Signs From The Universe: 16 Ways The Universe Is Trying To Send Me A Message

signs from the universe

In the world of spirituality, it is accepted wisdom that the Universe tries to give us signs in different forms from time to time to elevate us, protect us from harmful events, or send us a specific message.

These signs can be varied like having a Déjà Vu, seeing repeating numbers everywhere, or seeing a specific number of crows.

The messages from the Universe can be ver different depending on the signs we experience.

In this article, we will explain what are the signs from the Universe, what messages the Universe is trying to send us, how we can ask the Universe for signs, and how to read those signs more and more easily.

Let’s jump right in.

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What Are Signs From The Universe?

Signs from the Universe are ways or mediums that the Universe uses to communicate with us.

These signs can appear as symbols, metaphors, natural phenomena or recurring coincidences.

The Universe always tries to tell us something from time to time just to answer our prayers or give us hints to be cautious of something that is going to happen.

The Best Part?

Figuring out the hidden messages delivered by the Universe can always bring you positive impact in life.

On the contrary, if you can read the warning signs from the Universe, you can avoid bad things happening.

What is the Universe Trying to Tell Me?

If you have asked for help from the Universe, or prayer, the Universe will give you signs as answer.

For the purpose of Manifestation or the Law of Attraction, you observe these Universe messages to look for guidance or if what you want is on the way.

At times, the Universe often gives us warning signs to avoid bad things from happening.

At the end of the day…

… how these signs are interpreted are still depending on what it means and how it feels at a personal level.

Thus, it would not be a good idea to fixate each sign with a specific meaning.

You need to use your intuition to interpret the messages from the Universe.



1. Synchronicity

When a sequence of coincidences occurs that are meaningfully connected but not causally related…

… we call it Synchronicity.

This is usually the Universe confirming you that you are on the right path and you are in perfect alignment with your inner bening.

It might happen more than you thought if you pay close attention to these “coincidences”.

For example: 

You met someone you have been thinking about in a place you wouldn’t be there if your original plan wasn’t changed or canceled.

Or multiple coincidences happened which place you in a perfect spot to experience something surprisingly satisfying.

2. Unexpected Encounters

Have you ever experienced that someone texted you or called you right after you thought about this person?

Or you met someone coincidently then you found out this is the perfect person to solve your problem you recently have.

These unexpected encounters usually are signs or guidance offered by the Universe telling you what is right for you through that experience.

If you are in such a moment, don’t second guess, just go with the flow.



3. Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu is an eerie feeling that you feel like you have already experienced what is happening right now.

Maybe you have met a person you have never met, but he/she looks kind of familiar to you.

Or you walk into a new place, but you feel like you have been there before.

No matter what it is, it is a good sign that the Universe is trying to tell you that you are on the right path and something good is going to happen.

4. Recurring Experiences

When something or similar situations happens to you again and again, these repetitive events may be strong signs from the Universe to look out for.

Very often, these signs from the Universe are trying to tell us that there is a deeper meaning in those recurring experiences.

If you notice one, try to pay close attention to what feeling that experience is bringing you.

This could be a message from the Universe that it’s time to clean up some of our old beliefs or patterns of thoughts.



5. Recurring Words / Phrases / Lyrics

At times a specific word or phrase pops up in your mind, or lyrics of a song you haven’t listened to for a very long time stuck in your head.

Or maybe a specific term catches your attention, and you heard it or saw it multiple times in a day from various sources.

The odds are the Universe is trying to deliver a message through it.

Sometimes you might be able to interpret the sign by understanding the meaning of the words literally.

But if it makes no sense to you, you might want to decipher the sign by looking into what feelings triggered within you.

6. Dreams

When we sleep, we are connected to our inner being and thus the Universe.

Universe messages from a dream usually are metaphoric and symbolic, thus, try not to decipher a dream too literally.


You might need to interpret it based on how you feel about the dream combined with your personal experience.

Writing down your dreams is a great way to remember your dreams and record the signs.

Once you get familiar with this technique…

You can even ask for a sign in your dream by simply saying this to yourself before you fall asleep:

“Tonight, I will remember my dreams and my dreams will give me guidance on XYZ”

Here’s the best part:

According to the book ‘The Silva Mind Control Method’ by José Silva…

… once you have mastered the skill of reading signs from dreams, you can get whatever solutions you need to tackle any problems in life.



7. Numbers

When you see repeating numbers or numbers in specific patterns like 369, 1234, 1111, 222, 333, 555, 777… etc…

…these are called the Angel Numbers.

Each combination has its spiritual meaning behind and they represent different messages that the Universe tries to communicate with us.

For example:

If you see 1111, it is the Universe trying to tell you that you are on the right path and something good is going to happen.

If you see 3333, it is actually a sign of hope and optimism, and the difficulties you’re facing right now will soon be over.

If you see 888, it is a positive sign that you are heading towards the endless flow of abundance.

8. Instant Manifestation

When good things or things that you secretly desired keep manifesting instantly and effortlessly.

This is a clear message sent from the Universe that you are on the right path and something good is going to happen.

Don’t second guess and just enjoy the moment would be the best for you to do.



9. Losing, Dropping, or Breaking Things

Everything is energy.

Things around us, especially those that are close to us can be affected by our personal vibration.

  • When you lose or break something you treasured a lot, usually it is a sign from the Universe that you need to move on, let go of your past or put down your old beliefs.
  • And if you keep dropping things, it is a warning sign from the universe that you need to pay attention or be conscious of what is happening.
  • And if things around you keep breaking, it is a warning sign that you need to rethink your steps and actions.

10. Pains and Illnesses

Not all the pains(physically) and illnesses have a medically explainable cause.

Sometimes, pain and ailment could be a sign of blockage of energy or caused by specific negative emotion.

The location of the pain or the type of symptoms usually symbolize the hidden message.

For example:

Stomach pain is usually correlated to a blockage of the Third Chakra – The Solar Plexus.

Blockage of Solar Plexus generally indicated that we are living in anxiety and insecurity.

That said, if you encounter an ailment in your stomach, it’s a warning sign that we need to take a look at what belief is causing your anxiety and change it.

Another common example is pain in the throat area.

It represents a blockage of your Throat Chakra, which is usually caused by lack of opportunity to express yourself freely.



11. Unexplained Emotions

Over the course of the day, you suddenly feel unexplainable emotions like fear, anxiety, annoyed or overwhelming out of nowhere…

… and this could be a warning sign sent by the Universe.

For example:

You might be on the way home from work like you always do.

Suddenly you feel annoyed by the route you usually take.

And you feel a strong urge to try another way home which might spare you from encountering an unwanted event.

12. Gut Feelings / Intuition

Whenever you have an internal nudge to urge you to do something or not to do something, don’t ignore it.

It could be the Universe trying to send you a sign through your gut feeling or some may call it – Intuition.

Our gut feeling is a very reliable guidance to help us make important decisions from time to time.

Whenever there is an important decision you need to make, try to project your feelings on each of the options.

Whether it is feeling right, feeling harmony or feeling uncomfortable and wrong

It is your intuition giving you the guidance of which option is the best for you.




While you are looking for an answer from your intuition, try to put down all the rational thinking.

Just feel what it feels like to you.

And if you want to make sure you can receive the message more clearly, meditation or any practice that can quiet your mind would be helpful.

13. Weather


Our reality is the creation of our inner world.

Weather is kind of a reflection of the collective consciousness, and at the same time, reflecting signs from the Universe in a broader perspective.

Different weathers signify different messages from the Universe.

For example:

If you see cloud pattern which looks like a giant bird spreading its wings, it is a positive sign of hope and all the difficulties will soon be over.

14. Animals

If you see specific animals showing up in front of you, it can be a strong sign from the Universe too.

For example:

If you keep seeing butterflies, it is a strong sign from the Universe to remind you to change your old thinking pattern.

If you see hawks continuously, it’s a sign that the Universe will provide you guidance to see things from a higher perspective.

If you see crows or a specific number of crows showing up in front of you continuously, it’s a sign that the Universe is trying to send you a message through the number of crows.

15. Smells

If you are suddenly getting struck by a familiar smell which triggers some old memories or reminds you of a particular person, it is probably a sign from the Universe.

When you encounter one, try to dig deeper into that memory and see what feelings or messages it is trying to conduct.

Guess what?

If it reminds you of someone who you haven’t been seeing for a while, try giving that person a call or text to see what would happen.

You will never be disappointed with what is going to happen.



16. Ringing in Your Ears

From time to time, the universe and your guardian angels would try to send messages to you by ringing in your ears.

Ringing in the right ear is an indication of good fortune or positive sign…

…while ringing in the left ear is usually associated with bad omen and negative sign.

(And sometimes it would just be a subtle itching in your ear.)

You can cultivate this spiritual ability by practicing meditation consistently.

Once your Third Eye and Crown Chakra open more often, you will be able to receive this sign more.

How to Ask the Universe for a Sign?

If you have a clear intention of what you want but don’t know how to get it, you can actually ask the Universe for a sign.

In fact, you can ask for a sign to guide you toward anything you want.

Be it multiple sneezes in a row, ear burning, or just seeing a few crows show up…

… the Universe will always respond in a way that you can perceive.

For example: 

If you are unsure about a decision or you simply want to know you are on the right track, ask the Universe for a sign.

You can say it out loud or say it in your mind:

“Hey Universe, please guide me for [whatever you want]. Thank You!”

That’s really how easy it is. 😉

How to Read Signs From the Universe More Easily?

In order to read and perceive messages from the Universe more easily, we need to tune ourselves into receptive mode.

To reach the state of receptive mode, it’s best for you to be in a higher vibrational frequency…

… or to put down all of your thoughts in your mind and perceptions on things.

Here’s why:

The more you can place yourself in serenity, the easier you can catch your internal nudges and sense the changes in your surroundings.

Next, you have to be more mindful of things that are happening around and within you, no matter how subtle they are.

When you pay attention and stay in the present moment, you are telling the Universe that you are open to receive guidance.

And, when you ask, it will be given.

