Money Meditation Techniques: Guided Meditation to Attract More Wealth


Look, Money Meditation ain’t magic.

Similar to other manifestation methods like Vision Board and Manifestation Journal, it requires practice consistent.

It probably won’t make you the next billionaire overnight. (Just probably.)

But in terms of increasing the power of attracting money…

Yes, it can absolutely help you to attract more and more money in your life really quick!

And I can ensure you that you can increase YOUR attraction force RIGHT AFTER you finish this article…

…no matter you believe in the power of meditation or NOT!!

First thing first…

If you want to learn how to use mediation to attract wealth into your life, you gotta first control your anxiety about money.


Because every time you want money to come faster… 

…it is actually telling your subconscious mind or the Universe that you don’t HAVE THE MONEY NOW.

So, the only thing will manifest is ‘You don’t have money”.


Most likely you are in urgent need of money at this moment, so you want to learn how to attract more money into your life. 


…there are 2 things you can do and should do first…

  1. Let go and stop thinking about lack of money.
  2. Do whatever you can do to make yourself feel safe about your financial situation.

And then you can follow the instructions of this money meditation technique I’m going to teach you below to start attracting wealth into your life!



So… What Is Money Meditation?

You may be wondering:

“Meditation is some kind of mysterious thing and it’s not for me…”

It IS mysterious just because it is not taught in school!!

But I found that actually meditation and the use of the Law of Attraction…

…are quite similar to the function of our reticular activating system in our brain.

With that being said…

You can think Money Meditation as a process of nurturing your mind.

This is why in the beginning of this article I mentioned that don’t expect result will be shown instantly.

As seldom have anyone could change their beliefs instantly…

And one fact you should know about:

Majority of people need 21 to 30 days to change a belief.

Using money meditation, you will gradually change your beliefs on MONEY.

And start attracting them.

But still…

Before you learn how to do money meditation…

…you have to know…

…Why you want more money?

Hey Kirk, come on!! That’s the stupidest question!” You may think…

Everyone on this earth want more money!

Okay Okay! Let’s say it in this way…

If one person loves watches, this person must have series of watch collections at home. Right?

If one person loves paintings, this person must have a series of painting collections at home like a gallery.

Can’t be wrong! Right?

So, why so many people think they LOVE money…

…but most of them don’t really have lots of money in their bank account…




Here’s why… 

Most of the people want more money mainly because of their fear of not having enough money.

What they are really thinking inside their head are “lack”, “not enough money”, “don’t know how to pay the bill of this month…”

“If you think about lack, you attract lack.”

So your WHY to have more money must be about what you are capable to do when you have money.

And more importantly…

how good you feel when you have that money? 

Thus, you HAVE TO detach all the negative emotions about money first like I mentioned earlier.

And then you can follow the money meditation below NOW!

The Preparation work before Money Meditation

Before you really go through the Money Meditation, you should first clear your mind of all thoughts for a while.

(You may choose to do money meditation before sleep or right after you wake up.)

  1. Find a quiet place to sit down or lie down.
  2. Make sure there will not be any interference during the meditation.
  3. Relax your whole body by focusing on the relaxation of each muscles on your whole body and your every breath.
  4. When you feel completely relaxed, then we can start to tap into your subconscious mind by Money Meditation

Guided Meditation to Attract Money

Have a very clear image of the exact amount of money you want to have.

Visualize this amount of money shows up on the transaction of your bank account or paypal account.

And you know this is real.

You don’t know why the money shows up but it is here.

As you are feeling so wonderful right now and you know you deserve this money.

Feel the impression of increasing of the amount of money in your bank account.

You are feeling so good…

So relief…

Because you know that with this money, you can buy the things you desired for so long…

Or pay up all the bills or debt you have so far…

So relax…

Feel the relief and relaxation as long as you can every time you do this meditation.”

And now, you can just let go and never think about when or how the money will come.

Just let go and let god…

You know, every time you ask about when and how…

…you are actually sending a message to the Universe(your subconscious mind) that you don’t have the money…

And you know what will happen!

So do this meditation no more than once a day.

If you can possess a very clear intention that you do this process is only to nurture your subconscious mind…

…and things must come in time.

(Once you mastered the process, try to mix this practice with positive affirmations, money affirmations and money attraction symbols. That works very well for me!)






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