9 Signs Of Negative Energy In A Person: How To Recognize It, Remove it, And Get Rid Of It

signs of negative energy in a person

Negative energy of a person is what we usually describe as the vibe we can feel when a person is experiencing negative emotions.

These negative emotions are usually low vibrational emotions and mental states like pessimism, worry, anger, and grief.

Under the law of vibration, when a person has been dwelling in these negative emotions constantly, it will reflect into life as forms of difficult events, conflicts, dilemmas, and physical symptoms.

It is important for us to identify these signs of negativity early so we can raise our vibration as soon as possible to avoid being impacted by them. It is also crucial to recognize the signs from others so we don’t get dragged down vibrationally.

In this article, we will be explain what negative energy is, how does it affect you, 9 common signs of negative energy in a person, and how to get rid of it.

Let’s dive in.

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What Is Negative Energy And How Does It Affect You?

Negative energy is usually the low vibe or bad feeling you can sense from a person(or a place) who has been stuck in their own negative emotions and thoughts for some time.

They are in a relatively lower vibrational frequency with the absence of positive energy.

They might have been dwelling on thoughts and experiences that evoke feelings of frustration, disappointment, anxiety, anger, hatred, jealousy, insecurity, unworthiness, fear, or grief.

It can also be described as the energy that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable.

It can come from people, situations or even your own thoughts.

Negative energy affects you in different ways.

  • It drains your energy and leaves you feeling depleted.
  • It affects your mood and makes you feel down or anxious.
  • It affects your health and can lead to physical symptoms.
  • It affects your relationships and can make them strained or difficult.
  • It hinders and lowers your vibrational frequency for manifestation.

Negative energy can be contagious, and if you are around it for a long time, you may start to emit it as well.

This is why it is important to be aware of the signs of negative energy in a person so that you can protect yourself from it.



9 Signs Of Negative Energy In A Person

1. They Are Judgmental And Complain A Lot

People who emit negative energy tend to be judgmental and critical of others.

They complain a lot and focus on the negative aspects of life.

They tend to see the glass as half empty rather than half full.

Negative people tend to have a critical view of the world and the people in it.

They may constantly complain about their circumstances…

… their jobs, their relationships, their parents, their life…

You name it.

This pessimistic outlook can be draining for those around them.

2. They Are Impatient And Get Irritated Easily

Negative people tend to be impatient and get irritated easily.

They may have a low tolerance for frustration and may become easily irritated or angry.

Sometimes they are just mad at themselves…

But occasionally, they may snap at others or become argumentative over minor issues, which can create tension and conflict in their relationships.

They have a short fuse and can be difficult to be around.



3. They Are Always In Some Kind Of Argument

Negative people tend to be argumentative and confrontational.

They appear to always have the need to defend their ‘righteousness’.

And very often, they may pick fights with others if they ‘think’ someone has stepped in their territories.

The reason that they seem to thrive on conflict is because it makes them(and their egos) feel alive.

At the end of the day…

…They just need to win every fight.

Their ‘love’ of stirring up troubles or creating chaos, make them really difficult to be around.

4. They Need To Control Every Little Thing

Negative people tend to be controlling and micromanage everything.

They may have a hard time delegating tasks or trusting others to do things.

Or even worse…

… They require you to be or behave exactly what they expect on every single thing.

They need to be in control of every little thing, which can be exhausting for others.

This can create tension in their relationships and cause others to feel micromanaged or stifled.



5. They Love Dramas

Negative people tend to love dramas and thrive on them.

They definitely enjoy gossiping or spreading rumors to create even more dramas.

Sometimes, they may pretend it as exchanging information or secrets as a means to socializing.

It’s just another way to feed their ego.

And the worst part?

They may even try to create it or seek it out in their relationships or work.

6. They Are Living In The Past

Negative people tend to dwell on the past and may have a hard time moving on from their past.

They may hold grudges or have a victim mentality that keeps them stuck in the past…

…or they may always compare what was better in the old days and are reluctant to appreciate what they have now.

This usually keeps them stuck in negative patterns of thinking and behavior.

They may struggle to move on from past experiences, which can impact their relationships and overall sense of well-being.



7. Accidents Seem To Happen To Them Frequently

Negative people tend to attract negative energy, which can manifest in accidents or mishaps.

They may have a lot of bad luck or seem to be accident-prone.

The funny thing is…

… They would keep reassuring themselves that they are the most unlucky person in the world.

