financial Situations?

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest money in different financial situations, it is crucial to have the awareness of what you think and how you feel about your current status and what you want. I.e., a vibrational distance of where you’re at and where you want to be. And all you need to do is to close that gap vibrationally.

Here are a few common questions about using the Law of Attraction to manifest money in various financial situations.

How to Manifest Money Fast Using the Law of Attraction?

To use the Law of Attraction to manifest money fast, the best way is to feel as good as you can for as long as you can.

If you find it difficult to feel prosperous, try focusing on something that makes you feel ease, joy, love, gratitude, and appreciation. These are the emotions and energies that can quicken the process of manifestation.

And you can nurture these emotions by practicing gratitude, counting blessings, and meditating. ​​

How to Attract More Sales Using The Law of Attraction?

To attract more sales using the Law of Attraction, you have to be able to imagine the amount of sales you want to make and how it feels when you make it.

Again, it is not about how the sales would come but how it feels when you achieve your sales goal. And you just hold on to this feeling as much as you can without pondering on any thought that counters that feeling.​

How to Get the Job You Want Using the Law of Attraction?

To use the Law of Attraction to get the job you want, you must be clear about what makes you so fond of that job and what you want to feel to be working in that job.

Is it the job nature? Is it company culture? Is it the people? Is it the salary and benefits?

Once you identify what it is that makes you feel good about the job, hold that feeling as much as you can like you have already manifested it.

How to Manifest the Business You Want Using the Law of Attraction?

To manifest the business you want using the Law of Attraction, you need to have a clear idea of why you want a business and how it feels when you have a successful business.

Does it make you feel like having more freedom? Does it make you feel like having more control of your life? Does it make you feel more successful and like you have more achievements?

But remember, you don’t really need a business to be rich, or successful, or free. You own a business because you feel good establishing it, providing certain value to your customers, and growing it.

So, make sure you include all the traits you want with your ideal business. The universe will manifest the right form of business that fits all of your criteria.

Can you use the law of attraction to manifest money without work or a job?

Yes, you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest money without work or a job by accepting the fact that money can flow in to you through many different ways.

You can get money by winning the lottery, investing, having passive income, being financially free, having a wealthy partner, and many other ways you couldn’t even think of.

It doesn’t matter how the money would come, but you need to know how it makes you feel when you have all the money and time you need to do all the things you want.

How To Manifest Financial Freedom Using The Law of Attraction?

To manifest financial freedom using the Law of Attraction, you need to know how it feels to be financially free. You also need to have a concrete idea of what your life looks like when you are financially free.

Financial freedom is a broad term. People can have very different definitions of freedom.

Some people want to travel the world and have all the luxury experiences, while some people just want to live a low-key life doing simple things they enjoy.

Be clear on what you want and how you feel. You can manifest the exact kind of financial freedom you want by focusing on it.



How To Win Lottery Using The Law of Attraction?

To win the lottery using the Law of Attraction, you need to know how it feels to win a big prize, how it feels to have an excessive amount of money, and how it feels to spend that money.

Remember, the lottery is not the only way to let the money in. It’s just that some people really like the feeling of winning a big prize and feeling lucky. And feeling lucky is the result of aligning your inner being and recognizing the blessings from the universe.

Is Having Debt a Bad Thing In The Perspective Of The Law of Attraction?

No, having debt is not a bad thing in the perspective of the Law of Attraction. Debt is only a bad thing when we think of it that way.

While some people may avoid having debt in their financial portfolio, many wealthy people use loans as a tool to purchase assets or investment products that would grow their portfolio.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Stop Worrying About Money?

To stop worrying about money using the Law of Attraction, you can shift your focus to abundance by visualizing financial stability and success. Changing your attention to something unrelated to your financial status can also be helpful.

The best thing about our mind is that we can only focus on one thing at a time. You can’t be worrying while you focus on something you love.

You can use positive affirmations to combat anxious thoughts, but sometimes meditation to quiet your mind can be more beneficial.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Clear Your Debt?

To clear your debt using the Law of Attraction, you can visualize being debt-free and feel the relief it brings.

Use positive affirmations like “I am financially free.” Focus on gratitude for current resources, and most importantly, take inspired actions. Your vibration of paying off your debt will ultimately come to fruition, no matter how modest the first step appears to be.

The decision that you want a debt-free life attracts opportunities for financial growth and debt elimination.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Deal with a Financial Crisis and Downturn Economy?

To use the Law of Attraction to deal with a financial crisis and downturn economy, you have to have a clear understanding that you create your own reality.

The Law of Attraction teaches that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, not external circumstances.

By focusing on abundance and maintaining a prosperous mindset, we can influence our experiences despite the economic change.

Can you have Money, Love, and Happiness at the same time?

Yes, you can have money, love, and happiness simultaneously. The Law of Attraction emphasizes that aligning your thoughts and beliefs with abundance in all areas of life attracts these experiences.

This misconception is based on the premise that money can’t buy love or happiness.

Although love and happiness are not purchasable, they can co-exist with money, as there is no contradiction in having them all.




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