17 Best Crystals For Manifestation: Attracting Love, Money, Health & More

crystals for manifestation

Crystals are being used for manifestation due to the fact that they have unique energetic vibrations at the molecular level and each crystal type vibrates at a different frequency that can influence our own energetic field.

Some crystals are able to channel specific intentions so as to magnifies the power of the Law of Attraction and raise your vibration.

While some are being used to removing negative energy and mental blocks.

When I got my first crystal (a Golden Rutilated Quartz), I simply wanted to try it out and see if it could help me manifest more money.

Believe it or not…

My income doubled in 3 months.

And more importantly…

It led me to a career that I have dreamed of for nearly a decade.

So, in this article, we will explore some of the best crystals for manifesting various aspects of life, such as love & relationships, money, health, happiness, and more.

Let’s get into it.

Table of Content:



Crystals And Vibrational Frequency

Crystals are being used for manifestation as they have the nature of vibrating at specific vibrational frequencies that can influence our vibrations and our energy fields.

Various crystals are able to store and transmit subtle energy or vibrations.

By placing and holding certain crystals can raise your own vibration to attract positive things.

These properties make them an ideal tool for manifestation.

Here’s the thing:

Different crystals have unique electromagnetic properties and are associated with unique vibrational frequencies.

If you can match the frequencies of crystals with your desires, it helps the manifestation process of what you want.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Love

1. Rose Quartz

rose quartz

Considered the love stone, Rose Quartz is known for attracting and nurturing love in all its forms.

It vibrates to our Heart Chakra which fosters self-love and heals emotional wounds, thus opening up opportunities for attracting romantic love.

Its gentle pink color symbolizes tenderness, empathy, and caring for oneself or others in a non-judgmental way.

Holding or carrying Rose Quartz encourages love and approval of oneself despite perceived flaws.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Heart Chakra while meditating.

2. Pink Kunzite

pink kunzite

Pink Kunzite is another powerful stone for manifesting love.

Especially for those who want a healthy relationship.

It is known for strengthening unconditional love and loving communication.

Pink Kunzite resonates with the Heart Chakra as it emanates feelings of compassion, positivity, and unconditional love.

It promotes healthy communication, empathy, forgiveness, commitment, and intimacy in romantic bonds or any relationship.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Heart Chakra while meditating.



3. Rhodonite


Rhodonite is known for having nurturing, calming, and comforting energy.

It resonates with the Heart Chakra to foster self-love, compassion, and unconditional love for others.

Wearing or holding this crystal encourages self-acceptance.

It strengthens feelings of personal worthiness and self-respect.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Heart Chakra while meditating.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Money & Wealth

4. Citrine


Known as the ‘Merchant Stone’, Citrine is a popular crystal for manifesting wealth and success.

Citrine also resonates with our Solar Plexus which heals our anxiety about money.

It inspires creativity, motivates ideas, and encourages a positive mindset, making it the perfect stone for those seeking financial abundance.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Solar Plexus while meditating.
  • Place it in your workplace.

5. Pyrite


Commonly known as ‘Fool’s Gold’ due to its golden appearance, Pyrite is another excellent stone for attracting wealth.

It has a grounding electromagnetic field that draws out negative energies and implants positive thoughts of empowerment.

Again, it resonates with your Solar Plexus which promotes your confidence.

It also boosts your self-worth and gives you a sense of clarity about your purpose.

It enhances motivation, stimulates ambition, and drives away negative energies, making it an excellent stone for business and career advancement.

You can use it by:

  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Solar Plexus while meditating.
  • Place it in your workplace.



6. Golden Rutilated Quartz

golden rutilated quartz

Similar to Citrine, Golden Rutilated Quartz is an even more powerful stone that promotes prosperity consciousness.

It also elevates personal power, creativity, optimism, and motivation.

Golden Rutilated Quartz helps to activate our Solar Plexus Chakra which is associated with our sense of security.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Solar Plexus while meditating.
  • Place it in your workplace.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Health

7. Obsidian


Obsidian has a very grounding, protective energy.

It absorbs and releases negative energies through purification.

Obsidian is often used to draw out physical, emotional, and mental toxins to promote deeper healing and well-being.

And hence, it is used as a tool to manifest health.

Obsidian balances and empowers the Root Chakra which brings stability during life changes.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Place it near you while meditating or where you always hang around.

8. Bloodstone


Known as the stone of vitality, Bloodstone enhances physical strength and endurance.

It boosts energy levels and encourages a positive mindset, making it an excellent stone for manifesting health and well-being.

It has a grounding yet uplifting energy linked to the Root and Heart Chakras.

Bloodstone is also being used to strengthen the immune system, promote healthy blood flow, and balance hemoglobin levels in the body.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.

9. Smoky Quartz

smoky quartz

Smoky Quartz has a special nature that aids in releasing trapped emotions or energy that cause illness and opening to healing.

As it resonates with the Root Chakra, it has a calming and grounding energy that helps reduce stress, worry, and overthinking.

Carrying smoky quartz shields the aura from technology-based EMFs as well as negative energies from other people.

In general, smoky quartz provides protection to the owner, helps to encourage positive thinking, and promotes overall health and well-being.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Place it near where you always hang around.



Best Crystals for Manifesting Good Luck

10. Green Aventurine

green aventurine

Known as the stone of opportunity, Green Aventurine attracts good luck and prosperity.

As green aventurine resonates with the sacral, the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra, it has an invigorating and energizing vibration.

It promotes a sense of renewed hope, growth, opportunity and good fortune.

Green aventurine also carries the “Midas touch” energy of prosperity consciousness, which aids in attracting wealth, resources and productive endeavors.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Sacral, Solar Plexus or Heart Chakra while meditating.