Guess what?

This way of thinking keeps attracting all the bad things to them. (By the Law of Attraction)

They may also have a habit of making poor decisions or engaging in risky behavior, which can increase their likelihood of experiencing accidents or other negative outcomes.

8. Financial or Relationship Problems Are A Part Of Their Life

Negative people tend to have a lot of problems in their lives, such as financial or relationship problems.

They may struggle to keep a job, pay their bills or maintain healthy relationships.

More importantly…

… They would always say:

“It’s not my fault.”

Sounds familiar, right? {grin}

They have a tendency to blame others for their problems or engage in self-sabotaging behaviors, which create more negative outcomes in their lives.



9. They Usually Have Chronic Health Issues

Long-held negative energy can manifest in physical symptoms in a body, such as chronic headaches, stomachaches, back pain, arthritis or some sort of immune system malfunction.

Negative people may have a lot of stress-related illnesses or chronic pain as a result of accumulating lots of negative emotions for a long period of time.

And this accumulation of negative energy will eventually be reflected in their bodies as physical symptoms, such as chronic health issues.

It might also happen that they have tinnitus issues, especially on their left ear.

As ringing in the left ear is a sign of energy imbalance.

Negative people may experience high levels of stress.

If they don’t have a proper way to release those stresses regularly, it can impact their immune system and increase their risk of developing health problems over time.

How To Get Rid Of Negative Energy From Your Life?

Now that we have looked at the signs of negative energy in a person, let’s explore how to get rid of it from your life.

Here are some tips:

  1. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you.
  2. Take time to take care of yourself, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
  3. Let go of negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.
  4. Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges or resentments
  5. Set healthy boundaries and say no to things that drain your energy.
  6. Focus on the positive aspects of life and practice gratitude.
  7. Release negative energy through journaling, art, or other creative outlets.
  8. Stay away from sources that could possibly bring you bad mood, e.g. news, social media or bad habits.


Don’t blame those who brought you a bad vibe.

Most of the time, they don’t even know they are in such a contiguous negative energy.

And more importantly, complaining about a complaint is a complaint.

By the law of vibration, you create what you vibrate.

So, to truly get rid of negative energy, you must detach from where you are and raise your own vibration constantly.



Am I A Negative Person? How To Know If I Am Being Negative?

Sometimes we are the ones who are being negative and emanating bad vibes to others and we didn’t know about it.

The truth is, you can’t read the label if you are inside the jar.

It is important to reflect on your own energy and assess whether you are emitting negative energy.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I tend to see the negative aspects of life more than the positive?
  • Do I complain a lot or focus on the negative?
  • Do I tend to be argumentative or confrontational?
  • Do I hold grudges or have a victim mentality?
  • Do I attract negative situations or people into my life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be a sign that you are emitting negative energy.

It is important to work on releasing it and embracing positivity.

Another effective way is to be aware of how you feel most of the time during the day.

Here’re 8 signs that you might be affected by negative energy:

  1. Lack of motivation and enthusiasm
  2. Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  3. Feeling a sense of dread or unease
  4. Feeling overwhelmed or burnt out
  5. Feeling stuck or stagnant in life
  6. Unexplained anger or aggression
  7. Feeling anxious or depressed
  8. Feeling disconnected from oneself or others

If you ever find yourself dwelling on one or multiple of the above emotions for some time, you should use the method we mentioned above to try to release them.



How To Remove Your Own Negative Energy?

To release your own negative energy, you can:

  • Seek therapy or counseling to address unresolved trauma or emotional wounds.
  • Practice mindfulness to become aware of negative thoughts or beliefs and release them.
  • End unhealthy relationships or remove yourself from toxic environments.
  • Use positive affirmations or other tools to cleanse your energy field and raise your vibration.
  • Sneezing multiple times in a row could be a defensive mechanism to ward off negativity. So don’t suppress it.

Embracing positivity and creating a positive energy field

Negative energy can have a profound impact on our lives if we don’t deal with it.

It can drain our energy, affect our mood and health, and strain our relationships.

It is important to be aware of the signs of negative energy in a person and take steps to protect ourselves from it.

We can get rid of negative energy from our lives by surrounding ourselves with positive people, practicing self-care, letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs, and releasing negative energy through creative outlets.

By embracing positivity and creating a positive energy field, we can attract more abundance, joy, and happiness into our lives.

