7 Best Frequencies for Manifestation – Best Hertz For Manifesting Money, Well-Being And Love

best frequencies for manifestation

Manifestation Frequencies are a spectrum of frequencies that are used to aid the process of manifestation.

Everything in the universe vibrates at a unique frequency, including our thoughts and emotions.

This vibrational energy shapes our reality through the power of manifestation.

By tuning into frequencies that align with our desires, we can change our energy to attract what we want into our lives.

The BEST part?

If we deliberately tune ourselves into these frequencies simply by listening to them, we amplify our attraction energy and raise our vibration, which aids manifestation.

Consistent practice allows us to transcend limiting beliefs and consciously create.

In this article, we will explore the 7 best frequencies for manifestation, combined with thought and emotion, provides a powerful toolkit for manifestation.

Let’s dive in.

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Manifestation , Law of Attraction & Frequencies

Manifestation is the spiritual process of bringing our desires into reality through the power of thought and energy.

It’s based on the Law of Attraction, which states that:

“Like attracts like.”

… which means our thoughts and feelings have the power to shape our reality.

Here’s the thing:

When we align our thoughts and emotions with our desires, we create a powerful attraction force that manifests those desires into our lives.

Essentially, our thoughts and feelings have the potential to shape our reality.


Every ‘Reality’ or ‘Life Status’ has its own specific vibrational frequencies.

By aligning our thoughts and emotions with our desires, we are actually tuning our frequencies to match with these ‘Reality’ or ‘Life Status’.

And by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, we can raise our vibration(i.e. More energy) to foster the new reality.

What Is Vibrational Frequency?

According to the law of vibration, everything is energy.

Energy exists as a form of vibration in different frequencies.

Albert Einstein once revealed the universal truth:

“Everything in life is vibration.”

Everything in this world is made up of atoms and molecules.

They form different elements as they vibrate at different frequencies.

Vibrational frequency is the energetic frequency at which everything in the universe vibrates, including you.

This frequency is influenced by your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and the energy you surround yourself with.



How Can Frequencies Help In Manifestation?

When combined, listening to specific frequency and manifestation create a powerful synergy that amplifies the results of both practices.

Even studies have shown a significant healing effect to our body when listening to specific frequencies like 528 Hz.

Another research also shows that, when listening to 432 Hz music when sleeping, it significantly increases the alpha wave activity of a person. (While alpha state is known to be favored for manifestation.)

With that being said…

Listening to specific frequencies is proven to be an effective way to affect our body and our physical reality, so to speak.

While spiritually, it helps us to raise our vibrational frequency, making us more receptive to positive energy and making the manifestation process more effective.

The 7 Best Frequencies For Manifestation:

Various frequencies have been identified as beneficial for different aspects of manifestation and healing.

Here, we delve deeper into these frequencies and their specific benefits.

417 Hz: Clearing Negative Energy

Also known as the ‘Erase & Transmute Into Light’ frequency, 417 Hz is believed to clear away negative energy and emotional blockages.

This frequency aids in breaking old emotional patterns, habits, and beliefs, making space for positive energy and thoughts.

If you find yourself dwelling in a lower vibration vicinity or having signs of negativity…

It would help a lot to listen to tone or music that is vibrating at 417 Hz.



432 Hz: The Miracle Tone

This frequency is often referred to as the ‘Miracle Tone’ due to its profound healing capabilities.

It is believed to stimulate the heart chakra, which is associated with feelings of love, compassion, and emotional well-being.

You can listen to this frequency whenever you want to tune in to your spirit and your body.

You can also make use of it during your meditation.

528 Hz: The Frequency of Love and Transformation

Referred to as the ‘Love Frequency,’ 528 Hz is associated with DNA repair, transformation, and miracles.

This frequency promotes healing and stimulates the third eye chakra, leading to clearer intuition and spiritual insight.

It not only helps reduce your stress and anxiety, but also helps heal your body.



639 Hz: Harmonizing Relationships

639 Hz is linked to the balancing of relationships and the promotion of understanding, tolerance, and love.

It resonates with the heart chakra, promoting harmony, love, and positive energy in relationships.

It is best if you want to attract more love (especially self-love) into your life or heal emotional traumas.

Guess what?

You can use this frequency while using The O Method to generate even more love energy.

For sure, once you love yourself more, you can attract more love around you.

741 Hz: Awakening Intuition

This frequency is associated with problem-solving, intuition, and self-expression.

It resonates with the throat chakra, encouraging clear communication, truthful expression, and creative problem-solving.

By listening to this frequency, you can remove emotional blockages and allow you to express yourself more authentically.



852 Hz: Spiritual Enlightenment

852 Hz is the frequency of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

It resonates with the third eye chakra, promoting intuition, clarity, and spiritual insight.

As 852 Hz stimulates our pineal gland (Third Eye), it is best to listen to it before or during sleep.

It works great with the Pillow Method as you can use this technique before you drift off to sleep.

963 Hz: Activating Higher Consciousness

Known as the ‘Frequency of the Gods,’ 963 Hz helps to activate your higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

It resonates with the crown chakra, bringing spiritual connection, enlightenment, and unity.

Although it works quite similarly to 432 Hz, 963Hz is more about knowing and alignment with the universe.

It encourages the transcending of the ego and experiencing Oneness.



How To Use These Frequencies for Manifestation?

Harnessing the power of these frequencies for manifestation involves a simple yet powerful process:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax without distraction.
  2. Choose the frequency that resonates with your specific desire.
  3. Listen to the sound frequency while visualizing your desire, feeling as if it’s already manifested.
  4. Repeat this process daily for optimal results.

Of course, as I mentioned above, some of these frequencies are good to use during meditation or sleep.

I personally would listen to 432 Hz when I go out for a walk just to experience more consciousness.

You can also try to use hand mudra during meditation to gain specific benefits.

Sometimes I would turn on some 852 Hz music during my meditation before sleep.

Feel free to twist it into your own mix.

Wrapping Up…

The power of frequencies for manifestation and healing is immense.

By understanding and harnessing the power of these frequencies, we can take charge of our lives and shape our reality in ways we desire.

Whether it’s clearing negative energy, healing relationships, awakening intuition, or activating higher consciousness…

… each frequency holds a unique power that can significantly enhance our manifestation efforts.

Through consistent practice and focused intention, we can tap into these energies to create the life of our dreams.



Reference: Emotional Frequency Chart

The Emotional Frequency Chart indicates the frequency range of various emotions.

For example, Enlightenment, Peace, Joy, Love are emotions with the highest frequencies.

While Fear, Grief, Apathy, Guilt and shame are the lowest.

emotional frequency chart


