19 Ways To Raise Your Vibration: Benefits Of Raising Your Vibration Spiritually And Keeping Yourself In High Vibrational Energy

In the context of manifestation, raising your vibration is a crucial process to speed up the manifesting process, as having a higher vibration allows energy to flow into our experience more easily.

There are lots of ways you can use to raise your vibrational energy and frequency.

In this article, we will explore what vibrational energy is,  how to raise your vibration in 19 different ways, and benefits of raising your vibration.

And I am sure you can make good use of a few of them.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Content:

What is Vibrational Energy?

Everything is energy. Energy exists as a form of vibration in different frequencies. Albert Einstein once revealed the universal truth:

Everything in life is vibration.

According to the Law of Vibration – one of the 12 universal laws – everything in this world is made up of atoms and molecules.

Here’s the thing:

They form different elements as they vibrate at different frequencies.

Water, air, sand, soil, plants, animals, and human beings are combinations of particles with various frequencies.

Even when we think and feel, our brain is transmitting signals through electric current which are also energy.

The bottom line?

The human body is simply a combination of various energies vibrating at specific frequencies, which we can alter with our thoughts and emotions.

As we have ups and downs in our daily life, we would encounter higher vibrations and lower vibrations moments.



High Vibrational Energy vs Low Vibrational Energy

High Vibrational Energy generally happens when we are in a good mood or feelings such as love, appreciation, gratitude, passion, enthusiasm, hopefulness and satisfaction.

You can also experience higher vibrational frequency when we forgive and when we are in peace.

And, Love is the highest vibrational energy in the universe.

Low Vibrational Energy usually happens when we are feeling frustrated, impatient, overwhelmed, disappointed, worried, angry, hatred, insecure and grief.

You can always refer to the emotional frequency chart or the emotional guidance scale to see where your level of vibration is.

Here’s the BEST part:

As everything is made up of vibrational energy, raising your vibration is considered a means to improve your health and manifest your reality.



How To Raise Your Vibration? And How To Keep Your Vibration High?

Here are 19 ways to help you raise your vibration and you can use them to keep your vibration at a high level if you practice them regularly.

Let’s dive in now.



1. Love

Love is the highest vibration in the universe.

The love towards someone or something can raise your vibration to the highest level immediately.

You can simply think about the person you love to feel the energy.

Or, you can even think about your adorable pets and how much you love them.

We can usually feel more pure and unconditional love to our pets as they always offer the same to us.

And guess what, it works the same even if you were just thinking about a memory.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude is also one of the highest vibrations we can feel.

The best thing about it is that, you can actually practice gratitude.

For example, spiritual practices like Counting Your Blessings and Gratitude Journaling are 2 of the best ways you can raise your vibration on a daily basis.

I personally love doing Gratitude Journaling.

It just feels like you are saving your gratitude currency in your bank account.

You can keep it and withdraw it when you need more of it.



3. Meditation

Very often when we have negative thoughts, we lower our vibration.

Meditation is a great tool to stop your train of negative thoughts and back to your natural state of being.

And if you can quiet your mind enough, you can reach a state of peacefulness, which helps you to raise your vibration to the highest level.

No wonder people who meditate regularly generally have a lower stress level and better health.

You can also utilize tools like hand mudras, manifestation crystals, and manifestation frequencies during your mediation to further raise your vibration.

4. Be An Observer Of Your Own Thoughts

Similar to meditation, observing your own thoughts in a 3rd person perspective is a very practical way to raise your vibration from a lower level.

By not engaging or chasing your negative train of thoughts and emotions, you basically stop giving endorsement to your emotions to a certain level.

Want to know the best part?

If you work on it regularly, you will be more self-resilient and be able to reach a state of peacefulness easier.

This practice will help you to keep your vibration high consistently.



5. Focusing On Your Body

Opposite to being an observer of your own thoughts, focusing on your own body can immediately pull your attention out of your thoughts and emotions.

Fun fact:

No body can actually multi-tasking.

Our mind is designed to be able to focus on one thing and one thing only.

By focusing the space inside your body and feeling your own pulses can help you to quiet your mind and get rid of your negative thinking in seconds.

6. Conscious Breathing

Paying attention to your breath and fully focusing on how air goes in and out of your lungs is a popular spiritual practice for more consciousness.

