Visualization For Manifestation: Techniques And Tips To Manifest What You Want


Visualization is a key manifestation technique used to intentionally manifesting desires through the Law of Attraction.

It involves using mental imagery to vividly depict as if one already has their goals or has become their ideal self.

Scientific studies have proven visualization’s benefits, with top athletes and public figures attributing success to its regular practice.

With dedication to regularly sharpening this manifestation method, one can effectively train their mind to attract their ideal life.

In this article, we will talk about what visualizaton is, how does visualization work, the benefits of using visualization, and tips to perform visualization to manifest your goals.

Let’s get into it.

Table of Content:

What is Visualization?

Visualization for manifestation is a practice where you can do it in your mind to imagine something you want to experience as if it is happening when it is being used for manifestations and the Law of Attraction.

You visualize yourself to have what you want or become the person you want to become.

During visualization, you are able to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch whatever it is in the vision you desire to experience.

This technique has been widely used by top athletes, top-performers in sales, business owners, public speakers, politicians to improve their performance and ultimately lead to the result they visualize.



Does Visualization Really Work?

Visualization is not a new or woo-woo practice to deceive people not to do the real work.

There is lots of research that has been done to prove the effectiveness and benefits of this practice. (which you will see in coming session)


Tons of extremely successful celebrities… Jim Carrey, Conor McGregor, LeBron James, Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey and many others…

…had openly contributed their successes to this practice over the years.

So, It is not even a question whether visualization would work or not, but how you can include this practice into your daily basics and gain benefits from it.

Why Is Visualization Important To Us?

Studies find visualization could be used to enhance public speaking performance as well as reduce speech anxiety. 

Research also shows that, by using visualization technique – mental rehearsal, athletes become calmer and more adapted to difficult situations.

It also contributes to the improvement of motor skills in the final stages of motor learning.

Begin with the end in mind.”

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – By Stephen R. Covey.

Here’s the thing…

If we apply all these studies into our daily life and how we do things, it’s not hard to understand that this is a key criteria for success.

Needless to say, visualizing your goals and dreams to match your vibrational energy is a common spiritual practice for manifestation.

So, if you want to achieve your goals and dreams a lot faster and easier, it is important to incorporate visualization into your daily routine.



More Scientific Researches on the Benefits of Visualization:

Other than enhancing performance in a personal level, there are more benefits to a person’s health:

How To Visualize What You Want?

In order to make the most out of your visualization process, here are the 5 steps I personally recommend to follow:

1. Be clear on exactly what you want

You have to be very clear and specific on what you do want instead of what you don’t what.

For example, if your goal is that “I don’t want to be overweight…”

Then you may want  to rephrase it into a more positive and specific way like: “I want to be as strong as Chris Hemsworth.”

2. Write down your vision in detail

In your vision, you have to pretend you are already the person who has achieved what you want as you attract who you are.

To further imprint this image in your subconscious mind, you can imagine more vividly what you see, hear, smell, taste or touch in the vision.

For example:
If your goal is to live in your dream house, imagine yourself being in that house, you are looking around the room while sitting on a very comfortable couch. Your loved ones are sitting next to you congratulating you on your success. The sun is shining through the window and making the whole room so bright and colorful. And the sun hitting on your skin makes you feel so warm, relaxed and comfortable…. etc.

You can add as many details as possible as long as it doesn’t overwhelm you.



3. Feel the good feeling while you are visualizing

Positive emotion is one of the most important factors that makes visualization works.

Involving positive emotions like love, appreciation, gratitude, passion, eagerness in your visualization can make it so much more powerful and effective to imprint your vision in your subconscious mind.

At the same time, these good feelings can help to raise your vibration and make the manifestation process faster and easier.

4. Take inspired actions

To achieve your goals and dreams, you can and you should take as many actions as you want.

The thing is…

You must not ignore and avoid taking inspired actions which usually feels like a gut feeling and internal nudge to urge you to do something.

Very often, inspired action can create the biggest impact and could be the most effective move to achieve what you want.

5. Withdraw yourself from reality

During the visualization process, you need to withdraw yourself from reality so that you can forget about all the limitations you have.

Your vision is supposed to create a new version of you who already has the knowledge, resource and mentality to revolve all the challenges you have today.

So, just let go for a moment and let yourself dwell in the powerful new version of you.



visualization techniques

Visualization Techniques & Tips: How To Practice Visualization Efficiently?

