Money Manifestation: How To Manifest Money In 3 Steps

how to manifest money

Money manifestation is the practice of attracting financial abundance through positive thinking, visualization, and intentional action. It is a philosophy that based on the belief that our thoughts and feelings can influence our reality, enabling us to draw wealth and prosperity into our lives.

The process of manifesting money involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and inspired actions to attract financial abundance into your life.

In this article, we will explore the 3 simple steps to manifest money, and tips to manifest money in different financial situations.

Let’s get into in!

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How To Manifest Money In 3 Steps?

Ever wonder why some people seem to be able to manifest money on their demand and money flow to them seems so easy and effortless?

These are the people who have figured out the secret of money manifestation.

(Tbh, it’s not a secret anymore!)

On the other side…

The majority of the people are living in the rat race struggle and haunted by money problems again and again.

Most of us operate with limiting beliefs about money and these beliefs were mostly inherited from our parents or from the media…

… without knowing those concepts are wrong.

Here’s the good news:

Once you figure out the real nature of money and how you should manage your relationship with money… money will flow into your life infinitely easier.

And here are the 3 steps for your to manifest money fast:



1. Remove Limiting Beliefs About Money

First of all, we need to identify what kinds of limiting beliefs we have that are violating the true nature of money. 

“We need to work hard to make a fortune…“

“Money doesn’t grow on trees…”

“Money is the root of all evil…”

If you believe in any of these, I bet making and keeping money is hard for you. 

Financial Crisis in the past could also create traumas in your mind which are rooted in your subconscious mind as a sticky limiting belief. 

When I was a little kid, my brother and I witnessed our parents lose almost every single dimes on gambling and bad investment decisions a few times.

Guess what? 

Similar situation happened to both of us around our early 30s.

But we are lucky.

We are kinda able to understand the true nature of money and get rid of our limiting beliefs about money.

You see…

Money is energy and it is like Air.

It is everywhere, unlimited and it keeps flowing in and out of our experience.

And holding on to your limiting beliefs is like holding your breath.

The more you can clean up these resisting beliefs, the more and easier money will be flowing in.



And here are 3 simple ways to remove your limiting beliefs:

  1. Check if you have these limiting beliefs about money: 
    • Do you think making money is hard?
    • Do you feel good when you make more money?
    • Do you think money is evil?
    • Do you think rich people are bad people? 
    • Do you think money can’t buy happiness?
  1. Replace with Positive Beliefs about money
    • Money is neither evil nor sacred, just like air, water & sand
    • Money is a great tool for exchanging value
    • Money can’t buy happiness, it comes with happiness
    • Making money is easy when we follow our passion
    • There are good & bad people in every class. 
  1. Forgive Your Old Traumas
    • It is important to forgive whoever created the traumas as forgiveness is a very powerful agent to remove old negative beliefs. No matter if it is your parents, someone who set you up or even yourself. 

Lastly, beware of any negative thoughts and emotions around money. 

Whenever you realize you are having one, use the above process to sooth it out as quickly as possible.



2. Visualize The Money You Want & Create Feeling of Abundance

Visualize yourself already possessed the amount of money you want and to feel how good it feels as you have received the money.

The key of this practice is to create the feeling of abundance in our mind.

By the law of attraction, like attracts like. 

When you feel abundant, you attract abundance.

Remember this:

If we want to manifest money we never have in our life we need to first feel the level of abundance we never felt before. 

After you learn how to tune in to the amount of money you want, the next step is to turn yourself into money-attracting mode…

Like a money magnet.

There are many ways to help you craft the attraction power, e.g. Vision Board, Money Affirmation, Manifestation Journaling… etc.

But there are 2 simple methods I want to talk about because I have been using them for almost 10 years and they are no-brainer:

  1. Carrying more cash in your wallet than you usually do
    • Any amount would work as long as you feel comfortable with it. 
    • Don’t carry too much if it makes you feel insecure.
    • you can start with $100, carry more if you can. 
    • You don’t really need to spend the money.
    • Simply carrying them would make you fell a bit more abundant.
  1. Carrying items that symbolize wealth
    • It could be jewelry, special coins, manifestation crystals like Citrine or anything that symbolizes abundance… etc. 
    • I personally carry a few small Jade stones with me wherever I go. 
    • At first, you might just sense a feeling of abundance when you carry them. 
    • If you carry them long enough, they will truly become a symbol of money to you.



