What Is The Whisper Method And How To Use It For Manifestation?

the whisper method

The whisper method is a manifestation technique by quietly whispering your desires to the Universe in your visualization or meditation.

This is also one of the most effective manifestation techniques I have ever known when it comes to manifesting an experience that involve someone.

It works the best for those who are not familiar with the mechanics of manifestation…

… or those who had been trying hard to make their dreams come true.


If your desire involves a specific person, like your crush, your ex or your boss…

… to talk to you, text you or give you a promotion…

This is probably the best manifestation method your could use! Period.

In this article, I will dive deep into this intriguing method, providing an extensive explanation and guide on how to use it for manifestation.

Let’s Dive in.

Table of Content:

  1. What is the Whisper Method?
  2. Step-by-Step Guide
  3. Does the Whisper Method Work?
  4. Additional Tips



What is the Whisper Method?

The Whisper Method involves visualizing a specific person, setting an intention, and imagining yourself whispering that intention into the person’s ear.

The theory behind the Whisper Method is that this process creates a subconscious connection to a particular vibrational frequency which potentially influence the person’s thoughts or actions to ‘co-create’ your desired outcome.


It is not a means for you to manipulate others or control their behavior.

It is all about co-creation.

And thus, when you set your intention, it is best to have an intent to benefit the person who would be involved.

I guarantee it would work even better.



The Power of Visualization and Intention

At the heart of the Whisper Method is the use of visualization and intention setting.


Visualization is a powerful tool that helps to create a mental image of what you desire.

In this case, it involves imagining the person related to your desire and whispering your intention into their ear.

On the other hand, setting an intention involves being clear about what you want.

It’s essential to state your desire positively.

For instance, instead of saying, “I don’t want to be broke,” you can say, “I want to be financially independent.”

By doing these…

You’re able to tune in to the vibrational frequency of what you want.

The Whisper Method emphasizes the importance of matching your energetic frequency with your desire.

You need to know that every thought and emotion carries a certain vibrational frequency.

Just like what the Law of Attraction says:

“Like attracts like.”


“That Which is Like Unto Itself is Drawn.”

Therefore, if you want to attract positive experiences, you must ensure that your thoughts and emotions are vibrating at a frequency that matches your desires.



How to Use the Whisper Method for Manifestation

Using the Whisper Method to manifest your desires involves the following 5-step process.

  1. Know What You Want
  2. Raise Your Vibrations
  3. Whisper
  4. Embrace the Feeling
  5. Let Go and Trust the Process

Step 1: Know What You Want

The first critical stride in the Whisper Method is identifying what you want to manifest.

Generally you can figure it out by knowing what you don’t want.

Pen down your desires in a positive way like we mentioned earlier.

And specifying who you wish to influence, what you want them to do, and how you’d feel if your manifestation came to fruition.

If you don’t know who would be involved in your manifestation yet, you can imagine you are talking to your inner being or inner child.

Your inner being will eventually bring that person in front of you.

Step 2: Raise Your Vibrations

Next, raise your vibrational frequency to match the energy of your desire.

You should feel joy, relief, love, eagerness, energetic or passion when you reach a higher vibration.

Visualization and affirmations can assist in elevating your energy levels.

Also, believing what you want is going to happen is crucial at this stage.



Step 3: Whisper

Visualizing your specific person standing in front of you.


You, in the form of a spirit, or as an extension of a larger part of you, whisper your desire into their ear 3 times.

Visualizing yourself delivering your message gently, almost like a mother whispering to her child.

Imagine they nodded their heads and you said thank you to that person.

Step 4: Embrace the Feeling

Once you’ve whispered your desire, immerse yourself in the positive emotions associated with your wish coming true.

Visualize the joy, satisfaction, and happiness you’d experience when your desire manifests.

Step 5: Let Go and Trust the Process

Finally, release your desire to the universe and trust the process.

Avoid obsessing over when or how it will happen.

Instead, maintain a firm belief that the Whisper Method is already working its magic.



Does the Whisper Method Work?

The efficacy of the Whisper Method varies from person to person.

Some people have reported successful manifestations, while others have not.

Here’s the thing:

The effectiveness of the Whisper Method, like any other manifestation techniques, depends on your beliefs and your ability to align your frequency with your desire.

But the beauty of the Whisper Method is that…

… this process is a gesture of letting go of your ego and inviting the universe to help.

When you stop trying to figure it all out by yourself.

When you stop trying to control everything.

When you stop struggling in life.

The resistance towards what you want is much lower.

There is a saying about manifestation in the bible:

“When you ask, it is given.” – Mathew 7:7

Once you clear your resistance, you shall receive.

And thus, like I mentioned earlier, this method works really well for those who had been struggling to make their dreams come true.



Additional Tips for The Whisper Method

To maximize the effectiveness of the Whisper Method, here are some additional tips:

  • Maintain a positive mindset
  • Be specific about your desires
  • Visualize your desired outcome
  • Believe in yourself and your ability to manifest
  • Practice gratitude
  • Let go of attachment to the outcome

Sometimes, despite following the steps accurately, you may find it hard to manifest your desires using the Whisper Method.

The truth is:

We might have some subconscious blockages or negative conditioning that inhibits us from matching the energy of our desires.

In such situations, it’s important to engage in practices that help in healing and unblocking your chakras.

Chakra healing and frequency healing can help overcome emotional barriers and foster secure relationships, which can enhance your manifestation abilities.



Give It A Try!

The Whisper Method offers a unique approach to manifestation.

While it may seem unconventional, it has the potential to be a potent tool for realizing your deepest desires.

However, like any other manifestation techniques, it requires practice, belief, and alignment of your energetic frequency with your desires.

So, why not give it a try?

You never know, you may just whisper your way to your dreams.


