Everything About Manifestation You Need To Know Before You Start Manifesting Things You Want

what is manifestation

Manifestation is a process of deliberately attracting your goals and dreams into reality through raised vibrations.

It’s based on foundational laws like the law of attraction and the law of vibration, which say that everything is vibrational energy and like energies congregate.

So, by embracing positively charged thoughts and emotions as your personal frequency, you manifest corresponding experiences with the least effort.

In the past 12 years, I used the methods I learned (which you’ll also learn about) to get rid of $45,000 in debt.

I manifested a career that I am passionate about.

I manifested a relationship that I feel most comfortable with.

… And, so many blessings that people would question how I could be that lucky.

So, this article will not be just an introduction to Manifestation, but also a few step-by-step guides and techniques that I usually use.

If you somehow feel that you need a change in life, I hope this article could help a bit.

Now, let’s dive in.



What Does Manifestation Mean?

Manifestation is a process in which you use your thoughts and emotions to attract things that you truly desired to happen in your life.

It usually involves the process of aligning your thoughts and emotions while you are taking inspired actions.

The truth is:

Everything that is happening around you is the outcome of your own manifestation.

Your relationship, your financial status, or your life situation….


Another thing is…

Although it is a “process”, you don’t need to “make” it happen.

Manifestation is basically a natural, intrinsic, and automatic process.

Whether you are aware of or not, you are subconsciously creating your own reality.

But here’s the thing:

If you understand how manifestation works, you have control over your own life.

At least once you get the hang of it, you are able to discern whether you are attracting something you want or something you don’t want…

… Instead of blaming your own luck.

So, knowing how to manifest what you want deliberately, I would say, it’s the best skill that we can learn in our lives.

What is Manifestation Spiritually?

When we talk about manifestation spiritually, we must talk about the law of attraction.

Here’s the basic concept:

whenever we think about a subject, we either attract a result we want or a result we don’t want.

The result depends on whether we are thinking about it with:

  1. Positive emotions (e.g. gratitude, joy, appreciation).
  2. Negative emotions (e.g. insecurity, guilt, fear).

For Example:

When you think about money, are you feeling the lack of it?

Or the joy of spending it and having more of it.


If you think you want more money but are feeling frustrated and worried…

…you are attracting the reality of lacking money.

Alternatively, if you are able to help yourself feeling hopeful, anticipation, grateful and appreciation, for the money you have …

The money you want will inevitably manifest into your life.

That’s how the Laws of the Universe work.

And this can be applied to every aspects (love, health or anything) of your life.



What Is The Difference Between Manifestation And The Law Of Attraction?

The main difference between manifestation and the law of attraction is that, the Law of Attraction explains why your thoughts influence your experiences, while manifestation focuses on the act of realizing your desires. Understanding both concepts can enhance your ability to create the life you want by combining positive thinking with actionable steps.

Manifestation is a broader process that involves bringing something into existence. It can occur through intentional effort, belief, or even natural unfolding. Manifestation represents the actual event when your desires or thoughts become real. You can manifest a goal without specifically following the Law of Attraction principles. For instance, you might say you “manifested” a new job by working hard and networking, without considering energy or universal laws.

In contrast, the Law of Attraction is a belief system that states your thoughts and energy attract similar experiences into your life. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes, while negative thoughts can bring negative results. This concept acts as a universal mechanism that influences your reality, regardless of your awareness. It gained popularity through works like The Secret, which emphasizes focusing your mind and emotions to harness this cosmic law.

Is Manifestation Real?

Although there is no scientific evidence to prove manifestation is real yet, most of us can definitely feel its existence.

Manifestation is just like gravity, it applies to every human being on earth.

And guess what?

Manifestation always works on you no matter whether you believe it is real or not.

But there are ways for you to prove it.

You just need to follow the step-by-step guide below and try to manifest one thing you want in your life.

If it works for one time, you may think it is just a coincidence.

But if it works for you again and again and again, you will understand how powerful it is.

There is no cost involved and you probably just need to spend 10 mins a day for these exercises.

Then you will know if manifestation actually works for you.

How To Manifest in 3 Steps?

