How To Manifest Love? 6 Steps To Manifest Someone Into Your Life

how to manifest love

Is manifesting love possible?

If you understand the nature of love and the ways to do it, it is definitely possible.

In this article, we will go through the ways to manifest love and relationship that you desire.

Once you get to know how to do it, you will attract the love you want naturally.

And now, let’s jump in!

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What Is Manifestation And How To Manifest Love?

Manifestation is a process in which you use your thoughts and emotions to make something happen in your life.

The truth is, even if you don’t know how manifestation actually works, what is already happening around you, your relationship, your financial situation or your life situation….

… all are the outcomes of your own manifestation.

For the majority of the people who want to take leverage of this power, they mostly want to manifest money, big houses or their dreamed lifestyle.

But can you manifest love?

Or, even manifest a person to be in a relationship with you?

The answer is: Definitely.

And it is so much easier than you thought once you understand the essence of love and the way to manifest it.

Manifesting Love in 6 Steps

manifesting love

Before we dive into the actual steps, here are some facts you need to know about the nature of love.

  1. Everyone can be loved.
  2. Everyone deserves love.
  3. Everyone can manifest love.
  4. True love is unconditional.
  5. And love attracts Love.

Remember, you are what you attract.

Once you truly embrace the nature of love, manifesting love will be more effortless with the following steps.



1. To Be Clear What Your Ideal Relationship Looks Like

Be as specific as when you try to figure what kind of relationship you want to have and what you want to experience in this relationship.

You may ask yourself this question:

“What is it I enjoy the most in a relationship?”

The intimacy? 

The love, care and support from each other? 

The fun and joy of experiencing and sharing of life?

The thing is…

You need to be clear of what are the core values you want most in a relationship. 

You can even write it in a statement for yourself

“I enjoy a respectful, intimate and loving relationship with lots of laughter.”


“I enjoy a fair, transparent and independent relationship where I can grow together with my partner.”

In this way, you can genuinely feel if these values resonate with your soul.

2. Know What Kind of Person You Want to Be With

Ask yourself the question:

“If I am going to be with this person in the next 10 or 20 years, with what personalities, core values and beliefs would this person hold that I would appreciate along the way?”

You can even make it specific on this person’s physical traits.

But at the end of the day, what really matters in a relationship is that both of you can appreciate each others’ personalities.

Not saying you shouldn’t pursue a good looking guy or woman, but beauty doesn’t last forever, a beautiful personality does.



3. Visualize What You Would Experience In This Relationship

Now you know what kind of relationship to be with what type of person.

Try to visualize yourself to experience something together with the person in your dream.

It could be the first time you meet each other.

It could be your first date.

It could be you two are doing your favorite activity after you guys are together for 6 months.

It could be you two are going through a monumental moment or life achievement together.

The point is…

You want to craft an internal vision where you can anchor with your emotions.

And this vision will eventually incubate and manifest into the love or the ideal relationship you want.

4. Feel How It Feels To Be In This Relationship

While you are in your visualization, experiencing whatever you are doing in that vision…

… feel how good it feels while you are interacting with each other.

Maybe you feel lots of joy and fun while you are talking or kinda make fun of each other.

Maybe you two are just snuggling up with each other serenely like you have met your soulmate.

Anything that can make you feel a sense of warmth, acceptance, joy, appreciation, worthiness, security, harmony and for sure, love.

Hold that feeling with you as long as you can.



5. Love & Appreciate Yourself

So, while you are dwelling in the good feeling in your vision, affirm and tell yourself: 

  • “I deserve the love I want.”
  • “I love myself.”
  • “I appreciate myself.”

You see…

Love attracts love.

Believe it or not, there are people who would want to love you more than you could imagine.

And guess what?

You need to love yourself first so that you can attract love around you.

You always attract who you really are.

The more you love and appreciate yourself, the more love energy will be emanating from your aura.

And the easiest you can attract the love you want.

6. Let Go & Let Love Flows To You

I know it sounds contradictory after we have done all the work above but now asking you to let go of all of it.

But the truth of the matter is…

It’s just how life works.

The more you try to make it happen, the more resistance you are offering to the love and relationship you desire, and the harder it will come to you.

Let it go, trust the process, and let it flow to you.



Powerful Manifestation Methods to Manifest Someone You Love

how to manifest someone

Here are a few manifestation methods you would want to put in the mix to accelerate the process:

1. Positive Affirmation

Positive Affirmations is an effective tool we can use to manifest what we want by saying them regularly or writing them down in a journal.