Hey, I know, not everyone is born to be good at visualizing whatever they want.

Good news is…

With the help of various visualization techniques and practice them persistently, you can be a master of your own mind.

And definitely you can use these techniques to achieve your goals, your dreams, and the success you want.

1. Mental Rehearsal Procedure

  1. Find a place or room with dim light and make sure you won’t be interrupted in the coming 30 mins.
  2. Sit on a chair that you can sit straight relaxingly. Lying down is also fine if you don’t fall asleep.
  3. Close your eyes, relax and take a few deep breaths slowly. Say to yourself that you are going to commit the next 30 mins into creating a positive and powerful new version of you.
  4. Now go through the visualization detail in your mind you have written down earlier.
  5. Start to see it in your own eyes that everything you want is happening around you and trigger all your senses.
  6. Feel how good it feels as all this good stuff is happening. The feeling of joy, love, appreciation and gratitude. Smile or laugh if you want.
  7. Dwell on your vision and feeling as long as you want.
  8. Before you end the session, fully express your gratitude to your vision like all you want is already given to you.
  9. Open your eyes, take a deep breath and smile.



2. Guided Visualization Meditation Audio or Script

It is absolutely easy and convenient to listen to a guided visualization meditation audio or by following a script.

The best thing is…

When you get distracted by your own train of thought, a guided audio can always get you back on track.

So you won’t dwell on things that are not relevant to your vision or on negative thoughts.

3. Index Cards

Write down each of your goals, one goal on a card, with the size of a business card.

The good thing about index cards is that you can bring it all along with you, put it in your pocket or in your wallet.

So, whenever you are taking a rest at work, you can take the cards out and go through them one by one.

*Note: When you write down your goals on the cards, write it in present tense or as you have already achieved it.



4. Vision Board

A vision board is a visual collage of images and words that represent your goals and dreams.

Normally it includes collages of cut-out pictures from magazines, words, quotes or affirmations that help inspire you to manifest your dreams and keep you on track on your life goals.

Hang your vision board somewhere you would at least be able to see it once a day.

5. Gratitude in Advance Visualization

Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe.”

By Neale Donald Walsch

The truth is…

… when we visualize what we want, our subconscious mind (or The Universe) does not care if it is an imagination or if it is really happening.

It will take it all in and give whatever it is required to manifest your dream.

And, by expressing your thankfulness before what you want has come, will strengthen the image in your brain.

It is also a good way to raise your own vibration too!



Tips to Improve your Visualization for Better Manifestation:

1. Listen to higher vibration music or manifestation frequencies

Listening to specific manifestation frequencies can help you to amplify your vibration during your meditation or visualization.

Manifestation frequencies in different Hertz have specific or multiple functions to different aspects in our life.

The easiest way to do it is to go to, or Spotify or Apple Music to search for the frequency based on what you need.

You can choose the one you need regarding to the functions or benefits of different frequencies:

  • 963 Hz – The Frequency of Gods. It helps to activate your pineal gland which generally helps you to manifest anything you want.
  • 852 Hz – It awakens your intuition which helps your manifestation.
  • 639 Hz – It is useful for manifesting love and relationships.
  • 528 Hz – The best frequency to reduce stress and relieve anxiety, which is good for manifesting wealth.
  • 432 Hz – The same frequency as the Universe. Which is also good for manifesting health.

2. Right after you wake up / Right before you sleep

Scientifically, practicing visualization right after you wake up can take advantage of our Alpha brain wave as you are very receptive to any idea in this stage.

Not to mention we are extremely close to our inner being right after we wake up or go to sleep.

3. Surrender and expect it to come

After we have done all the work and took all the inspired actions we could take…

Sometimes, what we really need is to trust the process and believe the Universe will attract what you want for your.

From time to time, the Universe would give you signs that you are on the right path.

If we can keep ourselves in a state of good feeling and expecting things to come most of the time in a day, that would be terrific.



How to use visualization to achieve your goals, dreams and success in life?

Let’s face it:

Sometimes life could be so rough that it drives us away from what we truly want in our life.

Visualization is one of the best ways to keep you focused on your big dreams and big goals, especially when you are in a tough time.

And even at the time you have no clues how you can achieve your goals and dreams, don’t stop visualizing them.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

When you want something bad enough, new opportunities or new paths must show up if you persist.