To be able to manifest anything by your own will, you need to know following steps:

  1. Knowing what you do want. (Not what you don’t want)
  2. Feel how you feel as if you already have it.
  3. Let go / surrender.

It’s really that simple.

Let’s dive a little deeper into each step.



Step 1: Knowing What You Do Want

Say for example, you want to be in a love relationship.

If you focus on the reason why you want to be in a relationship, it may comes to 2 different answers:

  1. I don’t want to be alone.
  2. I like to feel love and joy when co-creating with my partner.

So, obviously the first statement is stating what you don’t want and the second is what you do want.

And we should always focus on what we do want.

Here’s why:

The law of attraction always manifests what we feel rather than what we think.

When you focus on loneliness, more loneliness will be manifested.

And if you want to manifest a positive outcome, a positive thought aligned with a positive emotion is required.

Step 2: Feel How It Feel As If You Already Have It

It is crucial.

Our emotion is the trigger of our manifestation.

Only by engaging a thought with emotion will the universe know you are serious about this thought and trigger the co-creating process…

…The Co-Creating Process between you and your inner being.


Your inner being will always put your thought and your feeling into the equation of the co-creation no matter what.

Thus, it is important to think and feel like:

  1. You are having what you want or;
  2. You are already the person you want to become.

Both, or in either way.

And the better you feel, the more energy is pumped into these thoughts and they will come to fruition faster.



Step 3: Let Go or Surrender

We emphasized quite a lot earlier that we need to think and feel what we want.

However, thinking too much sometimes could create even more frustration.

The worst part?

If we focus on what we want without aligning with good feeling thoughts, we are sending a signal to the Universe that we don’t have what we want.

Guess what…

…this signal will keep you away from having it.

So, letting go plays a huge role in manifestation.

Stop second guessing, stop speculating, stop worrying.

Only think about what you want when you are feeling good.

The rest of the time, just let go.

Try to feel good about your current situation.

Find something to be grateful for or to appreciate.

You cannot attract what you want by complaining about your current situation.

Only high vibrational feelings like appreciation, gratitude, love, enthusiasm, passion, and positive expectation can bring you there.

You can also ultilize different manifestation methods to achieve the above states.



How To Manifest Love or Someone Into Your Life?

In order to manifest love or a loving relationship, you have to be able to love yourself first.

I know it sounds contradictory.

But here’s why:

To be able to attract love, you need to feel loved.

One of the best sources of love is, not from others, but from yourself.

And, to be able to love yourself, you need to:

  • Appreciate yourself.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Do things that make yourself happy.

When you love yourself enough to be who you really are, you become more attractive to those who are attracted by your quality.

And if you have crystal-clear clarity on what you would appreciate in a relationship, you will attract the relationship that you want.

That’s how you manifest someone into your life.

Common Ways To Manifest Love

1. Visualization

You can simply visualize yourself being with someone you love and appreciate together.

Imagine doing your favorite activities together with your partner, laugh together, enjoy the moment together.

Feel the affection, joy and harmony in your visualization.

Feel like it is already happening and be grateful for that feeling.

Do this once or twice a day, and try to bring that feeling with you as much as you can.

*You can also create a vision board for better visualization.

2. Make A list of Good Qualities

Just like appreciating and loving yourself, looking for good qualities in others is also a great way to conjure love within yourself.

You can write something like:

  • ‘I like people who respect their partner.’
  • ‘I like people who like to spend time with family.’
  • ‘I appreciate people who have their own thoughts.’
  • ‘I really love spending time with someone who listens.’

The key is to only look for the good qualities of humans without judgment.

Here’s the strange part:

The good qualities that you can notice usually the qualities you already possess within yourself.

You can’t see it if you don’t have it.

So, appreciating others is pretty much like appreciating yourself and you will love yourself more.



3. Removing Our Old Beliefs

This is probably one of the fastest ways to manifest love (or anything).

As I mentioned earlier, our current situation is the outcome of our own thoughts and our own manifestation.

And our beliefs are influencing the pattern of our thinking.

Here’s the thing…

If we somehow possess some limiting beliefs that constrain our thoughts and behaviors, it’s gonna hinder us from getting what we want.

Limiting beliefs about love can be like:

  • ‘If I don’t behave well, I don’t deserve to be loved.’
  • ‘I am unworthy.’
  • ‘I am not good (looking) enough to be loved.’