While you inhale, you can visualize new energy filling up your whole body and you are being rejuvenated.

When you exhale, you can imagine old and negative energy is flowing out.

Each breath will make you feel lighter and lighter and lighter.

And it will help you to raise your vibration.



7. Better Feeling Thoughts (Or Positive Thinking)

I usually avoid telling people to “think positively”.

Imagine this:

If you tell a person who is in a rage to be positive, not only it doesn’t calm them down, very likely they will vent their anger on you.

So, what do we do to soothe our negative emotions?

We find a better feeling thought – a thought that is slightly less negative or slightly more positive.


To do this, the first thing you need to know is the emotional guidance scale.

For example, if you are angry with your partner who did you wrong, your next better feeling thought could be:

  • “It is so discouraging to be with this person no matter much I do.” (Discouragement)

And then the next one could be: “It is not fair that he/she always takes it for granted.” (Blame)

  • “I worry this relationship will drain me out eventually.” (Worry)
  • “I doubt we can keep going like this.” (Doubt)
  • “This is just another disappointing relationship.” (Overwhelment)
  • “I don’t want to spend time on this person anymore.” (Impatience)
  • “I don’t think anything will work.” (Pessimism)
  • “It’s fine to be on my own.” (Boredom)
  • “In fact, I feel kinda relieved to be alone.” (Contentment)

And so on. You can simply climb the emotional ladder one by one to raise your vibration gradually.

8. Forgiveness

As long as we live this life, It is almost inevitable to get upset, disappointed, and get angry by others or by ourselves.

What’s even worse?

These negative experiences would stick with us and become emotional blocks that clog our energy flow and thus lower our vibration.

By intentionally forgiving others and yourself is a practical way to release this clogged energy and make you thrive again.

More than that, forgiveness is also a useful tool to remove emotional traumas and limiting beliefs which usually keep us in a lower vibrational frequency.



9. Chakras Cleansing

Chakras cleansing is another great spiritual practice to remove your energy blockages.

Since not all blockages can be perceived as something to be forgiven or remembered, it is easier to find out which Chakra in our body is blocked and do the cleansing.

Practicing Chakras cleansing regularly can guarantee you to have a high level of vibrational energy all the time.

10. Yoga Poses Practicing

Yoga is well known for improving the flow of your internal energy and clearing up your clogged energy.

Simply practicing certain Yoga poses can already enhance the energy flow in your body and raise your vibration.

The best thing is, you don’t need to be a Yogi to enjoy the benefits.

Simple Yoga poses like Warrior 1, Crescent Lunge, Child’s Pose or Upward Facing Dog can already do the trick.



11. Qigong Practicing

Qi is another name of energy in Traditional Chinese Culture.

Qigong is the practice of focusing on a certain position of your body (E.g. DanTian).

By changing our focus point inside our body and with the aids of certain movements of our body, we can guide the flow of energy inside our body.

Qigong Master Chunyi Lin has revealed a very simple cleansing practice where you can simply visualize yourself breathing in light and gathering in your DanTian.

While you exhale, imagine the negative energy in your body is flowing out with the light through the pores of your skin.

Do it a few times and you will feel your whole body is energized and you know you have a higher vibrational energy flowing through your body.

12. Immense Yourself in Nature

Nature itself is always full of high vibrational energy.

So why not take advantage and get a share of it?

Give it a try to spare some time and let yourself be in mother nature for a few days.

Get away from your smartphone, news, social media, Netflix or else…

I guarantee you will feel more grounded and vibrationally energetic after it.



13. Give and Offer Help

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

It’s true.

But remember, we should only give and help without sacrificing yourself nor to give what you are lack of.

But if you can give while you have more than enough, it will generate positive emotions and vibration for you and the receiver.

From simply donating clothes you will not wear anymore, to participating in volunteer work.

As long as you feel good about it, it is a good way to raise your vibration.”

14. Tidying Up Your Stuff

Like I mentioned in the beginning, everything is energy…. including your home, your workplace and everything around you.

Guess what kinds of environments can raise your vibration? [Hint: Not a messy one.]

Tidying up your own place not only can clear up negative energy in the environment, but also helps you to have a clearer mind and a more relaxed state of mind.

It doesn’t always need to involve decluttering stuff you don’t need, but simply tidying up your stuff in a more organized manner would do the trick.