It also helps you to tune your frequency to what you want and raise your vibration at the same time so as to facilitate a faster manifestation.

When it comes to manifesting love, we can use self affirmation to improve our self-esteem and self-worthiness.

Needless to say, you can use affirmation to increase your attraction to the power of love.

Here are some examples:

  • I deserve love.
  • I am lovable.
  • I love myself.
  • I love who I am.
  • I am adorable.
  • I am enough to be loved.

You can also try to use affirmations combine with some manifestation symbols.

2. Scripting in Manifestation Journal

A manifestation journal is a notebook where you write down your dreams, goals, and desires.

It is a manifestation technique that uses the law of attraction to attract things into reality by focusing your desires, nurturing positive thoughts and inspiring you to take effective actions.

You know what?

Writing down your desires on paper is such a powerful manifestation technique because this is the first thing you are bringing your thoughts into existence.

You can simply write down the 6 steps we have gone through in the last section.

And when the inspiration flows, don’t hesitate to do some free-flow scripting of how you would like your relationship to be.



3. 369 Method

The 369 method is a simplified version of manifestation journal but combines with the power of numerology.

You can simply write your goals, dreams or desires in a piece of paper or in a journal 3, 6 and 9 times in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime respectively.

You can also write your love affirmations with this method.

Here are the tips & examples:

  1. Write down your goal 3 times in the morning right after you wake up.
    E.g. I want to be a lovely and worthy person.
  1. Write down your goals 6 times in the afternoon in future tense.
    E.g. I am becoming more and more lovely and worthy of love.
  1. Write down your goals 9 times before you go to bed in a way that you have already achieved. Plus, a ‘Thank You’ to the Universe.
    E.g. I am in love with myself. I am so adorable. Thank You Universe!

4. The O Method

The O Method, with the ‘O’ denoting orgasm, is a manifestation technique that leverages sexual energy to draw your desires into your life.

It anchors on the premise that sexual energy is potent and can help you tap into the co-creative power of the Universe.

At the climax of sexual arousal, if you visualize your goals, you can align your desires with the high-frequency energy of the orgasm.

When you are at a higher vibrational frequency, you have lower resistance between you and your desires.

And by leveraging this state of high energy, things that you want will manifest faster and easier.


How Long Does It Take To Manifest Love?

It really depends on how much resistance you are offering to your desire – that is the doubt, disbelief, unworthiness you have left in your mind.

Have you ever wondered why some people can find their love so fast and so easy relationship after relationship even if they are not that attractive physically?

(Disclaimer: I am not suggesting you to be a player or something like that. {Grin})

But seriously…

If you know one of these people, you will find they love themselves so much like they are obsessed with their own existence.

They knew in their heart they deserve the relationship and the love they want.

And this deservedness will attract what they want instantly.



Signs Your Love Manifestation Is Coming True

When it is close to your manifestation, you will see evidence showing up like a path paced for you.

Even “The One” hasn’t been shown up yet, you will find yourself being more attractive to people who are seemingly the type you want to attract.

You may have heard from your friends that someone has a crush on you.

You may meet some new friends that you can click with instantly.

More importantly…

People who can match with your requirements will show up in your life.

These are all the signs from the universe that you are attracting the relationship you want.

But does it mean that you need to urge the manifestation or make a decision when multiple signs have shown up?

Not at all!

Even if you feel it is close, don’t try to force things to happen.

Let it flow.

Let love come to you instead of chasing it.

Can You Manifest Love With A Specific Person?

It is possible.

But there is a catch…

That person’s qualities match your desire but at the same time, you have to match with that person’s desire intrinsically.

Love is mutual.

Even if you can manifest someone to show up in your life, or maybe even you have manifested a text from your crush…

…it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can be in a relationship or he/she would love you back.

SO, instead of obsessing with a specific person, I would recommend you to JUST focus on feeling how it feels when you are in your ideal relationship.

That’s how true love will be attracted to you.

Signs You Are Being Manifested

Like I said in the beginning, we all manifest things, people, events or experience consciously and unconsciously.

And we all live in this co-creating reality.

Everyone you saw, you met, you talked to, you interacted with are both the manifestation of you and your counterparts.

So, if you met someone and you felt like you have known this person for life, or you can feel a sense of resonation in the beginning of the interaction…

… There is a very high chance that this person is also trying to manifest someone like you.




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