We have been hearing these “facts” since we were kids.

Maybe you have heard it from your parents.

Maybe it was some emotional trauma from your previous relationship.

These traumas are the roots of our limiting beliefs and block our manifestation.

And only if we could clean up those limiting beliefs, we will be able to manifest what we want on that subject.



Can You Manifest Someone To Dream About You, Think About You or Even Talks To You?

First things first, we can’t alter or manifest something that interferes with others’ reality.

This is because we all create our own reality.

Not others’.

Is it possible to manifest an event in which a specific person dreams about you, thinks about you, or even talks to you?

Yes you can!

Think about it as a co-creating experience.

You can visualize the moment that person talks to you or texts you and both of you have a great time.

Here’s the key:

You need to feel what it feels like when that person approaches you and talks to you.

Do you feel harmony or ecstasy?

Or do you feel a flush of joy going through your body?


It is ALWAYS the good feeling that attracts what you want but not only the thoughts itself.

How To Manifest Money?

I am pretty sure you are already getting the sense of how manifestation works at this point.

Money Manifestation is pretty much the same way you would use to manifest other things.

You can generally do it in 2 approaches:

  1. You feel abundant by spotting the abundant aspects in your life.
  2. You feel abundant by visualizing yourself already having the money you want.

Only if you can feel abundant before the money comes will the money come.

Now Try These:

Feel how good it feels when money keeps flowing to you.

Feel how relieved it feels when you paid off all your debt.

Feel the ease when you see your growing bank account.


The more you can feel good about money, the faster and easier the money will show up.

Here are a few more tips to help you manifest money fast:

  1. It doesn’t matter how much money you want, you can attract it if you feel good about it.
  2. If you have any limiting beliefs when you think about money, clean it up first.
  3. Get rid of the concept that you need to take action to get the money you want. Take action only when you feel good about it.
  4. It’s really that simple. Don’t overthink.

Now you are good to go.



Can We Manifest Money Overnight?

Yes we can.

But in most situations, the more you need that money and the more urgent you want the money to come…

… the more impatience and anxious you would feel.

The bottom line is…

…if you want to manifest money fast, the first thing you need to do is to stop thinking about it.

Just let go and surrender.

Stop asking the question “when will the money come?” or “what if the money won’t come?” in your mind.

Trust that the money must come and it is coming.

It will come at the right time from the right place.

And if you can put it all down quickly, you will be able to manifest money overnight.

Bonus 1: How to Manifest on Paper by Scripting Manifestation?

Scripting or writing down your wishes a piece of paper is a very powerful way to manifest something you want.

There is a BIG difference than just thinking a thought in your mind.

When you write down your thoughts, you are reinforcing that thought with your neuron (nerve cells).

It’s like building your brain muscles.

The more neurons build up, the more your brain or your subconscious mind believe it is true.

And eventually, it will help you to manifest it in its own way.

While spiritually, writing your wishes down on paper represents the first step you manifest your thoughts into this reality.

Here are a few tips when you do it.

  1. Write like you are already the person who has achieved what you want.
  2. Write it in present tense so it feels like it is happening right now.
  3. Write in a positive way and make sure you are writing things that you want instead of something that you don’t want.
  4. Try to feel the good feelings when you write it.

Give it a try!



Bonus 2: The Best Frequency For Manifestation

According to the law of vibration, we all vibrate at specific frequencies at different situations.

Listening to specific frequencies can help you to raise your vibration during your meditation or visualization.


Solfeggio Frequencies in different Hertz have specific or multiple functions to different aspects in our life.

Here are the functions or benefits of different frequencies.

  • 963 Hz – The Frequency of Gods. It helps to activate your pineal gland which generally helps you to manifest anything you want.
  • 852 Hz – It awakens your intuition which helps your manifestation.
  • 639 Hz – It is useful for manifesting love and relationships.
  • 528 Hz – The best frequency to reduce stress and relieve anxiety, which is good for manifesting wealth.
  • 432 Hz – The same frequency as the Universe. Which is also good for manifesting health.
  • 417 Hz – Frequency to clear negative beliefs and energy.




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