61 Signs Of High Vibration And Low Vibration: Understand The Differences Between High Energy People And Low Energy People. And Learn How To Find Out Your Vibration Level.



A sign of vibration is an indicator of a person’s current vibrational frequency.

The signs of high and low vibration can be very different as there is a broad spectrum of vibrational frequencies in human emotion.

High vibration people have cultivated mindfulness habits allowing their natural optimism and positivity to shine through.

Nothing seems to faze their appreciation for life’s simplicities.

Their generosity also emanates organically from a place of seeing light in all situations and people.

On the other side, low vibration people can often get bogged down by negativity.

Cynical or distrusting internal dialogues color their perceptions, ignoring life’s inherent beauty.

Pessimism then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as this outlook is externally broadcast.

Stress also appears to bind their energy more tightly, making them resist growth or change.

Of course, no one stays permanently at one end of the vibration spectrum or another.

Our moods are fluid and can rise or fall naturally.

However, consciously making choices geared toward gratitude, forgiveness, kindness, and responsibility for one’s own emotional state can slowly shift a person’s predominant wavelength upwards over time.

With dedication to mindfulness practices, it becomes extremely useful to understand the signs of high and low vibration.

In this article, we will break down the meaning of high and low vibration, and the signs of them.

Table of Content:

  1. Signs of High Vibration
  2. Signs of Low Vibration
  3. Find Out Your Level Of Vibration



What do High Vibration and Low Vibration really mean?

In general, when you are in High vibration, you tend to dwell in positive emotions like love, joy, gratitude, appreciation, passion and ease… etc

When you are in Low vibration, you tend to put yourself in negative emotions like impatience, frustration, doubt, worry, anger, insecurity or grief.

In a nutshell…

Vibration is highly related to our emotions, which is not hard to understand as it would also affect our cells, our body, hormones, heart beats, brain waves…. etc.

If we look at the spiritual side, High vibration people listen to their heart and align with their inner being more often.

On the contrary, low vibration people live their life in conflict and they are usually far away from their inner being.

Here’s the thing:

By the law of vibration, we create what we vibrate.

If we put ourselves in either high or low vibration constantly, it will reflect into our life as different forms of events, situations,, synchronicities and physical symptoms.

So, as a deliberate creator, it is vital to know whether you are trending in high vibration or low vibration.

And the below list of signs of high vibration and low vibration will help you to discern where you are at.



Signs of High Vibration:

  1. You feel more connected to life.
  2. You are aware of your emotions and thoughts, and you always choose thoughts that feel good.
  3. You are being more creative and new ideas flow to you effortlessly.
  4. You always choose thoughts and do things that make you feel good.
  5. You kinda feel no matter what is coming to you is always good for you.
  6. You feel ease in all aspects of your life.
  7. You can easily find things to be grateful for.
  8. You feel happy for no reason all the time.
  9. Synchronicities and good things happen to you all the time.
  10. You can stay in the present moment more often.
  11. You find yourself enjoying the moment more easily, especially from simple things.
  12. You feel your body is lighter, stronger and healthier.
  13. You eat and choose your food more consciously.
  14. You seldom get sick.
  15. You are physically more attractive to people.
  16. Kids and Animals are drawn to you.
  17. You know your life purpose.
  18. New opportunities appear to you easily.
  19. Money flows into you easily and effortlessly.
  20. Your goals or things that you secretly desired are manifested effortlessly.
  21. You feel you are good enough to achieve anything you want.
  22. You worry less and you know everything is going to work out for you.
  23. You find it easier to appreciate people and things around you.
  24. You feel compassion towards others more often.
  25. You judge less and more willing to listen to others without losing your own stand.
  26. You choose to go with the flow more often.
  27. Others are more willing to talk to you.
  28. People are drawn to you to seek your help and advice.
  29. You choose intuition over logic more often.
  30. You can always sense the peace within you in most situations.
  31. Funny encountering with random strangers happens more often.
  32. You are able to observe patterns of things and events that normal people don’t see.
  33. You receive signs from the Universe or Nature more often.
  34. Ringing in the right ear frequently.



Signs of Low Vibration:

  1. You find it easy to get irritated by someone or something.
  2. You feel impatience with others.
  3. You feel stuck in many aspects of your life.
  4. You find it hard to achieve your goals or to get what you want all the time.
  5. You find yourself procrastinating all the time and you feel bad about it. (It is actually okay if you feel about procrastination.)
  6. You don’t know what your purpose in life is.
  7. You find nothing can really make you feel satisfied.
  8. You feel insecure in many aspects of your life.
  9. You struggle to find things to be grateful of.
  10. You find you are always blaming someone or yourself.
  11. You feel sick to connect with others.
  12. You find you always see the dark side of things and people.
  13. You feel abandoned all the time
  14. You feel bad for every decision you make.
  15. You find it is hard to trust people, even your loved one.
  16. You always need someone to assert or comfort you.
  17. You always feel tired physically and mentally.
  18. You find yourself being judgemental to everyone and everything.
  19. You find there are always things you can complain about.
  20. You find you are always arguing with someone mentally or in real life.
  21. You feel angry for not being able to achieve your goals or having what you desired.
  22. You feel ill and uneasy all the time.
  23. You always feel guilt even if no one is actually blaming you.
  24. You feel powerless and despair at situations happening around you.
  25. You find yourself constantly having panic attacks.
  26. You find yourself having suicidal thoughts.
  27. Ringing in the left ear frequently.


By learning the signs of low vibration, we become so much more sensitive to low vibration people.

We often want to avoid people with signs of negativity, or even worse, try to correct them.

You see…

Knowing what these people are going through, doesn’t give you the authority to poke their wounds.

So, when you notice someone is in low vibration, be empathetic.

(Tbh, the best thing you can do for your low vibe friends is to do nothing.)



How To Find Out Your Level Of Vibration With The Emotional Frequency Chart

At the end of the day, our ultimate goal is to raise our vibration from a lower emotional status to a higher one… and stay there.

It comes to the understanding of what you are feeling right now representing which level of vibration(or emotion).

That said, you will need the Emotional Frequency Chart.

The Emotional Frequency Chart indicates the frequency range of various emotions.

For example, Enlightenment, Peace, Joy, Love are emotions with the highest frequencies.

While Fear, Grief, Apathy, Guilt and shame are the lowest.

emotional frequency chart

Or you can refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks (/ Esther Hicks).

  1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  4. Positive Expectation/Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  11. Overwhelment
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred/Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness



For me, it is crucial to ask myself this question everyday:

  • “Am I feeling good or feeling bad most of the time of the day?”
  • “What range of emotions am I hanging around mostly today?”

If I am feeling good mostly, that’s good.

What I need to do is to keep it up and I know good things will happen to me.

If I am having a bad day, then I know I’ll need to do something to raise my vibration so as to stop the downtrend.

The bottom line?

As you are able to raise your vibration in a broader perspective, you will be able to manifest love, money, health or anything you want so much more easily.




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