3. Be Grateful & Let Go 

If you want to manifest money really fast, you have to be grateful. 

Be grateful for what?

Be grateful for what you already have and the money that is about to manifest into your life.

If you have nothing but a mountain of debt, be grateful for your debt. 

Just think about how the money you loaned had helped you get through your hard time or how it helped you to pay for what you need.

Here’s the thing:

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational energies we can reach for. 

By letting yourself be in a state of gratitude and appreciation, you are able to release your resistance to money.

Whenever I have negative feelings about money, once I turn myself into a feeling of gratitude and appreciation, it always manifests the money instantly. 

Guess what?

The more you let yourself be in this high vibrational energy, the faster the money will be manifested.

It works like magic and it has worked for me so many times.

Another thing is to Let Go.

Before we can remove our limiting beliefs around money, the best thing you can do is to let go.

Manifestation is a process of aligning your thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Let go of your fear of not getting the money you need and the anxiety of not knowing when the money will come.

Trust the Universe will manifest what you desired, take actions when it is needed or you are inspired, and expect it to come.



Money Manifest Tips in Different Situations

I must say the struggle varies when we are facing different financial situations and challenges.

The limiting beliefs that you need to deal with when you are in debt and when you want to attract more income can be very different.

So, here are some tips for you to deal with with different situation:

1. Manifesting a Debt-Free Life

When you are in debt, sometimes it feels like you are chained with an iron ball swimming in the middle of the sea.

It feels like drowning.

In order to manifest yourself getting rid of your debt, instead of visualizing yourself having more money, it is better to visualize yourself being free of burden.

You may also want to check if you have any limiting beliefs towards debt. For examples:

  1. Feeling obliged / shame / guilt of being in debt.
  2. Seeing debt / loan as bad or evil.

Everyone holds different beliefs, and you need to figure it out by yourself.

But once you can figure that out and release it as soon as you can. A debt-free life will be unfold instantly.



2. Manifesting Money Instantly

Very often, when someone is looking for ways to manifest money instantly(or in 24 hours), it’s not hard to sense their urgency.

The truth of the matter is…

The less worry and needy you feel about the money you need, the less resistance between you and your money, and the easier and faster it will come.

So, if you are in a very urgent situation, try your best not focusing on the problem or the consequence of not having enough money on time.

Instead, focus on a better feeling thought that could sooth your negative emotion. For example:

  • “Everything is going to be fine.” 
  • “Everything is working out for me.”

That would generally be a more effective way to attract a solution for you in terms of manifestation.

3. Manifesting More Money

When you are already good with money, naturally, you want to make even more.

It is okay visualizing yourself making more money and living a better life.

The only thing you have to be very careful of is that you have to avoid getting caught up with the ‘How’ part.

Very often we would get stuck in trying to figure out how the money comes, which creates resistance to your manifestation. 

So, you may want to ignore the ‘How’ and just focus on how good it feels to make more money and live a better lifestyle.

Once an idea or opportunity shows up in your life, you can then shift your focus and visualize yourself successfully making the money you want with that idea.



4. Manifesting Financial freedom

When it comes to manifesting financial freedom, the ‘freedom’ part can be a bit tricky.

Despite everyone having a very different definition of freedom, the freedom part usually implies that you don’t need to work to make the money to live the life you want.

Generally, it is achievable if you can generate enough passive income through investing or having someone to manage your own business.

But for many people, they have no clue how exactly they can achieve that in these ways.

So, again, instead of getting stuck in the ‘How’, put more focus on visualizing yourself being able to do the things you love to do all day long.

You can also write it down as a manifestation journal: How is it like to live in a perfect day that you can live it for the rest of your life?





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