What Words To Avoid When Manifesting? [With Examples]

words to avoid when manifesting

When we try to manifest something, the words we use, the words we speak, and the words we think actually play a significant role.

There are some words we should avoid to use as they can hinder the manifestation process, affecting the vibrational alignment that is needed to bring your desires into reality.

In this article, we will delve into some common words to avoid when manifesting, highlighting how negative constructs and phrasing can create energetic blockages.

By replacing these with words of empowerment, you’ll learn practical tips for conscious language use, enhancing your manifestation practice.

The Influence of Negative Words on Manifestation

Understanding the impact of negative words on the manifestation process is crucial.

The Law of Attraction asserts that like attracts like.

Therefore, the words you choose can either propel you towards your desires or pull you away from them.

Negative Words and Subconscious Perception

Negative words such as “not” or “don’t” can lead your subconscious to focus on the very things you wish to avoid.

For example:

If you say “I am not poor,” the subconscious might only register “poor.”

Instead, affirmations should be positively framed.

Like “I am prosperous” to direct focus towards abundance and success.

The Vibrational Impact of Words

Words are not just sounds or written symbols.

They carry energy that interacts with our personal and the collective energetic field, influencing what we attract into our reality.

In general, words that express negativity or limitation resonate at a lower vibrational frequency.

And potentially creating blockages in the flow of positive energy.

Impact of Negative Words on Emotional and Physical States

The way we speak, including the words we choose, impacts how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.

It not only affects our emotions but also our physical health.

For example:

Words carrying negative connotations can influence your hormonal balance.

It elevates anxiety levels which might also induce physical pain.

All of which can counteract the manifestation process.

By consciously shifting our language patterns from negative to positive, we align more closely with the frequencies of our desires, enhancing our ability to manifest effectively.

This shift requires awareness and practice, as it involves not only changing how we speak but also how we think.

Common Words to Avoid When Manifesting

Words Introducing Doubt and Limitation

“Can’t” and “Impossible”:

  • These words inherently suggest that something is beyond your reach, planting seeds of doubt and curbing your manifesting potential.

“Try” and “Hope”:

  • While seemingly positive, these words often carry an undertone of uncertainty, indicating a lack of conviction in achieving desired outcomes.

Words That Imply Lack or Scarcity

“Never” and “No”:

  • Negations can focus your energy on what you don’t want rather than what you desire.

“Lack” and “Scarcity”:

  • Such terms reinforce a mindset of insufficiency, which can manifest more of the same.

Demanding or Forceful Words

“Must”, “Need to”, “Have to”:

  • These create a sense of pressure and stress, which can interfere with the positive energy required for manifestation.

Victim Mentality and Negativity

“Unlucky”, “Unfortunate”, “Victim”:

  • Words that denote helplessness or external control can detract from your power to create your reality.

“Hard”, “Difficult”:

  • These suggest that the path to your desires is obstructed, which may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

By consciously choosing words that align with the reality you wish to create, you enhance your manifestation practice.

Words are not just a form of communication but a tool for creating your future.

Eliminating Energetic Blockages

Avoiding Negative Focus

It’s essential to focus on aspects of your life that you can control rather than those you cannot.

Dwelling on uncontrollable elements can create unnecessary barriers in your manifestation process.

Neglecting responsibilities can generate negative energy, which may hinder your ability to manifest your desires effectively.

Embracing a Higher Self

Manifestation thrives when you embody a higher version of yourself, one that is free from the resistance brought by negativity.

The more you align with your higher self, the easier your manifestation will be.

Reframing Negative Language

Negative words or phrases carry a lower vibrational frequency.

It’s crucial to reframe these into positive statements to align better with the frequencies of your desires.


The law of attraction responds to how you feel, not just the words you say.

Avoid negative words or thoughts to maintain a positive energy flow.

Words of Empowerment to Use Instead

When we do different kinds of manifestation practices, like visualization or manifestation journaling, it is easy to fall into our old habit of using negative words.

Here are 4 good ways to you avoid using these old negative words.

Replace Negative Words with Empowering Statements

  1. Affirm Your Desires: Instead of focusing on what you lack, affirm what you desire. Replace “I don’t have enough money” with “I am financially abundant.”
  2. Focus on Growth and Abundance: Shift your language to reflect growth, such as changing “I can’t” to “I am learning how to.”
  3. Use Powerful Manifestation Words: Employ phrases like “I am capable,” “I choose happiness,” or “I now have success.”

Use Positive Affirmations

  1. State of Being: Use affirmations that start with “I am,” such as “I am worthy of love and success.”
  2. Gratitude and Excitement: Incorporate phrases like “I am so grateful for my health” or “I am excited about new opportunities.”
  3. Appreciation and Receptivity: Say “I deeply appreciate my friendships” or “I willingly receive new challenges.”

Reframe Statements to Reflect Positive Outcomes

  1. Replace ‘hard’ with ‘easy’: Instead of saying “This task is hard,” say “This task is manageable.”
  2. Transform ‘want’ to ‘have’: Change “I want peace” to “I have peace in my life.”
  3. Shift ‘will’ to ‘am’: Instead of “I will be successful,” affirm “I am successful.”

Use Adjectives to Strengthen Affirmations

  1. Enhance with Descriptors: Make your affirmations more vivid, such as “I am incredibly energized today.”
  2. Positive Identity Statements: Use affirmations like “I am a confident and successful person.”
  3. Joy and Success: Affirm “I am surrounded by joy and thriving in my successes.”

By consciously choosing words that uplift and empower, you actively participate in shaping a reality that aligns with your deepest desires and highest aspirations.

Choose Your Words Wisely

By intentionally replacing disempowering language with words of empowerment, we align our vibrational frequency with that of our deepest desires and aspirations.

It paves the way for a more effective manifestation.

The significance of this awareness extends beyond the personal; it resonates with our higher self, influencing the energies that bind us.

And it guides us to manifest realities that reflect our highest potential and deepest joy.