11. Tiger’s Eye

tiger eye

Tiger’s Eye is another powerful stone known for attracting good luck.

Tiger’s Eyes are being used to ward off negative energies and enhance luck during change or difficult transitions in life.

It has a warm, grounded and stabilizing energy signature aligned with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Tiger’s eye also fosters courage and self-confidence, essential traits for making the most of the opportunities that come your way.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Solar Plexus while meditating.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Success

12. Clear Quartz

clear quartz

Often referred to as the ‘Master Healer’, Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that amplifies energy and intention.

It clears the mind and raises one’s vibration, aligning it with the universe’s frequencies.

Clear quartz is known for programming energy and intention into its structure.

You can program your goals or desires into your crystal during your manifestation practices.

E.g. Manifestation journaling, visualization, or manifestation affirmations… etc.

Due to its immense power to manifest anything, making it an excellent stone for manifesting success.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Brow Chakra (Third Eye) while meditating.
  • Holding it while visualizing your goals.

13. Carnelian


Carnelian is known as the stone of motivation and endurance.

It stimulates ambition, confidence, and inspires courageous action towards goals and empowers forward momentum despite obstacles or indecision.

It has energizing, grounding and motivating vibrations that resonate with the Sacral Chakra.

It draws career breakthroughs and achievements through assertive striving, making it an excellent crystal for those seeking success in their personal life or career.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Holding it near your Sacral Chakra while meditating.
  • Place it in your workplace.



Best Crystals for Manifesting Happiness

14. Amethyst


Amethyst is a serene stone known for its ability to clear anxious thoughts and doubts, instilling a sense of peace and happiness.

It resonates with the crown, third eye and throat Chakras, enhancing intuition, mental clarity and self-expression.

It creates an energetic shield that protects the aura from geopathic stress, EMF pollution and negative energies both physical and psychic in nature.

This crystal encourages finding balance, prudence, and a harmonious path between extremes, guiding you towards decisions that lead to joy and fulfillment.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.
  • Place it near you while meditating or where you always hang around.

15. Peridot


Peridot radiates positive vibes, driving away negative energy, and bringing peace and happiness.

It resonates with the Heart Chakra which promotes compassion and kindness.

Wearing peridot soothes stress, anger, fear and depression.

It lifts mood and fosters emotional stability.

It encourages positivity and is an excellent stone for those seeking to manifest a joyful life.

You can use it by:

  • Wearing it as jewelry.
  • Carrying it around.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Dreams

16. Moonstone


Associated with the energy of the moon, Moonstone is a stone of intuition and dreams.

It encourages self-discovery and insight, helping you to manifest your deepest dreams and desires.

Originally, I seldom had dreams and I wasn’t able to remember most of them.

However, ever since I placed a moonstone cube near my bed, I can definitely see the difference in the frequency of having dreams and remembering them.

(I almost have a couple of dreams every night and they seem to be more vivid.)

If you are a fan of dream interpretation, I bet you would want to have one near your bed or under your pillow.

You can use it by:

  • Place it near your bed or under your pillow.

17. Lapis Lazuli

lapis lazuli

Known for its deep celestial blue color, Lapis Lazuli (or Lazurite) is a powerful crystal for enhancing dreams.

As it resonates with the Third Eye Chakra, its vibrations amplify your intuition and understanding to see the bigger spiritual picture…

… which allows you to gain insights and wisdom regarding your dreams.

As Lapis Lazuli stimulates enlightenment and encourages self-expression, making it an excellent stone for manifesting dreams into reality.

You can use it by:

  • Place it near your bed or under your pillow.



Ways to Use Crystals for Manifesting

Utilizing these crystals for manifestation involves more than just owning them.

Here are some popular ways you can use to leverage their energies:

  • Manifestation Meditation: Meditating with your chosen crystal can help you attune to its energy and amplify your intentions.
  • Crystal Jewelry: Wearing crystal jewelry allows you to carry the crystal’s energy with you throughout the day.
  • Crystal Grids: Placing crystals in a geometric pattern, known as a crystal grid, can amplify their energies and intentions.
  • Carrying Crystals: Keeping a crystal in your pocket or bag can serve as a constant reminder of your intentions.

Besides the above methods people would normally use, you can also use your crystals with other manifestation methods like visualization, manifestation journal, or affirmation.

Cleansing Your Crystals

crystal cleansing

Cleansing your crystals is crucial to maintain their purity and effectiveness.

This process involves removing stagnant or unwanted energies attached to the crystals.

Some common methods of cleansing include:

  1. Place the crystals in a bowl of salt.
  2. Wash them with fresh water.
  3. Use sound healing tools.
  4. Smudge with incense, sage, or palo santo.

It is recommended to cleanse your crystals at least once a quarter.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most powerful crystal?

Clear Quartz is considered the most powerful crystal due to its versatile healing properties and ability to amplify the energies of other crystals.

Can you manifest anything with clear quartz?

Yes. Clear Quartz is known as the ‘Master Healer’ and can be programmed with any intention, making it possible to manifest virtually anything.

What is the best crystal for attracting positivity?

Citrine is often considered the best crystal for attracting positivity due to its joyful and uplifting energy.

How do you set intentions with crystals?

You can set intentions with crystals by holding the crystal in your hand, visualizing your intention, and stating it out loud or in your mind.

It’s also beneficial to meditate with the crystal regularly.

What crystals should not be together?

Some crystals may have energies that can conflict or cancel each other out.

It’s best to research individual crystals and their properties to ensure compatibility.

Try It out!

Crystals can be powerful tools for manifestation if you use it right.

They can amplify your intentions, clear negative energy, and serve as a physical reminder of your goals.


Manifesting also requires a clear vision, positive mindset, and taking inspired action.

Happy manifesting!




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