15. Build Healthy Relationship

Research finds that having happy people around you can increase your chance to be happy.

Surround yourself with highly vibrational people who always want to lift you up instead of drag you down.

You may not be able to choose your parents and siblings, but you definitely can choose who you want to hang out with and who you want to spend the rest of your life.

How do you recognise people with high vibrations?

You can always feel a sense of uplifting, love, support, relaxation or eagerness after hanging out with these people.

And you will always look forward to meeting them again.

16. Listen To High-Vibe Musics

You can always listen to music with hyper beats or positive lyrics to raise your vibration.

If you want to boost a specific aspect of energy like love, abundance, clarity or inspiration, you can find some spiritual music which is embedded with healing frequencies.

You can also try playing with Tibetan Singing Bowl or Crystal Singing Bowl.

This instrument vibrates in specific frequencies to relax your mind and even connect you to higher power.

You may play it before or during your meditation session, it will help you to relax and get into trance more easily.



17. Eat Healthier Consciously

There are literally millions of choices of healthy food out there.

There must be one that suits your body and provides what you need.

But one thing I learned from the book ‘The Science of Being Well‘ by Wallace D. Wattles is that, listen to your body.

Your body is always trying to tell you what you need by inspiring you what you want to eat at the moment.

Sometimes you don’t have an appetite, that’s your body telling you that it is not the right time to put more things into your stomach.

The second advice the book gave is to be conscious while you eat.

  • Chew your food as much as you can so it won’t overload your digestion system.
  • Eat only when you feel hungry.
  • And the best portion for you to eat is to stop eating once you don’t feel the sense of hunger.

If you can keep this for 2 weeks, you will be surprised how little food you actually need to sustain your health and how easy it is to keep your body shape slim and fit.

18. Crystals

Different types of crystals have their unique power.

Some are for healing.

Some are for amplifying specific kinds of energy like love, abundance and peace.

Some, are for blocking or removing negative energy.

You can choose multiple crystals to manifest what you need at the same time.

You can also purchase a smaller piece of crystal jewelry so you can carry it with you all the time.

Or, you can buy a bigger piece and place it in your home or office to empower specific kinds of energy.



19. Get Enough Sleep

When we are sleeping, basically we are allowing ourselves to go back to our source energy.

That said, it is crucial to get enough sleep if you want to keep your vibrational energy at a higher level.

You generally feel more energized and you are easier to be in a good mood all day long if you do so.

And, if you feel there is too much angst and resentment in your mind and none of the above seems to be working for you, a very effective way is to go take a nap.

Let yourself connect with your inner being immediately just like getting a recharge of your battery.

It will help you to raise your vibration immediately.

And it works every single time! Trust me.

What Are The Benefits Of Raising Your Vibration Spiritually?

Practicing the law of vibration reaps spiritual rewards beyond belief.

On every level, tuning your frequency to joy lifts your energy for uplifting experiences.

At higher vibrations, your intuition improves profoundly.

  1. Guidance flows freely as excess mental static clears.
  2. Openness to divine insight transforms challenges into growth spurring lessons.
  3. Your light too shines more radiantly, illuminating others’ paths.
  4. Compassion multiplies, inspiring hope wherever you go.
  5. Relationships blossom as you lead with understanding from your heart.
  6. Connection to spirit deepens when negative feelings disperse.
  7. Gratitude grants vision to appreciate life’s perfection.
  8. Wonder returns through nature’s simple, bountiful gifts.
  9. Purpose unveils itself through inspired actions that give meaning.
  10. Tranquility cultivates within, steady as an oak through changes before you.

In a nutshell, as you vibrate higher, you feel better, look better, and live better.


The Emotional Frequency Chart

The Emotional Frequency Chart indicates the frequency range of various emotions.

You can use the chart to examine where your vibrational frequency at by knowing how you feel at the moment.

For example, if you feel enlightenment, peace, joy, and love, these are the signs of high vibrational frequencies.

While felling fear, grief, apathy, guilt and shame are signs of low vibrational frequencies.

emotional frequency chart

The Emotional Guidance Scale

On the other hand, the emotional guidance scale is raised by the world famous Law of Attraction teacher, Abraham Hicks (Esther Hicks).

It is recommended to work on the Better Feeling Thought exercise based on this scale.

  1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  4. Positive Expectation/Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  11. Overwhelment
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred/Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness