Ringing in Right Ear: 6 Spiritual Meanings in Various Pitches & Volumes

Ringing In the Right Ear Spiritual

Ringing in the right ear is a natural sensation that you can hear sounds of ringing or buzzing sound only in your right ear while there is no external source of sound.

This sensation holds various spiritual, biblical, superstitious meaning and significance.

For many people, it is a very useful tool to check on the signs of manifestation.

In this article, we will dive into the different interpretations of the spiritual meaning of ringing in the right ear.

We will also examine the different types of ear ringing and whether it could be a sign of a medical condition.

Let dive in!

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Spiritual Meaning of Ringing in the Right Ear

The spiritual or metaphysical meaning of ringing in the right ear is a topic of interest for many people.

In general, it is a sign that the universe or guardian angels may be trying to communicate with us through this sensation.

Spiritually, ringing in the right ear is an indication of positive changes while ringing in the left ear is associated with negative omens.

The meaning of this phenomenon also varies according to the pitch, volume, and variation of the ringing.

Here are some of the interpretations of the spiritual meaning of ringing in the right ear:



1. A Sign of Spiritual Alignment

Experiencing ringing in your right ear during meditation or other spiritual activities could be a sign that you’re aligning with your spiritual body.

Very often, when we meditate and align with our inner being, our body becomes more relaxed and connected to the universe.

Here’s the thing:

The sense of connectedness indicates that your third eye is opening, and when it happens, it usually makes your right ear ringing.

You can also practice meditation regularly to help you vitalize and activate your third eye.

(*The Pineal Gland Meditation by Dr. Joe Dispensa is by far one of the best ways I have tried to activate my third eye and enter this state.)

With that being said…

… it is something you can cultivate by practicing consistently.

The more spiritual alignment you experience, the easier and faster your manifestation will come.

2. Someone Is Speaking or Thinking Positively of You

According to old wives’ tales, when your ear rings, it means someone is talking about you or thinking of you.

If you hear ringing in your right ear, it could mean that people see your worth, love, and admire you, and they’re thinking kindly of you…

…while the left ear ringing means someone is saying negative things about you.

This could be a result of a good deed you’ve done recently and someone is thinking about it.



3. Positive Changes Are On The Way

In many spiritual beliefs, ringing in the right ear symbolizes good fortune.

Unlike the left ear, which is often associated with negative omens, ringing in the right ear is considered a sign of blessings and good luck.

Here’s the thing:

If you’ve been going through a difficult time in your life…

… and you have been working on yourself spiritually or trying to manifest something into your life…

Good news is…

… ringing in the right ear is a sign that your spiritual endeavors are coming to fruition.

And you should expect positive changes in your life, such as new opportunities, love, or money will be coming to you very soon.

4. Sit Tight: You’re About To Thrive.

Another possible meaning of ringing in the right ear is that something amazing is going to happen in your life.

Your guardian angels are alerting you that the new chapter in your life will be mainly positive.

No matter if it is the beginning of a new employment, a romantic relationship or a manifestation of something you wanted for so long.

Guess what…

It can also be a sign from the universe that it may be time for a twist of something.

Whatever it is, it will always be an incredible journey for you to enjoy.



5. Keep An Eye Out For Anything Negative

While the right ear is usually associated with positive stuff…

…it’s possible that your guardian angels are trying to warn you and stay away from people or things that are negative.

If you hear a ringing in your right ear, it could be a sign that the energies around you are not positive.

Evaluate your current relationships with your lover, friends and family…

… or in your work place to see if there are any connections that could be improved.

You will find immense value in doing so and receive more positive change in your life.

6. Messages from God Or Guardian Angels

Although the Bible never mentioned literally that God would send messages through ringing in our right ear…

… the Bible encourages us to clear our mind and listen to God’s Word.

According to Job 13:17, it mentioned “listen carefully” and “let my words ring in your ears”


If your ears are ringing, it could be a sign from God to pay attention to His messages.

The ringing may come in the form of words or spiritual ones that nobody else can hear.

Learn more about what the Bible says about manifestation.



Different Pitch, Volume, and Duration of Ear Ringing

Not all ear ringing is the same, and different types of ear ringing signify different spiritual or medical meanings.

Here are some of the different types of ear ringing and what they could mean:

1. High-Pitched Ringing – Spiritual Connection

High-pitched ringing in general is a sign that there is energy flowing through our Third Eye and Crown chakras…

… which forms a path to connect us with the universe.

The best part?

It is an indication that you are vibrating at a high vibrational frequency at the moment.

If you are on a spiritual journey, it’s a sign that all your endeavors are paying off.

Alternatively, if you are attempting to manifest anything, it is an indication that the manifestation will soon become a reality.

2. Low-Pitched Ringing – Raise Your Vibration

On the contrary, if you experience low-pitched ringing in your right ear, it is a sign that you’re in low vibration.

Usually, it is because your energy is being blocked in your lower chakras like Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus.

You may feel stressed, angry, anxious or even fear when you are in low vibration.

But don’t let the low-pitched ringing scare you.

This type of ringing in your right ear is a reminder from your guardian angels that you need to raise your vibration.

You may want to stay off the subjects that make you feel bad.

Walk in nature, chill out a little bit and do something you like.



3. Sudden & Loud Ringing – Stay Alert

If you suddenly hear a short and loud ringing in your ear, it could be a sign from your guardian angels to pay attention to your surroundings.

The ringing in your ear could be your mind’s subtle way of giving you guidance.

It may indicate there are things that require your awareness and discernment.

Here’s what you want to do:

Stay observant, vigilant, and listen to your intuition.

While the ringing could be alerting you to stay out of trouble…

… it could also indicate there are good opportunities nearby if you pay attention.

Be mindful and look for signs of something positive that could enhance your life.

The ringing may be the universe’s way of trying to get your attention so you notice something you normally wouldn’t.

Remain present and tuned into your surroundings – you never know what wisdom you might gain.

In either case, it is a spiritual message to share with you, and you need to be attentive to receive it.

4. Buzzing Sound – Message From The Universe

If you hear buzzing in your right ear, it’s a sign that you’re becoming more connected with the universe or the divine.

The buzzing sound is actually the sound of the universe. (Kinda like the sound of Om)

This sound is also usually associated with the frequency of the universe or god.

You would feel a sense of peacefulness while you are hearing this sound.

The more you practice your spirituality, the more often you will hear the buzzing sound and eventually blend in to your daily life



Symptom of Tinnitus

While the spiritual meaning of ear ringing is fascinating, it’s essential to consider medical reasons for this phenomenon if it comes with pain or discomfort.

Tinnitus is the medical term for ear ringing, and it’s common, especially among older people who may suffer from age-related hearing loss.

Tinnitus can also be caused by an ear injury, a circulatory system problem, earwax buildup, or a foreign object lodged in your ear.

If the ringing in your right ear is accompanied by pain or neurological problems, or if it comes and goes randomly, see a doctor straight away.

Final Thoughts

Ringing in the right ear is a unique and fascinating phenomenon that has a variety of spiritual meanings.

While some believe it’s a sign of good fortune or spiritual growth, others may experience it as a warning to distance themselves from negativity.

It’s essential to consider both spiritual and medical reasons for ear ringing and seek professional help if necessary.

Spiritual Meaning of Other Symptoms:

Left Ear Ringing
Left / Right Ear Burning
Itchy Left/Right Ear
Left Hand Itching
Thumb Itching


